how to become a bird whisperer

Is becoming a bird trainer right for me?

A combination of education, experience, and specialized training is usually required to become a bird trainer. The following actions can be taken to seek a career in bird training:

  • Get a strong foundation in biology or a related field: You can gain a solid understanding of animal behavior, physiology, and ecology by earning a bachelor’s degree in biology, zoology, animal behavior, or a related field. This knowledge is crucial for working effectively with birds.
  • Get practical experience working with birds: Look for opportunities to get hands-on experience working with birds. Seek for volunteer opportunities, internships, or part-time work at aviaries, zoos, wildlife rehabilitation facilities, or organizations that support birds. You will gain practical experience in handling birds, taking care of them, and observing their behavior.
  • Get more education and certifications: For bird trainers, there are specialized courses and certifications available. Seek out certifications, workshops, or courses from respectable establishments like the International Association of Avian Trainers and Educators (IAATE). These courses offer comprehensive instruction in behavior control, enrichment, welfare, and bird training methods.
  • Make connections and look for mentorship: Get in touch with experts who are currently engaged in the field of bird training. Participate in training sessions, workshops, and conferences about avian behavior. Join professional associations like IAATE and take part in their activities. Developing connections with knowledgeable bird trainers can lead to useful direction, counsel, and even employment opportunities.
  • Create a varied skill set: In addition to bird training, learn public speaking, creating educational programs, and taking care of animals. These extra abilities can increase your worth as a bird trainer and present chances for involvement in outreach or educational initiatives.
  • Look for job openings at zoos, aviaries, wildlife centers, and other establishments that work with birds and apply for positions that involve training birds. Tailor your resume to highlight relevant experience, education, and training. During interviews or auditions, be ready to showcase your practical skills and your ability to effectively handle and train birds.

Beneficial Resources Bird trainers can access a number of beneficial resources. Here are a few that you may find beneficial:

  • The International Association of Avian Trainers and Educators (IAATE) is a professional association whose mission is to advance education, welfare, and training for birds. They offer tools, chances for networking, and entry to yearly symposiums, conferences, and workshops where bird trainers can advance their expertise.
  • The US zoos and aquariums are accredited by the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA). They provide publications, training courses, and tools for caring for animals, including bird training. Articles, policies, and best practices for animal training and welfare can be found on the AZA website.
  • Avian Behavior International (ABI): ABI is a training and behavior organization for birds. They provide webinars, workshops, and online courses on a range of subjects pertaining to behavior control and avian training. A variety of bird species and training methods are covered by their resources.
  • The Parrot Society of America (PSA) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to protect and promote parrot welfare. They offer publications, articles, and educational materials about parrot behavior, care, and training. Joining PSA gives you access to their resources and facilitates networking with other bird lovers.
  • Participating in online communities and forums can prove to be an invaluable asset for avian trainers. Websites like Parrot Forum, Avian Avenue, and BirdTricks offer forums for conversing with other bird trainers, exchanging experiences, and looking for direction or advice on a range of bird training subjects.
  • Books and Publications: A number of books are available that address the care, behavior, and training of birds. “Don’t Shoot the Dog!: The New Art of Teaching and Training” by Karen Pryor, “The Parrot Problem Solver: Finding Solutions to Aggressive Behavior” by Barbara Heidenreich, and “The Complete Guide to Successful Parrot and Cockatiel Keeping” by Nikki Moustaki are a few recommended books. For those who train birds, these books can offer insightful analysis and useful advice.

how to become a bird whisperer

What I’ve Learned As An Animal Whisperer aka Pet Psychic

To me, an animal whisperer is someone who has the ability to perceive, sense, and hear animal thoughts. They have a keen sense of intuition, a deep affection for animals, and the ability to telepathize. Their intuitive talents and abilities include clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance.

What I Learned in the Process of Listening and Whispering to Animals

When I was four years old, my orange cat Josie taught me how to respect and comprehend the world using feline sensibilities. I was an only child living in a wooded, hilly, rural area outside Austin, Texas, with a view of Lake Travis.

One sunny, bright day, I adopted her—a feral cat. She fascinated me. I adored the way her fur was soft, her scent, and the way she walked.

She was never at ease with other people as she was with me, but we ended up becoming the best of friends. Every day, we would cuddle up for a nap together and talk to each other about our experiences and insights in life.


What is bird whisperer?

For the last five years, the former Army Special Forces soldier has been rescuing abused birds, mostly parrots, from private homes and nursing them back to health at a sanctuary he runs out of his own home in rural Northern California. To those familiar with his work, he is known as “The Bird Whisperer.”

Do birds understand each other when they chirp?

Different types of birds may understand what each other are saying. Birdsong is more like music, rather than a true language. Birds sing to attract mates and defend territories, and the information contained in the song is basically just “Listen to my song, isn’t it pretty?” or “Keep out, this area belongs to me!”

Do birds alert each other?

Birds’ alarm calls serve both to alert other birds to danger and to warn off predators. And some birds can pull a ventriloquist’s trick, singing from the side of their mouths, according to a UC Davis study.

What is an animal whisperer?

: a person who excels at calming or training usually hard-to-manage animals using noncoercive methods based especially on an understanding of the animals’ natural instincts.