do birds clean alligator’s teeth

Lets take a fun look at 5 examples of how Mother Nature helps care for animals’ chompers.

Humans have been trained to brush their teeth twice a day and also told the importance of flossing and using a mouth rinse. How is it that animals tend to maintain pretty good oral health without ever establishing the same routines to protect their mouths?

Well, a lot of factors play into this. In some cases, types of animals will help other animals clean their teeth, and in other instances animals just naturally behave in ways that help them keep their teeth strong.

Here we take a fun look at 5 examples of how Mother Nature helps care for animals’ chompers. Related Videos Related Content Advertisement

People have been taught to brush their teeth twice a day and to use mouthwash and floss as necessary. How come animals don’t develop the same oral hygiene habits that people do, despite having generally good oral health?

Well, a lot of factors play into this. Certain animal species will occasionally assist other animals in brushing their teeth, and in other cases, animals will act in ways that are inherently beneficial to their dental health.

Let’s have a fun look at five instances where Mother Nature provides for the needs of animals’ mouths.

Here, we enjoy a look at five adorable instances of how Mother Nature tends to animals’ chompers. Related Videos Related Content Advertisement.

It is accurate to refer to the bird commonly called the “crocodile bird” as an Egyptian plover, or Pluvianus aegyptius. It inhabits some regions of Africa, usually near tropical rivers and areas where people congregate. This small bird weighs less than 3 ounces and reaches a maximum length of 7 to 8 inches. You may believe that the small bird is either courageous or foolish. But theres a method to what appears to be madness. The plover survives to tell the story despite frequently sticking his head in a crocodile’s mouth.

Unlike humans, crocodiles are unable to sweat through their skin or through their paws. They open their mouths and bask on the banks to release heat. The plover approaches and extracts the pieces of meat from between the crocodile’s teeth with his tiny, sharp beak, much like a toothpick. This takes parasites out of the croc’s mouth and feeds the plover.

Michelle A. Rivera is the author of many books and articles. She is certified by the Florida Animal Control Association and went to the University of Missouri Animal Cruelty School. She oversees Animals 101, Inc., her own nonprofit, as executive director. Rivera is a veterinary technician, dog trainer, humane educator, former manager of a shelter, coordinator of rescue volunteers, and animal-assisted therapist.

The crocodile uses the plover as a security alarm system. When a plover senses danger from an approaching animal while in the croc’s mouth, she screams and takes off. By acting in this way, the crocodile warns other animals of the impending threat and slides into the water to safety. This protects the plover’s supply of free food for later use, a benefit the croc undoubtedly values regardless of the reason.

The crocodile bird, though it behaves like a dental hygienist, is just enjoying a good meal, so why do these little plovers do it? Why are they so careless about their health and safety? The crocodile sunbathes on the riverbanks with his mouth wide open after consuming a large animal, like a whole cow. Even though crocodiles swallow their prey whole, pieces of meat still get caught in their teeth and make it difficult for them to floss.