how many kids does larry bird have

Larry Bird has a daughter named Corrie Bird with his former wife Janet Condra. Corrie was born on August 14, 1977, two years before “The Hick from French Lick” played for the Boston Celtics in the NBA.

The basketball star and Condra got married in 1975 but broke up a year later. Bird’s career in pro basketball forced him out of his daughter’s life for nearly her entire childhood.

As a result of playing in the NBA, it was the mother and daughter who got close. “Larry Legend,” however, became even more distant from Corrie.

In an interview with Oprah Winfrey, Corrie Bird expressed how she wished things were different between her and the Celtics legend. She narrated how she once decorated her room with posters and clippings of her father’s iconic exploits in the NBA.

The Hall of Famer, a few years after his retirement, admitted his failures as a father due to the demands of the NBA. Janet Condra has also accused him of being an irresponsible and negligent father.

Corrie Bird has been involved in the healthcare industry for years and is considered one of the best in her field. Expand Tweet

In 1989, Bird married Dinah Mattingly. The couple has two adopted children, Connor and Mariah. All three of “Larry Legend’s” children are heirs to his wealth.

In popular culture edit

In 1975, Bird married Janet Condra. They remained married for less than a year. Bird and Condra tried to make amends, and in 1977 they had a daughter named Corrie. [141].

Bird married Dinah Mattingly in 1989. They have two adopted children, Conner and Mariah. [141].

Bird resided in the Brookline, Massachusetts, suburb of Boston for the duration of his professional career with the Celtics. [142].

Awards and honors edit


USA Basketball

  • 1992 Olympic gold medal (U.S. national team)[131]



Coaching and executive careers edit A Larry Bird plaque at

From 1992 until 1997, Bird worked for the Celtics as a special assistant in the front office. [118] Bird stated he would serve as the Indiana Pacers’ coach for no more than three years when he accepted the job in 1997[119]. [120] The Pacers had their best record as an NBA team at the time, 58-24, under Bird’s leadership in the 1997–98 season,[121] and forced the Chicago Bulls to seven games in the Eastern Conference finals. Bird had no prior coaching experience. [121] For his achievements, he was named the NBA Coach of the Year. [122] After that, Bird guided the Pacers to back-to-back Central Division crowns in 1999 and 2000 as well as a trip to the 2000 NBA Finals. [121] Following through on his initial pledge to coach for just three years, Bird resigned as head coach soon after the 2000 season ended. [123].

Bird joined the Indiana Pacers in 2003 as the team’s president of basketball operations. [124] Bird became the only person in NBA history to win Coach of the Year, Executive of the Year, and NBA MVP after winning NBA Executive of the Year following the 2011–2012 season. [125] Bird and the Pacers announced their separation on June 27, 2012, one day prior to the 2012 NBA draft. Bird cited health concerns as one of the reasons for his departure. [126] In 2013, Bird joined the Pacers once more as president of basketball operations. [6] He resigned from the team once more in 2017, but continued to serve as an advisor. [127] Up until July 2022, when he “stepped back from maintaining an active role with the Indiana Pacers,” he remained an advisor. [128] It was revealed almost a year later in June 2023 that Bird had been rehired by the Pacers as a consultant. [8].


Does Larry Bird have any biological children?

For instance, fans didn’t know the NBA legend had a biological daughter. Well, I’m here to remedy that. In today’s article, I’ll dive into the life of Corrie Bird, Larry’s eldest daughter. From her childhood to her career, I’ll cover it all.

Is Larry Bird married and how many children does he have?

He has been in two celebrity relationships. They got married in 1989 and adopted two children: Connor and Mariah Bird. Her two sons with King, Chance, 21, and Cannon, 20, as well as King’s son Larry Jr., 59, by his second wife Annette Kaye, are well provided for according to the trust, sources told The Post.

What is the net worth of Larry Bird?

Larry Bird’s Net Worth Analysis As of 2024, Larry Bird’s net worth is estimated at approximately $75 million, demonstrating the culmination of his career earnings, prudent investments, and successful endorsement ventures.