does deet kill bird mites

Bird mites are arachnids (8 legged creatures) that are too small to be seen easily with the naked eye. They infest bedrooms and bathrooms but can quickly spread to carpeting, bedding, upholstered furniture, or clothing. They hide in cracks and darkened areas in the home or office when not active. They tend to congregate where human beings work or play, near the computer, in cars, and the like.

The first step in managing bird mites is locating and removing bird roosts and nests. Make sure to wear gloves and a long-sleeved shirt when removing nests. The nest debris should be carefully disposed of by placing it in a plastic garbage bag. There is a caveat regarding the removal of nests. The Federal Migratory Bird Treaty of 1918 protects some bird nests, such as those of chimney swifts, from destruction, but permits the removal of pigeon, sparrow, and starling nests.

Installing a screened cap on your chimney during the fall, when they aren’t nesting, is the best course of action in this case. After the nest has been removed, the surrounding area needs to be treated with a synthetic pyrethroid, such as lamda cyhalothrin, cyfluthrin, or bifinthrin. Once this is finished, you should attempt to deter future avian tenants from using the nesting site. Close up or seal any gaps in your home’s eaves, wall voids, and roof areas. Remember to inspect the areas around your window air conditioners and window ledges.

During this season, there are instances when individuals purposefully bring in bird nests to use as decorations. Although they can bite people, bird mites do not pose a health risk. They are mostly just an annoyance and don’t spread any diseases to us. But bird mites caused headlines two years ago in North Carolina, last year in Idaho, and most recently in New York City when they drove people out of their homes.

Use a “bug bomb” and vacuum the room if you think these creatures have already taken over your home. That ought to work, or you could just wait them out. After their bird meal is gone, the mites won’t live for more than a week. Simply coat it with a repellent that contains picaridan or DEET to make it unappetizing. But if there is a persistent population of pigeons or other nesting/roosting birds, the issue may grow beyond a minor annoyance. At that point, you must get in touch with a qualified pest control expert.

Regarding the woman in New York, she was taken from her residence wearing a HazMat suit and brought to a nearby hospital where she received treatment for the bites for two days. Apart from a rash, the woman experienced minimal physical disability. But the emotional distress was sufficient to prompt her to sue her landlord.

What do bird mites eat?

Bird mites are parasites that feed on blood, just like other mites. The female mite needs blood to reproduce (like mosquitos). Their first food choice is young birds. But once the birds have left (as when young birds leave the nest), they will attack humans and other mammals. If they are fed properly, the population grows into the thousands very quickly. People frequently feel overpowered by this invisible and mostly hidden scourge.

Where to look for infested bird nests

The most popular method for getting rid of bird mites in Des Moines is to find and destroy infected nests near your home. These nests can be:

  • Around the eaves of homes.
  • Inside chimneys.
  • In spaces under the roof of a home.
  • In cavities in the outside walls.
  • In foundations and basements.
  • Around porches.
  • On window ledges.


Does DEET repel bird mites?

The best way to avoid bird mite bites is to apply an insect repellant containing diethyl meta-toluamide (DEET) or 3-methyl-n->diethylbenzamide. An anti-itch cream or lotion may reduce irritation associated with bites.

Will bug spray kill bird mites?

An insecticide application around the outside, especially around windows, doors and other possible entry points, helps keep bird mites out of a home. Effective insecticides include: permethrin, ß-cyfluthrin, or deltamethrin. Another option is to hire a professional pest management service to treat your home.

What kills bird mites on skin?

A chemical insecticide, like permethrin, ß-cyfluthrin, or deltamethrin, will kill bird mites on contact.

What chemicals kill bird mites?

Getting Rid of Bird Mites To prevent an infestation altogether, experts recommend that you: Remove any empty nests or dead birds and get rid of them. Spray your home with effective insecticides like permethrin, ß-cyfluthrin, or deltamethrin.