do blue jay birds use birdhouses

Blue Jays are one of the most popular birds to visit artificial bird houses in the Eastern United States. With its unique, bold blue design, it would be challenging not to notice a Blue Jay. In this article, you’ll learn how to build or buy the right Blue Jay Bird House.

On average, the bird measures about 25-30 cm (10-12 inches), with a weight of 70-100 grams and a wingspan of around 34-43 cm (13-17 inches).

These birds are easy to recognize by their markings and color, but seeing a bit more closely at their natural structure can benefit birders to learn more about Blue Jays.

They have a black, thick, stout bill, and the head highlights a distinctive crest that can be raised or lowered with the bird’s agitation and emotions.

These corvids are incredibly adaptable to various habitats and can be found in many types of forests and parks, cities, and suburban areas where mature trees are available.

Blue Jays are omnivorous birds that may enjoy just about anything available. Nuts, seeds, insects, corn, carrion, berries, eggs, and even small animals such as lizards or newborn birds may be part of their menu.

Its intelligence and enthusiasm to tour feeders make this member of the Corvidae family a grateful guest for many bird-lovers.

Blue Jay nesting needs

The preference of blue jays is to live close to trees, and they usually build their nests on strong branches or at tree forks. Since both sexes build the nest, it can occasionally be challenging to distinguish between the two due to their similar coloring.

Typically, moss, bark, tiny twigs, and other plant materials are used to construct nests. Blue Jays will occasionally use mud to keep these fragments together, but not always. Nests are typically constructed to resemble cups and are roughly the size of a measuring cup.

A backyard open nesting platform will draw blue jays with ease. Choose one that has the following specifications:

  • Floor space of approximately 8×8 inches,
  • Ceiling eight inches from the base,
  • The best ceiling is one that is angled and open on three sides.

By taking these actions, you can make your Blue Jay birdhouse appear to the birds like a hole in the tree, which will make them feel at ease enough to lay their eggs there.

About Blue Jay Bird Houses

The crooks of long tree branches, 12 to 30 feet above the ground, are a popular spot for blue jay nesting. They rarely patch their nests together with mud and moss; instead, they build them out of tiny, recently broken roots and twigs.

By placing food close by and drawing Blue Jays on your bird house, you can mimic the birds’ natural preferences.

Birds that nest in tree cracks rather than on branches will be drawn to a closed house with only a tiny opening for an opening. The Blue Jays prefer an open, spacious platform to a closed space.

Building a bird house at any time will help the birds quickly become accustomed to their new surroundings. An ideal time, however, is in the autumn or winter. As soon as they are comfortable using a house or feeder, they incorporate it into their daily routine.

The likelihood is that if you are able to attract a few Blue Jays to your bird house, they will return in the upcoming years. Even if one partner passes away, the other will undoubtedly return with a new partner.

Size Of Blue Jay Bird Houses

Drawing Blue Jays in your yard is easy. You can place an open woodshed or bird house 10 to 12 feet high on a tree or in your garage. Locate a place where they are protected from sunlight, visibility, the elements, and predators.

Undoubtedly, an open Blue Jay bird house or nesting platform will draw these birds. Assign an approximate 8 by 8-inch floor area, with a corresponding 8-inch-high ceiling.

A sloping roof with open sides and front is perfect. Similar to the Blue Jays, other birds that typically build their nests on trees are also more likely to do so on houses.

Consider mounting your bird house to a tree or the side of your garage. Even free-standing poles and windowsills work for Blue Jays.

The Blue Jay bird house is intended to resemble a tree cavity. Tree-pit-nesting birds will also build their nests in wooden birdhouses. It will happen if the boxes and entry holes are placed in appropriate locations, adhere to precise measurements, and are at the right heights.

Five to six feet is a good height for both you and the birds, allowing you to still access the house for cleaning.

However, keep in mind that Blue Jays prefer to build their nests in old bird houses rather than brand-new ones. They begin looking for nesting areas during February and March.


Will a blue jay use a birdhouse?

About Blue Jay Bird Houses A closed house with only a tiny hole for an opening will draw birds that nest in tree crevices rather than branches. Blue Jays favor a big airy platform to an enclosed box. Anytime is a great time to make a bird house to allow birds to adapt to the area quickly.

What do Blue Jays like to nest in?

Blue Jays build their nests in the crotch or thick outer branches of a deciduous or coniferous tree, usually 10-25 feet above the ground. Male and female both gather materials and build the nest, but on average male does more gathering and female more building.

What size hole for a Blue Jay birdhouse?

Box Dimension (L x W x H)
Hole Size
Blue Jay
8? x 8? x 8?
4? x 4? x 8?
6? x 6? x 6?
7? x 7? x 7?