do birds like magnolia trees

Why plant Audubon® Native Southern Magnolia Treeling?

Southern Magnolia extends a warm greeting to avian creatures in an exemplary act of graciousness. Birds flock in droves when this magnificent flowering tree exchanges its enormous, bowl-shaped, ivory-colored summer blooms for fall seeds. The glossy red seeds are adored by kingbirds, vireos, wood thrushes, and mockingbirds. Because of their high fat content, the seeds are especially useful to birds during times when they require extra energy, such as during migration southward or during the winter months spent locally. Birds are drawn to the robust branches and evergreen leaves of the Southern Magnolia. They carve out fantastic niches where they can build their nests, hide from predators, or just hang out.

Bull Bay, another name for Southern Magnolia, is a native of the coastal plain that stretches from North Carolina to Texas. It was first discovered near water on moist but gritted, well-drained sites. Since then, it has been planted in every city, town, and neighborhood in the South. The tree was greatly admired by President Andrew Jackson, who had one planted on the White House lawn in 1828. It graced that spot for 189 years. It finally had to be taken down in 2017 because it was deteriorating and posing a risk. A sad day for tree lovers.

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Im not an ornithologist, but I think you are over-engineering.

If you like magnolia, plant one. It will be used by a variety of birds as a place to rest and observe insects.

Maintain as much diversity in the garden as you can to attract more birds. You will only encounter berry eaters if you solely target the plants you mentioned. Instead, draw in insects and eventually small mammals. This will draw more birds to your garden.

In general: taller the plant, more birds you will have. Also denser plants help (also if they are small). There are therefore some magnolia varieties that may aid birds in having a nice nest and in scanning their surroundings.

Berries will grow and birds will adore the ivy added to the trunk. (there are different opinion about magnolia thinking about thins).

A fountain or some water will draw the bird to your garden.

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What birds are attracted to Magnolia trees?

May Benefit & Attract: Thrushes, waxwings, wood warblers, finches, mockingbirds & thrashers, chickadees & titmice, orioles, cardinals & grosbeaks, crows & jays, sparrows, nuthatches, vireos, hummingbirds, woodpeckers, and wrens.

What animals are attracted to Magnolia trees?

Bees, such as honey bees, bumblebees and other native bees, are attracted to the large blooms of the magnolia tree and will feed on the nectar and pollen. Butterflies are also attracted to the smell of magnolias and will feed on the nectar.

What are the disadvantages of a magnolia tree?

It does, however, have its drawbacks. Unnamed seedlings often take 10 years after planting before they come into bloom. Dense shade and shallow roots make it impossible to grow grass beneath the canopy, and the roots often crack and lift pavement if the tree is planted between the sidewalk and curb.

Where should you not plant a magnolia tree?

That said, if you live in a particularly warm or dry climate, your magnolia might benefit from a location shaded from the hot afternoon sun. If possible, avoid exposed, windy locations because strong winds can damage large flowers and the typically brittle branches.