do birds get tired from flying

Joshika Komarla is a Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology graduate from St. Joseph’s University, Bangalore. Apart from being a full-time F1 and football fan, she’s also a budding ecologist on a mission to boop every plant and animal in the world. On any given day, you can find her annoying her dog by yelling “cat”, meowing, and running away.

Can They Die While Flying?

It is unlikely that their weariness will cause them to pass away. On the other hand, birds can perish in midair if they crash into an airplane, a building, or a window.

Bird strikes have resulted in multiple aircraft accidents and human casualties. Such hits may also prove to be lethal for the bird.

While the chances of death because of hitting windows varies from species to species, as many as 600 million birds die annually because they flew into windows.

Rarely, but occasionally, extreme exhaustion while flying can also be fatal. This is not uncommon for flocks of birds, particularly migratory birds, to perish.

How Do Birds Fly for So Long Without Getting Tired?

Birds are able to fly for extended periods of time because of their special physical adaptations. Birds control how much energy they use, preventing fatigue during flight.

They achieve this through gliding, lowering their wingbeats per minute, and possessing an aerodynamic body with less air resistance.

Furthermore, their hollow bones allow them to absorb more oxygen; this helps their body structure support flight. Birds maintain their balance while flying because of their center of gravity, which is located between their heads and tails.

Birds employ fewer wingbeats once they reach a certain height, and instead, take advantage of the properties of air currents and updrafts to stay aloft.

They use their wings only when it is necessary. This helps them in energy conservation during long flights. Birds can therefore soar great distances with little muscular effort.

For instance, the wingspan of an albatross, for instance, can reach up to 11 feet. However, having large wings also means using a lot of energy to flap them. Therefore, they primarily glide rather than flap with their amazing wings. Albatrosses can actually stay in the air for several days at a time if necessary.

do birds get tired from flying

Most birds have hollow bones. Contrary to common assumption, a bird’s hollow bones serve no practical purpose other than to reduce body weight. In actuality, compared to animals of similar size, birds’ bones are heavier.

Hollow bones or pneumatized bones are filled with space for air intake.

This indicates that all of the bones in birds are covered in lungs. This adaptation lets birds take in oxygen during flight.

In order to allow birds to breathe in and out while taking in oxygen, air sacs are affixed to the hollow portions of their bones.

The extra energy that birds require to fly is provided by this increased oxygen.

In their long flights, birds can pass near bodies of water. A unique adaptation observed in birds with broad wingspans is this one.

When they fly over water, the air is funneled between the birds’ wings and the water’s surface.

Instead of needing to flap its wings, the bird can float thanks to the cushioning effect of the compressed air.

The closer they get, the stronger the effect is. If the water is still, this effect is even stronger.

Joshika Komarla is a Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology graduate from St. Joseph’s University, Bangalore. Apart from being a full-time F1 and football fan, she’s also a budding ecologist on a mission to boop every plant and animal in the world. On any given day, you can find her annoying her dog by yelling “cat”, meowing, and running away.


How long can birds fly without getting tired?

And as scientists recently discovered, Great Frigatebirds can sleep in 10-second bursts while remaining airborne for up to two months. But when it comes to uninterrupted flight, the Alpine Swift has held the record for the longest single flight of any avian species at 200 days.

Do birds feel tired of flying?

Birds, particularly migratory birds, traverse umpteen miles in their lifetime. However, owing to their physical adaptations, they do not get tired of flying. Birds may become fatigued in when fleeing predators or flying too high for extended periods, but usually, they can fly along just fine.

Can birds fall asleep flying?

Nonetheless, soaring frigatebirds appeared to use unihemispheric sleep to watch where they were going while circling in rising air currents. Despite being able to engage in all types of sleep in flight, the birds only slept for 0.7 h d?1 during flights lasting up to 10 days.

What do birds do when they get tired?

Wherever birds can get a good footing, they tuck themselves in for a rest. Chimney Swifts have been documented resting when clinging to the insides of chimneys!