how to be an urban birder

“A good read and well priced. I’m sure many of you will enjoy it. “—John Miles, Birdwatching Magazine.

“By paying attention to what Lindo says, people can learn to see that nature is right outside their door—namely, urban birds. “—Conservation Biology.

“David Lindo’s How to Be an Urban Birder is a great resource for anyone looking for an urban nature manual.” “—Patrick Barkham, The Guardian.

“After sparking a U. K. After ten years of involvement in the birding movement, Lindo is now taking his message global with the release of his new book, How to Be an Urban Birder, in August. With more than 200 pages, the book is an enjoyable and approachable read for novice birdwatchers worldwide, and it is brimming with images, illustrations, advice, and anecdotes. “—Bryony Angell, Audubon.

Urban birding is fast becoming ornithology’s new rock ’n’ roll. There has never been a better time to enjoy birds and birding, and urban birding is at the forefront. The world’s first guide to the art of urban birding, How to Be an Urban Birder by urban birding pioneer David Lindo provides all the information you need to know about birds and birding in UK towns and cities. Urban birding is a simple and enjoyable pastime.

Vote National Bird Campaign Results

Here are the results of the nation’s vote for Britain’s First National Bird.

Many thanks to everyone who voted, and congrats to The Robin, who was chosen as the most popular bird.

The full positional list is provided here so you can see how your preferred option performed.

We have two commemorative T-shirts that have been specially designed to commemorate this historic occasion.

Simply Click on a T to order.

Prominent artist Rose Wylie RA, depicted in white, with the T-shirt’s title and signature printed on it

‘Now you don’t see it Now you do’ (King Robin)

Creatively created and manufactured by emerging fashion designers Glenda and Georgie David Lindo will personally sign the first 50.

This campaign would not have been possible without the invaluable assistance and backing of a few exceptional people and organizations.

how to be an urban birder

how to be an urban birder

how to be an urban birder

how to be an urban birder


How do you become a professional bird watcher?

Understanding the Role of a Birding Guide One can start by taking courses in ornithology, ecology, and bird observations and behavior. Additionally, practical experience in conducting surveys and participating in bird-watching activities will provide valuable knowledge and skills.

What are the different types of birders?

He explained how he felt there were four different kinds of birders—recreational, educational, avid and rabid.