do chipmunks eat baby birds

The Short Answer: Like most people, I once thought of rodents as seed eating herbivores, but it turns out that many, if not most, rodents are really omnivores that will eat insects or meat whenever they can get it. Gray squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis) and eastern chipmunks (Tamias striatus) are known nest raiders that will eat eggs or chicks. They also occasionally kill and eat adult birds. And gray squirrels are commonly seen eating road kills. So the answer to your question is that this carnivorous scavenging by a gray squirrel and a chipmunk is not unusual behavior at all. Great photos, by the way!

More Information: Scientific reports of predation by rodents list gray squirrels as eating other gray squirrels and birds. The list of observed prey for chipmunks also includes birds, as well as other chipmunks, voles, snakes, frogs and salamanders. Surprisingly, even small mice are significant predators of birds, mostly eggs and chicks, but they occasionally kill adult birds as well.

Given that squirrels and chipmunks are such frequent nest raiders, you might think that adult birds would defend their nests against them, but adult birds often simply abandon a nest if a squirrel comes near. This may be because, as mentioned above, squirrels are capable of killing adult birds. Under such circumstances, it might make sense for adult birds to simply give up and save their own lives in the hopes of nesting again in the future – especially under conditions where if the adult bird is killed while defending the nest, the chicks aren’t likely to survive anyway.

So, now you are going to have to view squirrels a little differently. And those cute little chipmunks are actually pretty good hunters. In fact, one study showed animal matter in the stomachs of 75% of chipmunks examined.

And all of this gives a new perspective to the Rodents of Unusual Size (ROUSes) that feature prominently in the satirical fairy tale movie, The Princess Bride. Turns out they are just imitating their relatives of usual size.

Bradley, JE, & Marzluff, JM. (2003). Rodents as nest predators: Influences on predatory behavior and consequences to nesting birds. Auk, The, 120(4), 1180-1187.

Pietz, PJ, & Granfors, DA. (2005). Parental nest defense on videotape: More reality than “myth”. Auk, The, 122(2), 701-705.

Lima, S L. (2009). Predators and the breeding bird: Behavioral and reproductive flexibility under the risk of predation. Biological reviews, 84(3), 485-513.APAMLAHarvardVancouverChicagoIEEEAsk a Naturalist® (March 28, 2024)

I’ve always believed that beneath that overly endearing “Oh, look at me, aren’t I adorable” chipmunk act, there was something evil. Beneath all of that cutesy posing, Alvin and his pals are eating defenseless baby songbirds.

Is the nest truly gone? It seems unfortunate, but maybe it’s for the best, what with Alvin the Horrible around.

Sadly, no. It was a chipmunk. Shaking a vine to frighten him away, I saw him jump to the ground directly in front of me at a height of about five feet. Kind of impressive, for a chipmunk.

Thus, we were overjoyed to see a cardinal circling the area where the tangle was thickest. There was a nest there when I looked, though there were no eggs to be found.

Subsequent checking online revealed a disturbing fact: chipmunks eat eggs. They even eat baby songbirds. That’s what the little creep was looking for.

And all of this gives a new perspective to the Rodents of Unusual Size (ROUSes) that feature prominently in the satirical fairy tale movie, The Princess Bride. Turns out they are just imitating their relatives of usual size.

Lima, S L. (2009). Predators and nesting birds: adaptability in behavior and reproduction in the face of predator danger Biological reviews, 84(3), 485-513. APAMLAHarvardVancouverChicagoIEEEAsk a Naturalist® (March 28, 2024).

Further Details: Gray squirrels are known to eat other gray squirrels and birds, according to scientific reports on rodent predation. Along with voles, snakes, frogs, salamanders, and other chipmunks, birds are also on the list of prey that has been observed by the rodents. Unexpectedly, even tiny mice prey heavily on birds—mostly eggs and chicks, though they also occasionally murder adult birds.

You might think that adult birds would protect their nests from squirrels and chipmunks since they raid nests so frequently, but adult birds frequently just flee a nest if a squirrel approaches. This could be as a result of squirrels’ ability to kill adult birds, as was previously mentioned. Given these conditions, adult birds may decide to give up and save their own lives in the hopes of nesting again in the future. This is especially true in situations where the chances of the chicks surviving even if the adult bird is killed while defending the nest

Pietz, PJ, & Granfors, DA. (2005). Parental nest defense on videotape: More reality than “myth”. Auk, The, 122(2), 701-705.


Do chipmunks raid birds nests?

They will even eat small eggs of any birds’ nests they may find.

Do chipmunks harm birds?

The list of observed prey for chipmunks also includes birds, as well as other chipmunks, voles, snakes, frogs and salamanders. Surprisingly, even small mice are significant predators of birds, mostly eggs and chicks, but they occasionally kill adult birds as well.

Will chipmunks steal bird eggs?

Eastern Chipmunks are a tan brown rodent with black and white striped markings. They are omnivores and eat a wide variety of foods including: nuts, acorns, seeds, mushrooms, fruits, berries, corn, insects, bird eggs, snails and small mammals. While they are very cute, chipmunks can eat A LOT of bird food.

Do chipmunks eat other animals?

Chipmunks are omnivores (they feed on both plants and animals). Their diet includes seeds, nuts, berries, fruits, flowers, mushrooms, insects, worms, snails, frogs, bird eggs, and small birds.