did larry bird ever marry

Larry Bird’s wife is Dinah Mattingly, an American national from Vigo County in Indiana State. Not much was known about her until she began dating and eventually marrying the former NBA star.

Dinah Mattingly, Larry Bird’s wife, became known to the public following her relationship with the former basketball star. The two have been married since 1989 and have two adopted children. She is Larry’s second wife.

In popular culture edit

In 1975, Bird married Janet Condra. They remained married for less than a year. Bird and Condra tried to make amends, and in 1977 they had a daughter named Corrie. [141].

Bird married Dinah Mattingly in 1989. They have two adopted children, Conner and Mariah. [141].

Bird resided in the Brookline, Massachusetts, suburb of Boston for the duration of his professional career with the Celtics. [142].

Rivalry with Magic Johnson edit Bird’s rivalry with

Magic Johnson and Larry Bird are regarded as “one of the greatest rivalries in sports.” “[76] When Magic Johnson and Michigan State defeated Larry Bird and Indiana State in the NCAA Championship game, their rivalry was born. Their rivalry persisted in the NBA’s resurrected Celtics-Lakers rivalry. In every NBA Finals series during the 1980s, either the Lakers, under Magic’s leadership, or the Celtics, under Bird’s, were present; Bird and Magic faced off three times. While Magic defeated Bird in 1984, Magic emerged victorious against Bird in 1985 and 1987. [77].

According to journalistic speculation, Bird and Magic stood for various contrasts, including conflicts between the Celtics and Lakers, the East and the West, and Blacks and Whites. However, as one journalist put it, “Take a chainsaw to their souls and they were fraternal, if not identical, friends.” They may have had different appearances. Observing Bird perform was akin to witnessing Magic perform, as they both possessed a unique skill that the league had never seen before. Each of them exuded charisma, a skillful shooting touch, exceptional passing ability, and a team mentality that enthused both the crowd and their team. A new wave of fans was beginning to be influenced by this style of play, as younger children were given “a different perspective of the game” and older fans would sit and “marvel at what they [Bird and Magic] can do.” [80].

Only a small portion of Bird and Magic’s impact on basketball came from their rivalry, which turned the NBA from a “struggling, barely profitable league into a highly visible, financial and marketing dream for teams and players alike.” [76] As the NBA began to market to these two stars, many people came to understand that the rise in popularity of the NBA was correlated with the emergence of these two stars. [76].

What is Larry Bird’s wife famous for?

She gained prominence for being the wife of Larry Bird. Larry is a well-known former National Basketball Association executive, coach, and professional basketball player (NBA) During his career, which spanned from 1979 to 1992, he was a member of the Boston Celtics and is regarded as one of the greatest basketball players in US history.

did larry bird ever marry


How many biological children does Larry Bird have?

Larry Bird has a daughter named Corrie Bird with his former wife Janet Condra. Corrie was born on August 14, 1977, two years before “The Hick from French Lick” played for the Boston Celtics in the NBA. The basketball star and Condra got married in 1975 but broke up a year later.

Who is Larry Bird in a relationship with?

After 13 years of their divorce, Condra’s ex-husband, Larry Bird, married Dinah Mattingly in 1989. Mattingly and Bird adopted their children, Connor and Mariah Bird.

Where is Larry Bird now?

After retiring with the Celtics, Bird coached the Pacers for three seasons. Later he joined Indiana’s front office, and today still serves as a consultant for the team.