can you use hamster bedding for birds

4. Aspen Wood Shavings

Because aspen wood shavings don’t smell good and don’t contain any chemicals that might irritate your bird’s skin, they’re a great option for your bird. You can buy these to confirm that they are Aspen wood chips designed specifically for birds.

To prevent your bird from being tempted to eat the wood chips, get the larger ones. The disadvantages of clean straw and Aspen wood shavings are the same. This will still require daily cleaning, and it will keep you from checking to make sure their digestive system is functioning properly.

You can also make a space for the wood chips or straw at the bottom of the cage if your bird only likes a small amount of those materials. Just make sure it doesn’t cover the entire bottom.

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The best bedding for your bird

When you get a bird, you have a variety of options. Not all of them are created equal. For bedding to be safe for your bird friend to use, it must fulfill certain requirements.

Any bedding needs to be:

  • Simple to use for everyday cleaning (you might also want to check out our article about essential cleaning tips for birdcages here!)
  • Material that your birds won’t eat
  • No fragrance or heavily perfumed bedding
  • No Dust

It sounds hard determining which is the best to use. Ultimately, we have the option to purchase bedding from a store, and for their birds, that works well.

They may not be aware of whether the litter is best for their birds because of the bedding they use. The top 4 bedding options for your bird buddy’s cage are listed in detail below.

When it comes to bedding for your pet’s cage, sometimes less is more, and for your bird, paper is the easiest and, quite honestly, the best option available.

It is:

  • Cheap
  • Easy to clean
  • Doesn’t harm your birds
  • Birds will not eat it

Additionally, you can keep an eye on your bird’s health by using paper products and paying attention to their waste.

One of the first signs that there is a problem with your bird, given the language barrier between you, is a change in their droppings.

You swiftly check on your little friend to make sure they’re feeling okay using the paper’s flat surface.

The most widely used paper product is the newspaper. It is readily available, and occasionally it is free. Since you’ll be using this on a daily basis, it’s best to hunt for something affordable to buy.

If you can’t find any inexpensive or easily accessible paper goods, consider using your imagination. Perhaps a friend of yours reads the newspaper, or you could work out a deal with a nearby retailer to remove that pack of unsold papers from their inventory.

If your friend has messed up the cage, you can simply remove the top layer by placing a stack of pages at the bottom for owners with messy birds.

You can use other paper products if your bird is reasonably clean. If you can’t find any inexpensive or easily accessible paper goods, consider using your imagination.

Other paper products you can use for your bird:

  • Paper towels
  • Plain paper
  • Brown paper bags
  • Packaging paper
  • Butcher paper

Steer clear of glossy advertisements and paper that appears to have been treated, as the ink or treatment may not be suitable for your bird. But the newspaper’s print isn’t harmful to your birds; the worst it can do is bleed color into their feathers.

Keep in mind that you will be changing the bedding every day, so staying away from anything too pricey is advised. The amount of layering you will need to do to make sure the bedding is functioning properly is included in that cost.

There are alternatives to paper if you want your bird to have something to play in at the bottom of the cage.

Keep in mind due to the uneven texture of these products, you cannot view your bird’s droppings as easily, which might cause you to miss any health issues they might bird litter

Though straw is generally used for hens, your indoor bird can also benefit from clean straw. You can use that if you live in a more rural area or if you know someone who sells straw locally.

For those of us who are not as fortunate, straw bedding is available at a nearby pet or feed store.

When using a straw, the keyword is cleaned. When straw is balled up, it can harbor parasites that can sicken your bird.

Everything you feed your bird must be hygienic. If you purchase the straw from a retailer, confirm that it has been cleaned according to the packaging.

If you have a female bird that is brooding and needs a place to lay her eggs, this kind of bedding is very helpful. Additionally, the straw will feel safer and softer to your younger bird.

While it’s possible to think that using a straw will allow you to clean more between cleanings, in reality, the straw actually makes the task a little bit more difficult.

General daily cleaning is still necessary for your bird. If you don’t, there will be a buildup of droppings at the bottom of the cage, and since straw is a natural material, it will probably mold. Another drawback with this tow colored fiber is the texture.

Straw doesn’t let you see their droppings, so even though it might feel right for your bird, you can’t be safe from any problems your friend might be experiencing.

Bird liners come in a variety of materials and can be bought online or at any pet store. These are excellent for those who prefer a flat surface at the bottom of the cage over paper but still don’t want to use it.

Bird liners are available in a variety of sizes to precisely fit your cage. Pet owners find it easier because they also come in large packs.

There are many different types of liners, and not all of them are safe to use with your bird. Avoid the ones that are essentially sandpaper.

Your bird can eat the sand on the paper, and if it walks on the bottom of the cage, the coarseness of the sand will make their talons less sharp. The ideal kind of bird liners to use are those that are quilted like dog pads.

They offer the benefits of using paper due to the flatness, but they are much more expensive.Is newspaper safe as birdcage bedding?


What bedding is safe for birds?

Hemp is low in dust, making it safe for birds Birds enjoy flapping their wings, and dusty bedding can lead to a dusty environment for your pet. Hemp is low in dust, making it the best for you and your bird because allergens also affect humans.

What can I use as bird bedding?

Better Alternatives Safer bird litters are those made with paper or wood, usually in the form of pellets, crumbles, shreds or shavings. It’s best to use a litter that has some weight to it, as birds like to flap their wings for exercise and shavings can go everywhere.

What do you put in the bottom of a bird cage?

The bottom of the cage should be lined with disposable paper such as newspaper or paper towels that can be thrown away every day. Newsprint is now free of lead, so it is non-toxic to birds, even if they chew on it.

Can you use small animal bedding for birds?

I’ve been using ‘clean’ aspen wood shavings with my birds. They love laying in them and, I’ve had no health problems. I use dust free pine curls for horse stalls for my pigeons and have had not one problem with them.