do anti collision bird stickers work

After cats, windows are one of the deadliest threats to birds in America. Researchers estimate that between 100 million and 1 billion birds are killed by colliding with glass every year, in the United States alone.

If you’re selecting new windows while building or remodeling, if at all possible choose double-hung windows or other types with the window screens on the outside. If you’re putting up a large picture window and like the effect of small panes, putting dividers on the outside as well as the inside will also help.

But most of us are stuck with the windows we already have, or are limited in our options in selecting new windows. Sticking one or two decals on a window will not help. You might try one of these techniques, ranked roughly from most to least effective:

Bird decals must be placed on the outside of windows to deter bird collision

William’s latest research Because the patterns on films and decals applied to windows’ interior surfaces might not be clearly visible to birds, researchers discovered that they have no effect on reducing collisions.

Bird window strikes happen when a bird is flying close to a building and it flies into a glass windowpane because it cannot see it. Bird enthusiasts and conservationists are very concerned about these strikes, and many of them support the application of clearly visible films, patterns, and decals on window surfaces to warn birds of the glass.

A lot of people who are concerned about bird strikes around their houses or places of business usually put decals on the inside of their windowpanes because doing so externally is frequently logistically challenging and prohibitively expensive, particularly if the windows are located above the ground floor of a building. But this new study’s findings indicate that the only way to significantly lower window collisions and avian mortality is to apply these decals externally.

Dr. John P. William Swaddle’s The researchers put two distinct window film products to the test: Haverkamp and BirdShades. These goods were chosen for testing because they interact with various light and color wavelengths that are visible to a variety of songbird species.

BirdShades Innovation GmbH provided funding for the BirdShades window film test. The research team used these films to test zebra finches’ ability to avoid window collisions through controlled aviary flight trials. The group used a design that made it possible to isolate how the window treatments affected avoidance flight behaviors. During the tests, a fine mist net in front of the windows prevented actual bird collisions.

The researchers discovered consistent proof that the films, when applied to windows’ exteriors, decreased the chance of a collision. When the films were used on the inside of windows, though, neither product worked well. Thus, in order to optimize their protective effects and lower the likelihood of daytime window collisions, installers must apply these products to the exterior surfaces of windows, as shown by the research’s findings.

“Reducing bird-window collisions is something many people want to do because these tragic incidents kill hundreds of millions of birds annually,” says Dr. Swaddle. There are numerous window films and decals that will probably increase birds’ visibility of glass surfaces, reducing the chance of a collision. We were able to demonstrate that, in order to help birds, people need to put films and decals on the outside of their windows. We want people to understand this so that their time and money are used wisely to preserve the birds that we all adore. Swaddle continued, “A team of William conducted this research. “.

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Materials provided by PeerJ. Note: Content may be edited for style and length.

Journal Reference:

  • John P. Swaddle, Blythe Brewster, Maddie Schuyler, Anjie Su. When window films are applied to the outside of windows rather than their interior surfaces, birds are less likely to collide with them. PeerJ, 2023; 11: e14676 DOI: 10. 7717/peerj. 14676 .

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Do anti collision window stickers work?

Window decals can work, but you must put up many, set only a few inches apart, on each glass panel. Sadly, birds do not respond to falcon and owl silhouette decals the way people once believed. Visit our Window Collisions page for more suggestions and photos of window treatments that help prevent collisions.

What are the best anti collision stickers for birds?

Products like Feather Friendly® or CollidEscape™ tape create a visual cue that the glass is there. Along with decals or tape, drawings, hanging mylar strips, or well-secured strings of beads can be effective and visually-pleasing solutions that help birds avoid glass.

Do bird silhouettes work?

Decals. Falcon silhouettes have long been a popular approach thought to stop birds from hitting windows, but they are often ineffective unless installed properly.

What can I put on my windows to prevent bird strikes?

Put decals, stickers, sun catchers, mylar strips, masking tape, or other objects (even sticky notes) on the outside surface of the window. These are only effective when spaced very closely (see above). Note that hawk silhouettes do little to deter birds.