do black birds eat other birds

Eggs: Backyard Birds Known To Eat Other Bird’s Eggs

Fish Crow (Family: Corvidae. Genus: Corvus)

American Crow (Family: Corvidae. Genus: Corvus)

Blue Jay (Family: Corvidae. Genus: Cyanocitta)

Common Grackle (Family: Icetridae. Genus: Quiscalus)

Brown-Headed Cowbird (Family: Icetridae. Genus: Molothrus)

Red-Bellied Woodpecker (Family: Picidea. Genus: Melanerpes)

Black-Capped Chickadees (reported in three studies) (Family: Paridae. Genus: Poecile)

do black birds eat other birds

The Black-Capped Chickadees were the bird that most surprised me. I’m not sure how common this is because I couldn’t find any other references to eating bird eggs in other sources. Although I have seen reports of them taking eggs out of bluebird nests, it seemed like they were doing it to compete for nesting spots. (Note: We see Carolina Chickadees in my yard instead of Black-Capped Chickadees.) There don’t appear to be similar reports for them. ).

All About Birds’ Brown-Headed Cowbird page suggests that the reason that female Brown-Headed Cowbirds will eat shells and eggs is a need for calcium. Their parasitic approach to laying many eggs in the nests of other birds makes calcium a priority apparently.

do black birds eat other birds

Nestlings: Backyard Birds Known To Eat Other Bird’s Nestlings

Red-Shouldered Hawk (Family: Accipitridae. Genus: Buteo) (one report)

Cooper’s Hawk (Family: Accipitridae. Genus: Accipiter)

Sharp-Shinned Hawk (Family: Accipitridae. Genus: Accipiter)

Fish Crow (Family: Corvidae. Genus: Corvus)

American Crow (Family: Corvidae. Genus: Corvus)

Blue Jay (Family: Corvidae. Genus: Cyanocitta)

Common Grackle (Family: Icetridae. Genus: Quiscalus)

Red-Bellied Woodpecker (occasionally) (Family: Picidea. Genus: Melanerpes)

do black birds eat other birds

Do Crows Eat Other Birds? Does Anyone Eat Them?

Although crows can eat almost anything, do crows also eat other birds? Do crows eat ravens? Let’s find out.

In short, the answer is yes; crows have the potential to consume other birds.

Crows are naturally aggressive birds. They are much bigger than crows and have a tendency to start fights, even with ravens from the same Corvid family.

If they can subdue adult birds, crows can attack and devour nestlings, eggs, and even adult birds. That being said, it is uncommon for crows to kill and eat other birds.


What bird would eat another bird?

Birds. Birds that are specialized predators of other birds include certain falcons and accipiters.

Do crows eat other birds?

Crows are omnivorous and eat whatever is available—insects, spiders, snails, fish, snakes, eggs, nestling birds, cultivated fruits, nuts, and vegetables.

Do blackbirds chase away other birds?

Sometimes you just have too many blackbirds, doves and pigeons. They can eat more than their share of food and chase other birds away.

Do wild birds eat other birds?

While most birds in your yard probably consume insects and/or seeds, some backyard birds do eat other birds. Some target adult birds. Some eat other birds’ nestlings. And some eat the eggs of other birds.