do whirly birds actually work

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The Benefits of Roof Whirlybirds

• Eliminates excess heat; reduces mold and moisture; enhances air quality and eliminates odors; is inexpensive to install and free of charge; reduces the need for air conditioning and heating; and comes in Colorbond colors to match any type of roof.

A Quick and Easy Resource for Comparison:

Due to the aforementioned factors, we have created the table below to provide you with a brief summary of the benefits and drawbacks of a roof vent Whirlybird.

Advantages Disadvantages

Cheap and easy to install

    • The absolute cost of a single whirlybird is quite low. However, because they have only a small capacity, multiple installations are required to make the ventilation effective (a 100m2 space needs 4 whirlybirds). Installing multiple units drives the cost up dramatically.
    • While installation is quite straightforward and can be easily done by any handyman or competent person, Solar Whiz solar exhaust fans are equally so. Additionally, only one install is required in most scenarios.

Outdated design that depends on wind/airflow

    • The design for whirlybirds was created in 1910 and hasn’t changed much since then. Whirlybirds function primarily on wind or airflow across the turbines to help extract hot air from roof spaces.

Free to run

    • Because whirlybirds are a form of passive ventilation they cost nothing to operate. This can help you save money on electricity bills and reduce your carbon footprint.
    • However, our solar whirlybirds rely on renewable energy (the sun) to operate, so also come with zero running costs whilst providing far superior results.

Frequently noisy operation

    • The open design of whirlybirds means that they accumulate dust and debris, and are vulnerable to rust.
    • Moving parts are also prone to rubbing or grinding against each other. As a result, the windier the conditions, the louder the noise.

Operate automatically

    • Because whirlybirds are wind-driven there are no switches that need to be turned on or off to operate whirlybirds. While this is certainly an advantage in some situations, there may be times that it is more desirable to switch the ventilator off.
    • Solar Whiz units can be installed with a thermostat and/or a night operations kit that allows you to choose when to have the unit running and when you want it to stop. These systems can also be set up to run automatically, giving you the control you want, whilst also allowing you the chance to ‘set and forget’.

Inefficient design that necessitates multiple installations

    • Because of their limited capacity, it is almost always necessary to install more than one whirlybird.
    • Some sources suggest that a regular-sized Australian home needs between 10-15 roof vent whirlybirds to achieve the desired ventilation results.

Frequent malfunctioning

    • Whirlybirds are prone to deterioration and malfunctioning for the same reasons that they are often noisy.
    • Grinding parts coupled with trapped debris and rust means that roof vent whirlybirds frequently get jammed and stop working. That means that they need to be periodically cleaned and lubricated in order to function

Simply put, solar exhaust fans and solar whirlybirds perform superior roof space ventilation than conventional whirlybirds. They are far more effective, move more air, and are much quieter.

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A roof whirlybird is a cylindrical dome that draws warm air out of your roof space by using wind power to create a vacuum. It is inexpensive and simple to install, but keep in mind that you usually get what you pay for.

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Two methods are used by Whirlybirds to remove hot air: convection and vacuuming The wind speed determines the vacuum potential, which removes heat from the roof area. The stronger the wind, the more powerful the extraction. Modern homes may require multiple units, up to four or six

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“Do whirlybirds work?” Yes. Whirlybirds ventilate your room or area below by drawing hot air out of roof cavities. However, whirlybirds are wind-dependent to function properly. There are numerous justifications for thinking about alternative roof ventilation solutions.

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Whirlybirds, sometimes referred to as turbine vents or roof vents, efficiently cool interior areas. They function by extracting heated air from the roof or attic, which enhances ventilation. However, their reliability depends on adequate wind to spin them. In areas with little wind, their effectiveness may be limited.

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A typical whirlybird can ventilate between 100 and 150 m³/h in winds of up to 12 km/h on its own. A whirlybird’s performance will vary from design to design. These variables could include the temperature of the air in your roof space (to allow for air expansion), the size of the whirlybird throat, the wind’s accessibility, and wear.

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One Whirlybird should typically be present on your home for every 50 square meters of roof space. A two-bedroom home typically needs two roof vents, a four-bedroom home needs three roof vents, and a five-bedroom home needs four roof vents or more.

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How Many Whirlybirds Do I Need for a Shed? Generally speaking, a roof requires one roof vent, or whirlybird, for every 50 square meters. The design of the shed and the volume of air that requires ventilation have a major impact on the number of whirlybirds.

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Yes. Whirlybirds Make A Lot Of Noise. If there is a lot of noise coming from your Whirlybird, it indicates that something is broken or not working properly. When whirlybirds are in working order, they are nearly silent and only produce noise when they break. Incorrectly installed or cheap whirlybirds are often susceptible to this.

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Whirlybirds are often installed and then forgotten about, but in order for them to function correctly, they do need to be cleaned and lubricated. They’re also not the most resilient choice because they can be harmed by extreme weather and rust easily.

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What’s the Deal with Ventilation Anyway?

Heat accumulates in your roof space on hot summer days and then radiates through your ceiling. This transfer of heat (and moisture) keeps indoor spaces and rooms warm and can account for approximately 15 to 20 percent of the heat gain during the summer. In these circumstances, temperatures in roof spaces can rise to 60 degrees Celsius. Whirlybirds are a popular choice for mechanical ventilators like solar exhaust fans in homes and businesses, but it’s important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of these units.


How effective are whirly birds?

A single whirlybird isn’t close to capable of recycling the large mass of air in the ceiling cavity fast enough to prevent it from heating up. They only work if you install enough of them. For the average-sized Australian home, some estimate that it would take at least 10-15 whirlybirds to effectively cool the home.

Do whirlybirds let rain in?

Many people worry that whirlybirds will leak in the rain. This is a misconception as the design prevents rain from getting in. What you should be concerned about is the debris that can get caught in the turbines. Because of the open design, it is possible for dust and leave to get stuck in the turbines.

Do whirlybirds help cool house?

Whirlybirds, also known as roof vents or turbine vents, effectively cool indoor spaces. They operate by drawing out hot air from the attic or roof space, promoting better ventilation. However, their reliability depends on adequate wind to spin them.

Are whirlybirds better than roof vents?

A roof vent is an ideal option during the hotter months of the year when the heat is unbearable in your home. On the other hand, a whirlybird relies on the wind to extract the heat from your home. It’s environmentally friendly but its design means that when there’s no wind, the heat won’t be extracted from your house.