do bird feeders attract flies

It seems like with each fly you swat, there are two there to replace it. Flies can quickly become irritating, and with approximately one million species in the order Diptera, they can be difficult to control. There are plenty of DIY solutions out there boasting their ability to kill flies, but often eliminating an infestation requires more than setting out a sugar-water trap. Luckily, Ehrlich is here to help.

Fly control is particularly tricky because in order to eliminate the pest, the developmental site must be located, as breeding will continue to occur rapidly otherwise. To make things more problematic, the site might be far from where you are experiencing the annoyance. Fly control can be narrowed to a five-step process.

As previously mentioned, there are quite a few different fly species. We will discuss how to control a few of the most common types of flies. If you’re left wondering about other species, visit our fly species page.

The biggest culprit of giving birth to a drain fly infestation is lack of sanitation. Slimy drains, moisture in garbage cans, clogged roof gutters, leaking air conditioners, and planter saucers are all potential breeding sites. The key to elimination is getting rid of the breeding site, so it is important to be on the lookout for places that would be attractive to these pests.

This is the kind of fly that you probably picture when someone says “fly.” The previously mentioned 5-step process of fly control is helpful in the case of house flies. House flies are general feeders so garbage is a major attractant for them. There aren’t many things that a housefly won’t eat, so make sure that your garbage cans do not become over-full or dirty. Moreover, keep the cans away from your house, particularly entrances. When flies become overwhelming, our light traps are especially effective at controlling fly populations.

If you search online for how to get rid of fruit flies, you’ll be inundated with home remedies and mixtures to try. Unfortunately, fruit flies are persistent and these DIY tricks don’t always work. If you notice that the flies are entering from the outdoors, reduce your screen mesh size to prevent them from making it through. The best way to control fruit flies is to maintain a sanitized environment. Pay close attention to ripening fruits and vegetables that you may have out on the counter. If you find yourself with a fruit fly problem you can’t tackle, Ehrlich can help.

Because horse flies can travel long distances and don’t like to stay in the same place for long, it’s not practical to implement any sort of outside control. The best way to handle these biting pests is with preventative measures. During outside activities, wear light-colored clothing and insect repellant to keep horseflies away. If you are finding horse flies in your home, ensure that all holes are screened or caulked and use light traps.

Cattle flies are mostly an annoyance for livestock, but no one wants to see their animals suffer. These pests breed in fresh cow manure, which makes eliminating such sites nearly impossible. The best thing to do to control Cattle Flies, or face flies, is to block potential entrances with screens and caulk. Flies can also be vacuumed to reduce the population. It is especially important that dead bodies are removed promptly, as they attract other insects. Additionally, treatments are available for barn walls as a method of control.

Birdseed = Rodents = Snakes

When there is little or no food visible due to snow cover, mammals are more likely to raid your feeders. You might see opossums, skunks, or raccoons (or their tracks) beneath your feeder pole during the winter and at night. Deer will even visit feeders for winter feed. Put out suet as well, and you’ll attract even more attention. Wildlife visits to your yard can be instructive, but they are usually not advised. If these creatures decide to make frequent visits or lodge on your land, you run the risk of suffering from illness, parasites, and damage.

Furthermore, although snakes do not consume seed themselves, they do consume rodents that do. This implies that if your feeders draw voles and mice into your yard in search of free seed that has spilled, snakes might also be drawn to the mice because they are readily available (see Eliminate Mice to Eliminate Snakes). Many believe that this is a self-resolving issue, that it’s just part of life’s cycle, etc. However, you should think about whether and how you want to feed birds if you can’t bear the thought of having rodents, snakes, or other animals in your yard.

There will be fewer foraging animals if there is less birdseed left on the ground. Make use of feeders with catch trays to catch spilled seed, and regularly clear up spilled seed underneath feeders. Ground-feeding birds will typically tend to seed that is on the ground. Keeping squirrels from climbing your feeder pole and spilling seed will be your main challenge (see How to to Keep Squirrels Off of Bird Feeders).

Your local fly control experts

Ehrlich Pest Control is the best when it comes to fly pest control. Don’t let a fly infestation be a long-term issue. Please get in touch with us via phone at 888 984 0186 or online if you require a pest specialist.


What pests do bird feeders attract?

Birds like mourning doves, juncos, and grosbeaks are big fans of these feeders. Unfortunately, so are mice, rats, squirrels, and chipmunks. Platform feeders are open trays that allow the easiest access to whatever food you place in them.

Where should you not put a bird feeder?

But don’t place the feeder under strong branches that can be used by cats who may lie in wait for unsuspecting birds. “Feeders should be close to cover, but not totally surrounded by cover. A feeder hanging from a tree branch, far enough off the ground, but pretty open underneath is great,” says Holloran.

How far away from the house should a bird feeder be?

Prevent collisions by placing feeders either more than 30 feet from a window or closer than 3 feet. A feeder that is 30 feet or more from a window is a safe distance from confusing reflections, while one within 3 feet prevents a bird from building up enough momentum for a fatal collision.