do birds like watching tv

In the wild, from up high in tree perches, birds are listening to and observing the environment around them — moment to moment. If you can see them, you can be sure they’ve already seen you.

Captive birds are no different, but instead of resting in a nest, they are planted in their cage or aviary. They watch every move and breath you take.

Most pet birds like to watch TV — if they are home alone, videos can help them cope with potential boredom. They are attracted to movement, sounds, and vibrant colors. With the right channel, you could keep your bird thoroughly entertained for a little while with a television.

Do Not Let Them Watch

Introducing your feathered companion to horror films or bird shows with predatory birds may not be a smart idea.

Think twice before watching that Peregrine Falcon documentary with David Attenborough.

No pet bird is the same. While some bird owners assert that their pet enjoys watching scary movies, most birds prefer spending time with their human companion regardless of the media.

Because of this, it’s a good idea to record the things the bird likes to do both with you and by themselves.

If you don’t like taking notes, you might want to use your phone’s voice memo feature instead.

According to Hämäläinen, insects can effectively fend off predators by using conspicuous warning colors, but only if the predators have come to associate the signal with an unpleasant taste. Prior to that, these insects are a simple meal for unsuspecting, ignorant predators. ”.

Using great tits as a “model predator,” we discovered in earlier research that when one bird observes another being repulsed by a novel kind of prey, both birds learn to stay away from it going forward. We can now see that various bird species can also learn from one another by expanding the research,” said Dr. The research was led by Rose Thorogood, who is currently employed at the University of Helsinki’s HiLIFE Institute of Life Science in Finland after previously working at the Department of Zoology at the University of Cambridge. This promotes the growth of the prey species and expands the audience that can learn from observing others. ”.

The “prey” that was displayed on television was tiny almond flakes that had been adhered inside a white paper package. The almond flakes in certain packets had been soaked in an unpleasant-tasting liquid. Palatability was indicated by two black symbols printed on the outside of the packets: disgusting “prey” had a prominent square symbol, and tasty “prey” had a cross symbol that blended into the background.

Reference: “Social learning within and across predator species reduces attacks on novel aposematic prey” by Liisa Hämäläinen, Johanna Mappes, Hannah M. Rowland, Marianne Teichmann and Rose Thorogood, 20 February 2020, Journal of Animal Ecology.DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13180

After that, the novel “prey” that was either tasty or repulsive was offered to the TV-watching birds to see if they had taken any note from the birds on TV. After seeing the bird on TV reacting disgustingly to those packets of “prey,” both blue tits and great tits consumed less of the repulsive packets.

Do Let Them Watch

Something light and colorful with cheerful music, sounds, and scenes. Vibrant colors are always a good choice too.

  • YouTube videos on bird training.
  • YouTube videos on birds in general.
  • Looney Toons, Pokemon, Rugrats, Thomas the Tank Engine, and Tom and Jerry are examples of cartoons
  • Musicals like Hairspray, Sing, Annie, Mama Mia and Mary Poppins.
  • Disney films are a fantastic choice since they are frequently bright and your bird will be highly engaged by the singing and dancing.
  • A variety of David Attenborough’s Animal Planet and BBC programs.

For a more soothing and interesting experience, try watching cartoons, musicals, or even YouTube lessons about birds.

Birds enjoy watching television on their own, especially when you’re around, because they enjoy having human company.

Remember that certain bird species are incredibly intelligent and can recognize words in the television programs they watch, so you should probably monitor the content they watch.

Try watching the video below while seated alongside your feathered companion. It’s specifically created for companion animals like birds.


Can birds see whats on TV?

Birds, on the other hand, have a higher temporal resolution than humans, which means they can perceive more frames per second and may perceive the images on a TV screen as slower or less fluid than humans do.

Should I leave TV on for bird?

For these birds leaving some kind of noise, even if it’s quiet noise in the room when you’re out, can be comforting. I’m a big fan of television. I like to leave something on TV so my bird can watch something and hear sound. Some people just leave music on.

Do birds like watching movies?

Yes, that’s right, the parrots do have favorite movies! Reko, our yellow-naped Amazon, sings along with “Moana” and seems to enjoy the grossly underrated LEGO movies.

Is Loud TV bad for birds?

Although some if not all species of birds have the ability to repair damaged hair cells, continued exposure to loud noises would prevent recovery of their hearing.