how do you keep raccoons from bird feeders

During the cold winter months, birds arent the only ones in search of a meal. Squirrels might be your main problem when it comes to your backyard bird feeders. But, consider that nocturnal mammals, like the raccoon, are attracted to available food sources.

You may have already found a way to combat those bothersome squirrels. If these masked bandits are visiting your feeders too, you will need to develop a strategy to keep them out.

4. Tamper with Your Bird Seed

Raccoons and other mammals are sensitive to spices, particularly hot ones. You can buy suet and seed that has already been seasoned with hot pepper. Alternatively, you can simply make your own by soaking your seeds in hot pepper oil. Since birds are not as sensitive to spices as raccoons are, this may be one of the most effective deterrents. You may be worried that the hot spice will hurt these fuzzy feeder raiders, but don’t be; it will only cause them some minor annoyance. They won’t be permanently damaged, but they will be less likely to raid your feeders in the future.

2. Move Your Feeders

You carefully considered where to put your bird feeders. As a general guideline for bird safety, you most likely put at least one or two close to trees for easy access. When a predator surprises a bird while it is feeding, it can flee to the trees. But you’ll have to reconsider where you put your feeders if these tree-climbing criminals are taking advantage of them. Take those feeders off of decks, under trees, and away from your home. These areas give raccoons the chance to hop onto your bird feeders. To make it more difficult for raccoons to access these feeders, you might want to mount them atop wooden poles or hang them from plant hangers in an open area.

5. Baffle Those Critters

Similar to those annoying squirrels, you may also try using a baffle to keep raccoons away from your bird feeders. Remember that a raccoon weighs more than a squirrel, so you’ll need to select the right size baffle for it. There’s a good chance the raccoon will figure out a way around the baffle if it’s too tiny.

The torpedo baffle and the stovepipe baffle are the two baffles that experts believe are most effective at keeping raccoons away. These are two long, swaying barrels that slide over the poles. It is advised that you obtain the longest baffle possible. My local wildlife group suggested a baffle that is 8 inches wide and 24 inches long when I called them to inquire further. For optimal results, when you set up your baffle, make sure to keep the feeder as far away from it as you can. To achieve this, you may want to think about mounting the feeder atop a higher pole than the one you currently have.


What keeps raccoons out of bird feeders?

Adding a steel raccoon baffle to your feeder pole is the most effective way to stop raccoons. Squirrel baffles won’t do the job. Raccoon baffles are much larger, a full 10″ in diameter and about 2 feet tall, preventing the crafty critters from reaching over or “hugging” their way over it.

What can you put around your yard to keep raccoons away?

Scatter or spray pepper By mixing cayenne pepper and onion in boiling water, you can create a natural raccoon repellant. You can add hot sauce to the mixture, as well. To be effective, you’ll need to spray your yard and house baseline at least twice a week and any time it rains.

Will cayenne pepper keep raccoons away from bird feeders?

Raccoons One of the best ways to keep these rascals away from bird feeders is to sprinkle cayenne pepper in your bird seed and on the ground around your feeder. (This works on garbage cans, too!) The spice is simply too strong for raccoons to consume and they stay away. Birds, however, don’t mind cayenne at all.

How do I stop feeding raccoons?

How can I stop raccoons eating from my bird feeder? The simplest solution to raccoons at your bird feeders is to remove them at night and put them back outside in the morning. If that’s not an option, you can: Remove your bird feeders for a week or slowly reduce the amount of food in the feeders.