do birds poop on kaaba

There are many stories and tales that we hear about the Great Mosque of Mecca, including the story of the famous pigeons of the Sanctuary, which pilgrims throw pills to eat.

There is a widespread belief among the populace that the Ababil bird, which originated from the sea and was seen carrying stones beneath its feet to ward off Abraha’s plans to destroy the Kaaba during the Year of the Elephant, is the source of the master of the house’s pigeon breed.

This popular narrative, which is connected to the story of the flood, claims that the Prophet Noah, peace be upon him, used that species of bird to find the land and its dryness, making the bird a symbol and address of peace for the entire world.

And this lovely bird you find has a special status and treatment because it cannot be killed by the forbidden or non-mahram. Moreover, you find that it must be killed as a ransom, much like a sheep, and that it cannot be alienated or its eggs broken in order to drive it from the area where it lands.

One of the pigeons’ peculiarities is that, despite the copious amounts of waste it leaves behind, when it descends to the surface of the Kaaba, it produces no waste at all, and, according to campus workers who worked for years in the Grand Mosque’s service, its meat is not cooked.

This pigeon settles in the Great Mosque in Mecca because it has a great divine ability to protect the holiness of that sacred place. Its flocks also cannot fly directly over the Kaaba or stand over it; instead, they fly in flocks in a circular motion over the Kaaba. Pilgrims surrounding the Kaaba will note that these birds’ droppings are not collected in the Grand Mosque courtyard in Mecca, as their flocks are referred to by several names, such as “Rofan, a river from the rivers of Paradise.” ”.

According to Barqah, some people believe that sanctuary pigeons soar in peace through the sky until they pass away on land, free from human intervention or malicious harm, with the exception of situations in which disease outbreaks—which have not yet happened—are caused by the pigeons. ”.

One of Makkah’s most well-known sights is the birds, which are constantly spotted either flying over tourists or perched between buildings in search of someone who might give them something to eat.

“Sanctuary pigeons have unique characteristics that set them apart from other pigeon species and birds worldwide.” ”.

The pigeons and guests have been in a loving relationship for hundreds of years. One of the most well-known sights in Makkah is the pigeon garden at the Grand Mosque, where pilgrims feed and mingle with the birds. (SPA).

God sent flocks of birds that dropped small stones on the army when they attempted to destroy the Kaaba, ultimately driving them out of Makkah.