do birds eat nuts in summer

Some keen birders will tell you that there is no need to feed wild birds in the summer. They say it will make them lazy, stop them from looking for natural food. They say there is plenty for birds to eat in our gardens and fields at this time of year. You only have to look at the poor blackbirds desperately searching for worms in our bone-dry lawns to know that this isn’t true. So read on for your guide to what to feed birds in summer.

And many scientific studies have found that garden birds do not become dependent on feeders. In fact, most species will only ever take 25% of their food from humans.

So, feeding birds in summer does them no harm and can be very helpful for them.

In this article we are going to look at why it’s important to feed birds in the summer, what to feed and what to avoid.

Why is it Good to Feed Birds in the Summer?

  • Even though we associate winter’s cold and snow with a reduction in the amount of food available, summertime temperatures can also have this effect. Extremely hot, dry weather can cause crops to dry up and make it difficult to find insects and worms. Birds find it difficult to forage during a cold, rainy summer, and fruit and seeds ripen more slowly.
  • It’s the breeding season. Building nests and laying eggs require a lot of energy, but feeding hungry chicks requires even more work. Several bird species can make up to 100 feeding excursions to their nests every day. They tend to offer the chicks wild food. However, the food you feed them will be very helpful in getting the parents through this busy time.
  • Summer days are best for bird-watching. You will probably be spending more time outside during the long summer days and evenings, which means you will have more opportunities to watch the activity on your bird feeders. Include the possibility of seeing chicks and the additional delight of witnessing birds with their full breeding season plumage.

Filling Feeders With Nuts and Berries

It’s easy to add these healthy, natural foods to feeders. You can add berries and nuts to tray or open dish feeders. These larger foods can also be added to broad wire mesh feeders or hopper or tube feeders with wide feeding ports.

Although larger berries could be crushed or chopped to make them easier for smaller bills to handle, berries can be served whole. Sprigs of berries can also be added to feeders. Birds will happily pluck the treats off each branch.

An additional choice are dried berries like currants, cranberries, and raisins. But be careful not to serve an excessive amount of berries at once, as they will quickly rot and ferment if not consumed right away.

Because they are more durable, nuts will last longer in larger feeders. You can provide birds with whole, shelled, or chopped nuts in tray, dish, or mesh feeders. Nut butters are also excellent for birds; you can spread them on tree trunks so that sly birds can nibble on them. However, nuts can also mold, so it’s best to keep them as dry as possible to reduce waste and spoiling.

What to Feed Birds in Summer

  • The foundation of what you offer, year-round, should be a high-quality seed mix. This will be full of protein, vitamins and minerals. Just what busy parents need.
  • For birds that consume insects and worms, mealworms are a great food source, particularly during extremely hot and dry weather when these can be hard to find. They work well in place of natural foods that might be scarce.
  • Fat Balls and suet products. High in essential fats that are easily turned into energy. To counteract the negative effects of the heat in the summer, make sure you select hard, “no melt” varieties.
  • Fruit. In the summer, birds will appreciate dried fruit or pieces of apple, pear, or banana soaked in a little warm water. You can place them on a bird table or the ground, or you can put them in a fat ball cage. This will enable them to be accessed by a wide variety of species.
  • Peanuts. Because they are high in fat and protein, peanuts are a great source of energy. Crush them up and mix with your seed mix.


What should you feed birds in the summer?

The best food for bird tables When buying bird food, try to get a good mix of peanuts, seeds and live food like mealworms and waxworms.

Should you stop feeding wild birds in the summer?

Some people prefer not to feed birds in the spring and summer when there is abundant food. However, leaving your feeders up year-round is not a problem as long as you keep a few things in mind: If bears live near you, you should not keep feeders up during the warmer months.

When should I stop putting peanuts out for birds?

While peanuts are a high energy food for wild birds, its best to not put out peanuts during breeding seasons, since parents may feed them to their young chicks who could potentially choke on them.

Is it safe to feed birds nuts?

Whole nuts, shelled nuts, or nut pieces are all great to offer to birds in tray, dish, or mesh feeders. Nut butters are also great for birds and can be smeared on tree trunks for agile birds to nibble. Nuts can also mold, however, and should be kept as dry as possible to minimize spoilage and waste.