do indoor birds of paradise bloom

Unusual, gorgeous, tropical. If you’ve ever mistaken a plant for a bird, or vice versa, you may have encountered a Bird of Paradise plant. Let’s take a closer look at caring for this natural wonder.

Strelitzia reginae is a species of evergreen tropical herbaceous plant, native to South Africa. Given its own family Strelitziaceae by taxonomists, it is still closely related to bananas (Musaceae). Many often mistakenly call this plant for the “banana tree” because it looks like banana plants. These regal plants (for which they are named, reginae) are named for the beautiful, orange crane-like flowers that they produce, like birds of paradise. They are known for bright orange-blue colors, however, there are also white birds of paradise. Under the right conditions, including full, southern light exposure, proper humidity, and temperature, Bird of Paradise may flower indoors, although this is rare.

The split leaves that give the Bird of Paradise its bird-like morphology is scientifically believed to be purposeful leaf tearing or lobing of leaves to reduce drag in the wind. They have evolved to create splits along their lateral leaf seams to allow the wind to pass by. In doing so, they eliminate the risk of being snapped in half by a strong wind. Learn how to care for a Bird of Paradise below.

This plant’s scientific name commemorates Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, Queen consort and wife of King George III. Queen Charlotte was a patron of the arts and an amateur botanist, and helped to expand Kew Gardens.

Your Bird of Paradise is a striking, stately plant that is sure to give your home a truly tropical vibe–but how do you get it to bloom? It is not common for indoor Bird of Paradise plants to bloom, but it is not impossible. This plant hails from the tropics, where in the wild it receives an incredible amount of sunlight and moisture that isn’t easy to replicate inside the average home. But, if your Bird of Paradise is kept in a sunny spot and you follow a few key tips, you might see a bloom on your Bird of Paradise.

do indoor birds of paradise bloom

First things first, patience is key!

To be able to produce flowers, your plant must be at least 4 or 5 years old.

Keep it snug

You need to limit the growth of your plant’s roots, and you do this by keeping it pot-bound. Overfertilizing your Bird of Paradise is a common mistake people make with them. It will take a Bird of Paradise three to four years to bloom under ideal growing conditions. If you move the plant or otherwise disturb the roots after it blooms, it might take the plant two to three years to bloom again. Keeping your Bird of Paradise in the same pot is the best option. When the roots of these plants are packed tightly in the pot, they grow and function at their best, so don’t worry if the plant becomes root bound.

Find a sunny spot

It needs sun or a brightly lit spot. Lack of light is one of the most frequent causes of a Bird of Paradise’s failure to bloom. For these plants to bloom, they need four to six hours of full sun per day.

Consistent moisture is key

Throughout the summer, your Bird of Paradise should be kept evenly moist, but in the winter, it needs to dry out a little more in between waterings. Let the top ten percent of the soil dry completely before watering your Bird of Paradise.


During the spring and summer, give your plant a monthly feeding with a general-purpose fertilizer. The natural slowing down of plant growth occurs in the winter, so avoid fertilizing during this time.

Best of luck!

We really hope your Bird of Paradise will bloom for you, but understand that it is very unlikely to happen indoors. If your plant does bloom, send us a photo on Instagram. We would love to see!

Bird Of Paradise Plant Care 101

Thrives in bright indirect light to full sun when acclimated. Not suited for low light conditions.

Water every one to two weeks, letting the soil dry out in between applications. Anticipate watering more frequently in higher light and less frequently in lower light. Expert advice: Water left out overnight or filtered is beneficial for birds of paradise.

While normal room humidity will do, if at all possible, the Birds of Paradise prefer humid environments. A fine-mist mister or humidifier could be added to increase the humidity level indoors.

Most houseplants prefer temps in the 65°F-85°F range (18°C-30°C). It’s best not to let it go below 60°F (15°C).

Use a well-draining potting mix. When necessary, incorporate materials like lava rocks or perlite to improve soil aeration.

Common Problems with Growing Birds of Paradise

Although the Bird of Paradise is a pest-free, easy-going plant, spider mite infestations can occur. Use weekly sprays of a natural pesticide, such as neem oil, and routine plant cleanings to eradicate pests as soon as they emerge.

SYMPTOM: Splits along leaf margins; CAUSE: Adaptive measure taken normally to help the plant withstand strong winds in its natural environment

SYMPTOM: Yellowing lower leaves, wet potting mix CAUSE: Overwatered

SYMPTOM: Withering leaves, curling them, and dry potting mix; CAUSE: Plant that is thirsty or submerged


Will potted Bird of Paradise bloom?

If kept in ideal conditions, a Bird of Paradise will take three to four years before they bloom. Once they do bloom, if you disturb the roots in any way, such as by repotting the plant, the plant may not bloom again for two to three years. It is best to let your Bird of Paradise stay in the same pot.

How do you get Bird of Paradise to bloom indoors?

In growing areas where winter temperatures drop below freezing for extended periods of time, growing bird of paradise indoors is the only option. To get plants to bloom inside, place them in very bright light and let plants become crowded in their pots.

How often does indoor Bird of Paradise bloom?

Blooming season: The flowers are produced in succession, typically from late fall to late spring, depending on the species, latitude, and climate. In the right conditions, they can bloom year-round. A healthy, mature Bird of Paradise plant can produce up to 36 flower spikes per year.

Do birds of paradise flower inside?

Under the right conditions, including full, southern light exposure, proper humidity, and temperature, Bird of Paradise may flower indoors, although this is rare.