have gun will travel the bird of time

A man named Stryker is hanging from a tree when Paladin rides upon him. He claims he has more compelling reasons and hopes that Paladin won’t obstruct him when he finds out that Paladin is pursuing the same man under a warrant. Read allPaladin rides atop Stryker, a man who is dangling from a tree. He claims he has more compelling reasons and hopes that Paladin won’t obstruct him when he finds out that Paladin is pursuing the same man under a warrant. Later, after the man is hurt and under his care, Paladin assists him in reaching what he recalls as Read allPaladin rides atop Stryker, a man who is dangling from a tree. He claims he has more compelling reasons and hopes that Paladin won’t obstruct him when he finds out that Paladin is pursuing the same man under a warrant. Later, after the man is hurt and under his care, Paladin assists him in reaching Sky Blue, which he recalls as a welcoming location.

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What was the name of the star of Have Gun Will Travel?

Have Gun – Will Travel
Richard Boone Kam Tong
Narrated by
Richard Boone
Ending theme
“The Ballad of Paladin”
Bernard Herrmann Johnny Western Richard Boone Sam Rolfe