do crows use bird houses

Because crows are considered pests that disrupt crops and gardens, there arent many farm- or homeowners who build birdhouses for them. Crows are known to build nests on tree branches. Many consider building crow birdhouses to harvest young crows to turn into pets and train to speak. A functional crow birdhouse can also house other birds and can be made in a few hours.

Measure and cut out five pieces from the sheet of plywood or particleboard. Each piece should measure 1 foot by 1 foot square. Use the tape measure, pencil and carpenters square to make even 90 degree angles; don your safety goggles while cutting with the power saw.

Place two pieces together at a corner to make a 90-degree angle, and nail, screw or glue into place. Add another piece to make another 90-degree angle in the same direction to make a flat U-shape. This creates the back and sidewalls of the crow birdhouse.

Attach the remaining two pieces to the top and bottom of the U-shape to create the roof and floor of the crow birdhouse.

Measure and cut another piece of wood measuring 1 foot by 6 inches. Nail, screw or glue this smaller piece along the bottom edge of the open area of the birdhouse. This leaves a 1-foot-by-6-inch open area at the top for the crow mother and her babies to enter and exit easily.

Sand away rough edges of the crow birdhouse and make sure that no nail or screw points are exposed that could harm the crow. Paint or stain the crow birdhouse as desired.

Hang your crow birdhouse in an area you often see crows visiting. Clean the nest out once a year to make room for new dwellers.

Wear gloves when cleaning out your crow birdhouses because crows are very susceptible to obtaining and spreading the West Nile virus.

Trapping or possessing wild animals and birds to use as pets is illegal today, so crows should only be caught or caged for educational or rehabilitation reasons and then returned to the wild unharmed.

Building a Birdhouse For The Crow

Crows are ubiquitous and are even viewed as bothersome by many. As a result, building birdhouses or even feeders specifically to draw them is uncommon. All you have to do to find an American crow is head to a nearby cornfield or a highway that has road kill carrion.

The Crow Nesting Preferences

When it comes to their nesting area, American crows, which are typically gregarious, are incredibly quiet and reserved. Their nests are typically located 18 to 60 feet above ground and are difficult to locate. However, there have been cases where a crow’s nest has been discovered on the ground. Typically measuring 12 inches in width, the nests are constructed from sticks and twigs and lined with human hair, feathers, moss, grass, and bark strips.

Nowadays, it is against the law to trap or keep wild animals or birds as pets. Crows should only be captured or confined for research or rehabilitation purposes, after which they should be released back into the wild unharmed.

Another one-foot by six-inch piece of wood should be measured and cut. Attach this smaller piece to the bottom of the birdhouse’s open area using nails, screws, or glue. This creates an easy-to-enter 1-foot-by-6-inch opening at the top for the mother crow and her offspring.

To construct the crow birdhouse’s floor and roof, fasten the final two pieces to the top and bottom of the U-shape.

To make a 90-degree angle, place two pieces together and secure with glue, screws, or nails. To create a flat U-shape, add another piece and make another 90-degree angle in the same direction. This creates the back and sidewalls of the crow birdhouse.

Make sure that there are no exposed nail or screw points that could harm the crow by sanding down any rough edges on the crow birdhouse. Paint or stain the crow birdhouse as desired.


Do crows nest in birdhouses?

Crows are every common and are even considered by many to be pesky. Because of this it is rare that birdhouses or even feeders are built to attract them.

What do crows use for nests?

The nest is made largely of medium-sized twigs with an inner cup lined with pine needles, weeds, soft bark, or animal hair. Nest size is quite variable, typically 6-19 inches across, with an inner cup about 6-14 inches across and 4-15 inches deep.

What attracts crows to your yard?

Trash, food waste in open compost, pet food and food put out for other wild species are all attractive to crows. Especially important: Keep crows out of food sources. Secure trash. Cover compost or only compost yard waste; leaving out food scraps.

Where do all the crows go at night?

During non-breeding season from November–March, large groups of American Crows can often be found roosting at night in a stand of trees (deciduous or coniferous). The places crows select for their nightly gatherings can be located anywhere—including within densely populated, residential, or industrial neighborhoods.