do robins use other birds nests

Now that the leaves have fallen off the trees, I’ve discovered several intact bird’s nests around my yard. I believe one was a cardinal’s nest, another belonged to catbirds and another was a robin’s nest. Will these birds reuse their old nests next year? Will other birds use them? Finally, can they detect that a nest has been touched by human hands?

How Long Does it Take for Robin Eggs to Hatch?

Healthy female robins will lay once a day, with every robin egg taking around 13 days to incubate and hatch.

Mothers consume the shell right away in order to replenish the vital calcium needed to form eggs.

Temperature and the health of the mother impact incubation time. Predators, human activity, and natural environmental changes collectively determine the clutch’s destiny

Because of this, robins will lay several “clutches” of eggs, with the female laying the next bunch and the male frequently taking over the previous nest.

Whether it’s a nest built by a robin or a nest-box made by a human, how can you tell if a robin will reuse the nesting spot?

  • Whether a human or a bird built the nest
  • The surroundings, including nearby plants, animals, food, shelter, and other items
  • The other nests the robin has built…

do robins use other birds nests

  • Compared to other tree-dwelling birds, robins prefer to build their nests near the ground.
  • Robins prefer small, quiet areas with gaps, such as hedges, tree trunk openings, and log piles.
  • Females construct, males forage and help collect materials
  • Robin eggs are a beautiful blue colour
  • A maximum of five or six eggs will make up each “clutch” in a nest.
  • Every clutch is roughly the same weight as the robin that placed it.
  • If three or four clutches are laid, a robin will deem the year to be good.
  • A cup-shaped nest, about 4 inches across, constructed out of branches, moss, hair, fur, feathers, and other insulating materials took 4 days to complete.

do robins use other birds nests

Robins select mates at the start of January as they search for places to build nests when the weather gets warmer.

Although February can be warm enough for early nesting (and occasionally warm enough in January), most robins will still be scouting out potential nest sites and delineating their territories because food is still in short supply.

Nest building usually starts in March and takes about 4 days to finish. The nest is made of branches, moss, hair, fur, feathers, and other insulating materials, and it has a cup shape and is about 4 inches across.

If given enough food, robins will lay one egg every morning for April, and each nest can hold up to six eggs in a “clutch.” If three or four broods are laid, each clutch weighing approximately the same as the robin itself, the robin will consider that year to be good.

These are the months when eggs are laid; they are also the most dangerous due to weather, predators, and people.

Robins in August are moulting: shedding and replacing feathers during these warm times ahead of winter

Robins in September are feasting (if not still moulting), dressed in fresh plumage, fattening up before cold kills crops and frost hardens the ground

Robins inOctober, November, and December are either hunkering down or collectively shifting to warmer regions, replaced by robins from colder regions. Robins don’t migrate in the usual way because a lot of them don’t budge from prime territory.

do robins use other birds nests

Robins can have winter nests in other parts of the UK and Europe, though many do not.

However, most British robins do not migrate at all.

Some, primarily female, simply cross the English Channel, but others, as part of the greater movement of bird species, continue southward.

Furthermore, wintertime robins may be evacuating from colder regions (such as Scandinavia, Russia, etc.).

do robins use other birds nests

Do Robins Mate for Life?

No, Robins do not mate for life, but they do remain ‘monogamous’ for the entire breeding season, including feeding and caring for fledglings.

The way humans live is called monogamy; they have many partners, but only one at a time.

But if the right circumstances reappear, there’s no reason a couple can’t stay together for a number of years.