how many bird houses should i have

Good Bird House Design

All of the wild bird houses that The Backyard Naturalist stocks are “anatomically” or ornithologically correct, which means that careful consideration and research have gone into the design to guarantee that the intended occupants’ biological needs are being met.

First and foremost, the entrance hole’s diameter should be between one and one 25 inches. Too small and no one fits in. Too large and unwanted visitors, such as starlings and house sparrows, or even raccoons and squirrels, will be able to enter. See below for more info about protection from predators.

If there is more than one entry, get a hole reducer. 25 inches in diameter. Ask us at the store.

Access to the inside of your nest box is important. To greatly ease the process of clearing nests between broods, look for a hinged side or lifting roof.

Perches are completely superfluous for nesting birds, and they may even facilitate predator access.

A lovely feature that can help keep driving rain out and deter predators from reaching inside the house is a sloped roof that extends over the front and sides. This is especially important for Bluebird nesting boxes.

The Backyard Naturalist’s Tips for Choosing a Wild Bird House

A well-built bird house, also called a nest box, mimics the ideal natural habitat for cavity nesters, offering them comfort, seclusion, and protection while also satisfying their biological needs and preferences. (Not all birds, such as cardinals, bluejays, goldfinches, and robins, build their nests in cavities. ).

Eastern Screech-owl, Red Morph

Which birds will nest in your box will depend in part on the vegetation surrounding it, as different bird species have preferences for different types of nesting habitat. Remember: right box, right place. For instance, bluebird nest boxes ought to be positioned in open areas. Refer to the habitat requirements page for specific information.

If you have enough space and want to draw in a range of species, you might think about matching up your nest boxes. This entails putting boxes on poles spaced 15 to 25 feet apart in pairs. Alternately, you could stack two boxes on top of one pole. Even though they will chase away members of their own species, birds like bluebirds and tree swallows will build their nests close to one another. The benefit of pairing boxes is that more birds of both species can live in harmony together in the same area.

A word of caution: Although cultivated fields, yards, gardens, and golf courses may make excellent nest box habitats, stay away from areas that use pesticides or herbicides. Not only do these hurt birds, but they also reduce and occasionally eradicate insect populations, which serve as many cavity-nesting species’ main food source.


Can you put two bird houses next to each other?

This involves placing boxes in pairs on poles 15 to 25 feet apart. Or, you can put two boxes back to back on a single pole. Birds such as Tree Swallows and bluebirds will nest closely to one another, although they will drive away others of their own species.

How far apart should bird houses be?

Most cavity-nesting birds defend territories, so don’t overcrowd an area with nest boxes for a single species. Usually, nest boxes should be placed 50 feet or more apart. Swallows, however, will tolerate neighbors and will sometimes nest in “apartment” birdhouses. Build your nest box so that it is easily maintained.

Can you have more than one bird house?

It’s ok to have more than one bird house in your yard! In fact, it’s better. It’s better to encourage different species who can coexist in the same general area. Since nesting birds will become territorial, same species will bird houses placed in different parts of your yard and out of the line of sight of each other.

Do different bird houses attract different birds?

However, if you want to attract a specific species, in most cases, you will need to build or buy a specific type of bird house. For example, Purple Martins nest in colonies and Robins nest on platforms without roofs.