how to attract red cardinals birds

As one of the most popular birds in America, its easy to see why birdwatchers love their brilliant red plumage.

Attracting birds with flowing fountains and homemade suet cakes are easy ways to invite feathered species of all kinds to your homestead. And this is true for attracting one of North Americas most recognized birds: the Northern cardinal. Its should come as no surprise that the cardinal is the official state bird of seven eastern states; after all, cardinals are commonly seen in diverse landscapes across the eastern half of the United States, from Maine to southern Florida to Texas as well as parts of Mexico. The red cardinals, known for their brilliant plumage, are males who use their colorful status to attract their female counterparts who are brown. Both male and female cardinals have a striking diamond-like peak on their face and each can carry a joyful tune, one of the primary reasons why birdwatchers want them close to home.

So, whats the secret to luring these beloved songbirds to your neck of the woods? We asked two experts—Jessica Jane MacMurchy, the adoption coordinator at Animal Charity of Ohio, and Jillian Bell, Audubon Connecticuts bird-friendly community program (BFC) associate, and heres what they had to say.

2. Use Proper Feeders

You must choose the right kinds of feeders to go with the food you provide for your cardinal friends. Your bird feeders must be strong enough to hold the birds. A cardinal’s weight is roughly equivalent to nine U S. nickels (1. 5 ounces), which is somewhat heavy for a bird feeder. Actually, it’s best to stay away from lightweight hanging feeders because they could wobble under the weight of a cardinal. Generally speaking, platform feeders and bird feeders with integrated trays that offer sufficient room for perching are recommended. Because they are larger, full-breasted birds, cardinals need more room when they visit a feeder.

Are Cardinals in My Area?

how to attract red cardinals birds

Because they don’t migrate, Northern Cardinals are likely to stay in your yard all year long once you attract them. However, this also implies that you won’t be able to do anything to draw Cardinals to your yard if they aren’t native to your area.

There are cardinals in parts of southern Canada and as far north as Maine in the north. They stretch through Central America and the Gulf Coast in the south. They are indigenous to Texas and South Dakota in the West. Cardinals have been brought to Hawaii, southwestern California, and Bermuda in addition to their original habitats.

Choose the right bird feeder and seed variety.

When buying a bird feeder, keep in mind that cardinals are ground feeders. MacMurchy suggests investing in a platform-style or non-hanging bird feeder to allow the cardinals to take a break during their feeding session. Because of their strong, cone-shaped beaks, cardinals can eat hard-shelled sunflower and safflower seeds. Cardinals are not the only birds drawn to black-oil sunflower seeds; striped sunflower seeds are more difficult for other birds to crack open, making it easier for cardinals to reach the seed inside. To find out which kind of bird seed your local cardinals prefer, experiment with a blend.

Additionally, the location of your bird feeder can affect Putting your feeder closets next to the greenest or densest shrubs in your yard and positioning a birdbath a short distance away will boost your chances of seeing a cardinal, according to MacMurchy.


What attracts red cardinals?

Natural fruits that attract these birds include blueberry bushes, mulberry trees, and other dark-colored berries. Bird seeds that have been known to attract Cardinals include black oil sunflower, cracked corn, suet, Nyjer® seed, mealworms, peanuts, safflower, striped sunflower, and sunflower hearts and chips.

What kind of trees do cardinals nest in?

Nest Placement They use many kinds of trees and shrubs, including dogwood, honeysuckle, hawthorn, grape, redcedar, spruce, pines, hemlock, rose bushes, blackberry brambles, elms, sugar maples, and box elders.

What time of day are cardinals most active?

They will visit feeders at any time of day, but are typically the most numerous at dusk or dawn and are often the first and last birds at the feeders. The Pyrrhuloxia is sometimes called a desert cardinal.

Why would cardinals stop coming to feeder?

Poorly designed feeders, or those in disrepair, can keep birds away. Make sure your feeders are in good working order and that the food is easy for the birds to retrieve from them.