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Searching for birds for sale? Before you even think of purchasing one of these sensitive and complex animals at a “pet” store, from a breeder, or anywhere else, be sure to check out the 10 shocking “pet” bird facts below to learn why you should never buy them.

7. Macaws Can Live for 80 Years

When the birds are still very young, many customers buy parrots on a whim from pet stores or breeders. But buyers beware: some retailers will deliberately omit information about the high level of long-term, specialized care that birds like these—which can live for multiple decades—require in order to achieve a semblance of a tolerable life in order to sell as many birds as possible. For example, when purchasing a parrot as a “pet,” some people are unaware that the bird may outlive them.

never buy scarlet macaws or other birds for sale as pets never buy scarlet macaws or other birds for sale as pets ©

A multigenerational plan must be in place for anyone purchasing a macaw from a breeder or pet store in order to ensure that the animal has a secure home for the duration of its life. This entails obtaining the promise of a different human guardian, or guardians, to provide the bird with appropriate care following the death of its initial human companion.

10. Birds Kept as Pets Are Often Neglected and Misunderstood

Many caged birds kept as “pets” may bite, scream, pick their own feathers, self-mutilate, eat too little, pace, or swing their heads as a result of their almost constant depression, loneliness, and unhappiness. Never purchase birds as “pets” from a seller if you can’t handle the following kinds of behavior.

  • Biting: This is often a sign of stress and fear. When a bird is afraid, it will often bite and try to defend itself, but it can also bite for amusement. After all, they have beaks to crack open seeds and nuts. Additionally, they have evolved over generations to communicate with other beaked animals rather than with fleshy, soft humans. A naturally curious bird can quickly pierce a human lip or nostril, but this is not an aggressive behavior; rather, it is a behavior motivated by curiosity.
  • Screaming: An abrupt escalation or decrease in a bird’s screaming, screeching, or other vocalizations could be a sign of stress, discontent, deprivation, or illness. However, some birds, like cockatoos, just enjoy screaming. They enjoy and find pleasure in seeing how loud they can get.
  • Feather picking is a common way for internal stress, heartbreak, or frustration to come outward. This unsettling behavior can also develop in smaller species, such as Quaker parrots and lovebirds, even though it is typically observed in larger species like African grey parrots, cockatoos, and eclectus parrots. Certain birds will begin to pick due to a particular trigger or trauma, like loud noises from construction or home improvement projects, and they might keep picking long after the tense incident has passed.
  • Self-mutilation: When a bird is extremely distressed or unhappy, they may do more than just pluck feathers; in certain situations, they will even dig into their skin and bone, causing serious damage. Many birds begin to mutilate themselves after their owners abandon them and move them from house to house because they can no longer afford to take care of them. They will turn their loneliness or abandonment-related stress and suffering toward themselves.
  • Decreased appetite: Depressed birds may eat less and lose weight.
  • Other: Several species, particularly cockatoos, exhibit stereotypical (repetitive) behaviors related to stress, like pacing, toe tapping, and head swinging. These are often self-stimulating behaviors that birds engage in when they are extremely frustrated.

8. Birds Need to See Expensive Avian Veterinarians for Bloodwork

Did you know that some bird species can suffer a serious and potentially fatal calcium deficiency during the egg-forming process? Or that birds require fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis?

Caring for birds in a way that keeps them even relatively happy and healthy is no easy feat, and they have many species-specific needs. For example, many owners don’t realize that some bird species must spend a certain amount of time in the dark to keep from developing or laying eggs—and female birds can become ill or even die if eggs become stuck inside their bodies.

It might be challenging to locate a reputable veterinarian in your area that specializes in bird care. Another compelling argument against purchasing birds for sale is that you will never be able to locate a reputable avian veterinarian in your area.