how much did flappy bird cost to make

Mobile game Flappy Bird was launched in May 2013 by Vietnam-based developer Dong Nguyen and published by DotGEARS Studios. It became popular fast, generating 50 million downloads by January 2014, making it one of the top free games on the Android and iOS app stores. The obvious question is – how much did Flappy Bird make? The game’s author claimed that it generated $50,000 a day in in-app advertising.

It was criticized quickly for its similar design to Super Mario. Blaming its addictive nature, developer Nguyen removed the game from the app stores in February 2014, citing guilt as a major reason.

Mobile game Flappy Bird was launched in May 2013 by Vietnam-based developer Dong Nguyen and published by DotGEARS Studios. It became popular fast, generating 50 million downloads by January 2014, making it one of the top free games on the Android and iOS app stores. The obvious question is – how much did Flappy Bird make? The game’s author claimed that it generated $50,000 a day in in-app advertising.

It was criticized quickly for its similar design to Super Mario. Blaming its addictive nature, developer Nguyen removed the game from the app stores in February 2014, citing guilt as a major reason.

A graph displaying success rates versus failures in 419,000 attempts at the game was created by Canadian software developer Connor Sauve. After almost 200 tries, one user managed to survive for a mere 15 seconds. Additionally, the data demonstrates that players who were more proficient at the game typically quit sooner than those who weren’t

Figures from App Annie give a slightly different impression of Flappy Bird’s success. The game had sharp spikes in downloads over the course of a day, according to rank history, before falling off. This would imply that marketing strategies, like using bot farms, were used to raise the game’s profile and eventually result in organic downloads.

“It’s kind of ironic that the app is probably making more money now than it was a week ago,” remarked Krisha Subramanian, a prominent mobile ad network platform co-founder who later sold Mobclix. She also pointed out the attention Nguyen garnered by announcing in advance that he would close Flappy Bird. “Ad impressions and revenue will continue to be generated by anyone using the app on their phone.” The more addicts there are, the more money is being made from advertisements. “.

Then, one could draw the conclusion that Nguyen was more concerned about his moral obligations than the fact that his parents’ doorstep was being regularly visited by trucks loaded with cash.

Naturally, there’s a chance that Nguyen will decide he has had enough of the Flappy Bird craze and shut off the advertising spigot. Subramanian clarified, “That’s a simple matter, probably little more than flipping a switch in an online dashboard for an ad network.” But why would he do that, Subramanian wondered. “Its just free money at this point. “.

There has been a worldwide uproar in the last few days following Nguyen’s decision to cease making the game available for download, which seemed to be made for no apparent reason. Some individuals were afraid they wouldn’t be able to continue playing the extremely addictive game. Conversely, many were astounded that the developer—a single man residing in Vietnam with his parents—would simply up and leave the wealth that was flooding in.

In his now famous tweet, on February 8, he wrote, “22 hours from now, I will take Flappy Bird down. I cannot take this anymore.” It has been retweeted 144,489 times as of this writing, a sign of the worldwide craze this small, simple game stirred up. It followed a string of tweets in which he indicated he was succumbing to the stress of global attention and demands on his time — not to mention a universal narrative in which countless numbers of people were sharing their addiction to the game on social media.


How much does it cost to make a game like Flappy Bird?

Mobile Game Type
Game Cost
Mini Game
Flappy Bird, Pac-Man, etc.
3000 to 5000$
Simple 2D Game
Flappy Slendrina, Red Ball, etc.
5000 to 14000$
Social Game
Farm Ville, Facebook Games, etc.
16000 to 22000$
Mid-Level Game
Angrybirds, Candy Crush, etc.
20,000 to 32,000$

How much money did Flappy Bird made?

At its peak, it was generating about $50,000 per day. It was run by one man, Dong Nguyen, an indie game developer in Vietnam.

How much money did the game Flappy Bird make?

In 2013, a seemingly simple mobile game called Flappy Bird took the world by storm, becoming an overnight sensation that garnered 90 million downloads and raked in $50,000 a day in ad revenue. But just as swiftly as it had risen to fame, its creator, Dong Nguyen, made the shocking decision to shut it down.

Why did Flappy Bird get banned?

Flappy Bird was removed from both the App Store and Google Play on February 10, 2014, with Nguyen claiming that he felt guilty over what he considered to be the game’s addictive nature and overusage.