how to attract blue birds

After 13 to 16 days, the eggs hatch, and the male returns to carefully assist with the babies’ care.

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All the bluebirds in the Northeast and Canada migrate, but in Georgia there is up to a 100% increase in bluebirds in the winter months as some stay year round. (Some also migrate further South.)

Bluebirds are beloved! Songs, poems by poets including John Burroughs and Robert Frost, and art by a range of artists reference bluebirds. The link to Bluebird of Happiness Day on September 24 includes a nice history about the special place bluebirds have in our hearts. The idea that bluebirds are a symbol of happiness was originally held by the Chinese who thought the bird was an immortal protector and a symbol of the sun but many cultures including Native Americans have positive beliefs around the bluebird.

Eastern bluebirds can live up to 6 to 10 years. Ten years and five months is the oldest known wild individual’s lifespan. Sadly, the majority of bluebirds pass away in their first year of life, meaning that their average lifespans are significantly lower. For this reason, we desire that the bluebirds produce two or even three broods annually.

4. Plant native berry bushes and trees.

Planting native shrubs and trees with berries is a great way to attract bluebirds to your yard, as they prefer to eat large amounts of fruit during the cooler months. Mistletoe, sumac, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, black cherry, tupelo, currants, dogwood berries, wild holly, pokeweed, juniper berries, elderberries, and chokecherries are popular options. Plant these plants in different areas of your yard, leaving space between them to create an eye-catching habitat.

If you want to experience the gorgeous hues and soothing birdsong of bluebirds, follow these simple tricks.

By Sandi Schwartz | Published Sep 9, 2022 9:31 AM

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As enduring as their portrayals in popular culture, such as “Snow White,” bluebirds are cheerful, calm, and colorful. They are especially attractive because of their gorgeous royal blue coloring and endearing birdsong. They also eat insects, which only adds to their appeal. However, it’s important to distinguish bluebirds from blue jays, which can grow to be 10 to 12 inches long, louder, and have stronger beaks.

Little thrushes, songbirds related to the American robin, are all three North American bluebirds: the eastern, western, and mountain bluebirds. The mountain bluebird inhabits areas as far north as Alaska, as far east as the Great Plains, and as far south as Central Mexico. The western bluebird is found in the Rockies, along the California coast, and throughout a large portion of the Southwest. The eastern bluebird is found east of the Rockies, from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico.

The good news is that bluebirds are a year-round fixture in backyards, so if you use these pointers and strategies to draw them in, you can enjoy their company for a significant portion of the year.


What can I put out to attract bluebirds?

Provide food such as meal worms, suet balls or seed consisting all or in part of sunflower chips. Water in the form of a small pond or bird bath.

Are bluebirds hard to attract?

Create a natural habitat: Bluebirds prefer open areas with scattered trees and bushes, so creating a natural habitat with a mix of plants can help attract them to your yard. Keep the area clean: Bluebirds prefer a clean environment, so make sure to keep your yard free of debris and trash that can attract predators.

What is the best birdhouse to attract bluebirds?

Some studies have demonstrated that eastern bluebirds favor boxes equipped with oval holes over slot boxes as much as two-to-one. In one study, bluebirds nesting in boxes with oval holes fledged more young (3.1 per box) than boxes with slots (2.36 per box) or round holes (0.94 per box).