do all birds eat worms

What’s on the menu tonight? That depends who you’re asking. Wild songbirds across North America have particularly varied diets. While some have a diverse palate, others stick to what they know and what their anatomy will allow. Among the many diets of wild birds are vermivores and seedeaters. You may think you know which species fall into which categories, but some of these might surprise you. Read on and prepare to get an education on bird eats!

The zoological term for animals that eat both worms and worm-like creatures is a vermivore. The word “vermivore” comes from the latin word “vermi,” which means worm and the word “vorare,” which means to devour. It’s no wonder worm-eaters are voracious in their nature. Don’t be fooled by the worm element, though; the term vermivore is not just reserved for animals who eat worms. A vermivore’s diet may include annelids (segmented worms), nematodes (roundworms), and insect vermin.

Birds like worms for their protein and easy availability. Ground feeders find that birds are particularly favorable to their feeding habits, as all they need to do is poke their bills into the earth to dig them out. While plenty of birds are vermivores, the way they go about seeking their prey varies. Some have needle-like bills that let them pick at worms with extreme precision. Others are a little more generalized and will gobble up just about any invertebrate they come across.

Although most vermivores prefer fresh worms for their nutritious and flavorful profile, dead worms or freeze-dried mealworms will suffice if there is no other option. Fun fact: mealworms aren’t even worms at all! Instead, they’re actually darkling beetles in their larval stage. The reason mealworms are technically not considered worms is because they have 6 jointed legs, and worms by definition do not have legs. Still, they’re worm-like, which means that the birds that eat them still fall into the vermivore category.

Now we move onto seedeaters. These wild songbirds primarily subsist on seeds. The primary differentiator between seedeaters and vermivores is that these birds have the strong, conical bills necessary to crush seeds and access their “meat” for nutrients.

Seed-eating birds come in many forms, shapes, and sizes. While the majority of wild birds eat seeds, the types of seeds they eat and how they consume them varies greatly. Some of the most common seeds you’ll find in bird feeders include sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, nyjer, and millet. While straight bird seed can be great, seat-eating birds are also often fans of wild bird seed mixes. Keep in mind, however, that not all seeds are suitable for all birds. It’s therefore especially important to know the dietary preferences and constraints of the species you’re feeding before you fill your birdfeeder.

What’s not to like about seeds? In addition to the taste and crunch, birds favor seeds for being a nutritious food source. Seeds provide wild birds with the energy they need to fly about, migrate, and maintain a healthy weight, which is particularly crucial during the cold winter months. Another benefit of seeds for birds is that they can be stored for later. Seedeaters employ a behavior known as caching, which involves stashing seeds in tree bark crevices, needle clusters, gutters, and other sneaky hiding places near bird feeders. Seedeaters do this as a “just in case” precaution to safeguard themselves in the event that food becomes scarce. Some birds like chickadees are able to not only remember where their caches are, but also where other animals’ caches that contain their favorite foods may be. Those are some smart songbirds!

Vermivore Bird Species

Worm eating is a favorite food of many wild bird species, including the following:

Woodpeckers. A woodpecker’s diet typically consists of insects, ants, mealworms, berries, nuts, and seeds.

Nuthatches. Nuthatches are noted for their love of tree nuts, but they also enjoy mealworms, insects, and spiders.

Robins. It is well known that these birds consume various invertebrates, including earthworms, beetles, caterpillars, snails, and spiders.

Starlings. Starlings are omnivores that prefer fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, legumes, nuts, and insects like caterpillars, mealworms, and beetles.

Owls. Owls consume not only earthworms but also, if given the opportunity, snails, crabs, fish, reptiles, other birds, and small mammals.

Bluebirds. It is common knowledge that bluebirds love mealworms, both fresh and dried. A word of caution: do NOT feed bluebirds earthworms. These beauties don’t have the digestive capability to handle them.

Bluebird eating a mealworm.

Photo credit:The Wood Thrush Shop

Now we move onto seedeaters. These wild songbirds primarily subsist on seeds. The main characteristic that separates seedeaters from vermivores is that the former have powerful, conical bills that are required to crush seeds and obtain nutrients from their “meat.”

Seed-eating birds come in many forms, shapes, and sizes. While the majority of wild birds eat seeds, the types of seeds they eat and how they consume them varies greatly. Some of the most common seeds you’ll find in bird feeders include sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, nyjer, and millet. While straight bird seed can be great, seat-eating birds are also often fans of wild bird seed mixes. Keep in mind, however, that not all seeds are suitable for all birds. It’s therefore especially important to know the dietary preferences and constraints of the species you’re feeding before you fill your birdfeeder.

Common redpolls devouring birdseed

Photo credit: SC Times

Why do Birds Like Seeds?

What’s not to like about seeds? In addition to the taste and crunch, birds favor seeds for being a nutritious food source. Seeds provide wild birds with the energy they need to fly about, migrate, and maintain a healthy weight, which is particularly crucial during the cold winter months. Another benefit of seeds for birds is that they can be stored for later. Seedeaters employ a behavior known as caching, which involves stashing seeds in tree bark crevices, needle clusters, gutters, and other sneaky hiding places near bird feeders. Seedeaters do this as a “just in case” precaution to safeguard themselves in the event that food becomes scarce. Some birds like chickadees are able to not only remember where their caches are, but also where other animals’ caches that contain their favorite foods may be. Those are some smart songbirds!

What Types of Birds Eat Worms?

The only omnivorous birds—those that consume both plants and animals—are the ones that consume worms. Birds that are herbivorous, i. e. Eat nothing but plant material, such as seeds or nectar; avoid eating worms. Neither do carnivorous birds, like eagles and the majority of other prey-seeking birds, which only consume meat. Wrens, plovers, killdeers, woodcocks, and thrushes—including the American robin—are a few species of birds that consume worms.

The Eastern screech owl is an exception to the rule that most predatory birds are carnivorous and do not consume worms. It is omnivorous and therefore eats worms. There are also instances of birds that, after their eggs hatch, hunt and catch worms to feed to their young instead of consuming worms as adults.

What Are Some Ways That Birds Benefit by Eating Worms?

Worms are not only nutritious but also a plentiful food source for birds that can consume them. Omnivorous birds can continue to eat worms when other food sources become scarce in order to survive. Additionally, it seems that birds like the flavor of worms, though this is impossible to confirm.


Which birds do not eat worms?

Except for a couple species of large forest floor species, the dove group does not eat worms and they generally do not feed their babies “worms” (insect larvae). Eagles, hawks and owls are not worm eaters nor do they feed their babies “worms.”

What kind of bird likes to eat worms?

Robins aren’t the only birds that eat worms, although their penchant for the wrigglers is probably the keenest, with robins eating as much as 14 feet of earthworms in a single day, according to Bird Feeder Hub(Opens in a new window). Other worm-eating birds include killdeers, plovers, wrens and woodcocks.

Which birds don’t eat insects?

American Goldfinches Don’t Eat Insects.

Do blue jays eat worms?

Blue jays are opportunistic, so a bird feeder in their area filled with seeds will be a popular and low-effort source of food. They also fill out their diet with caterpillars, worms and other insects, but what sets these birds apart is their predilection for eating other eggs and newly hatched birds.