how big are bird houses

These are the standard measurements that you can use to create custom homes for some commonly beautiful birds if you’re looking to build a birdhouse. Make use of these measurements to improve your chances of drawing in your feathered companions. You can slightly adjust the height placement and the box dimensions don’t have to be precise to the nearest fraction of an inch, but you should use the appropriate hole size. Although the outside of the house can be painted or stained, it is preferable to leave the interior unfinished.

Observing birds that visit your backyard to feed them is only half the fun of backyard birdwatching; the experience is enhanced when you provide a birdhouse. One size doesn’t fit all birds, though. One that is both the right size and location will let you watch them go about their family life, from building nests to caring for their young. With any luck, you might even catch a glimpse of the fledglings leaving their nest (or a motion-activated camera).

The majority of general stores and hardware stores have birdhouses available for wrens, bluebirds, Purple Martins, screech owls, and occasionally wood ducks. Other sources are birdseed stores and the internet. Cheap birdhouses can be found at discount stores, but they are typically examples of what we pay for—wood that isn’t suitable for long-term use, plastics that don’t “breathe,” and a lack of an accessible cleaning aperture. What to look for in a good quality birdhouse.

In the United States, about 85 different species of birds build their nests in cavities in dead or dying trees. These trees are frequently chopped down and removed from cities, leaving a grave shortage of places for them to nest. (Outside of town, things aren’t much better; habitat degradation is driving down some bird populations.) Hence, giving them a birdhouse—or two, or three—helps to lessen their hardship.

Color matters. There are lots of beautiful birdhouses with decorations, electronics, and vivid colors available. However, since birds seek out “trees” and concealment, it may be more difficult to attract them to these Birds, by and large, are attracted to earth tones.

Roughly thirty species of cavity-nesting birds are amenable to using birdhouses. You can use this chart to choose (or construct) the appropriate size.


How big should a bird house?

Hole diameter (inches)
Floor size (inches)
1 or more open sides
6 x 8
Screech Owl
8 x 8
Sparrow Hawk
8 x 8
Titmouse species
4 x 4

What size hole is best for a bird house?

Diameter of the entrance hole should be between 1 and 1.25 inches. Too small and no one fits in. Too big and guests you don’t want, like House Sparrows and Starlings (or even squirrels and raccoons) will get in. See below for more info about protection from predators.

How big should a bird nest be?

Bird Species
Hole Size
Nest Box
Blue & Coal Tit
Natural Log Tit Nest Box
Blue/Coal/Marsh/Great Tit and Tree Sparrow
Wooden Tit Nest Box
House/Tree Sparrow, Great Tit, Pied Flycatcher and Nuthatch
Sparrow Wooden Nest Box
Starling Wooden Nest Box

Do birds like small bird houses?

Clearly, birds do like nesting in bird houses (nest boxes), otherwise, they wouldn’t do it. But not all birds will nest in nest boxes, only those who are “cavity nesters” will. Cavity nesters are birds that nest in holes in trees or other “cavities”.