can you download flappy bird

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  • ?ã c?p nh?t23 tháng 1, 2023
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Also available in other platforms

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Flap through the gap

Flappy Bird’s basic gameplay mechanic is to fly through as many gaps as you can without colliding with a pipe. It shares gameplay mechanics with the well-liked tap-to-hover helicopter genre, which includes titles like iCopter TNG. Its fun – but insanely frustrating!.

Flappy Bird’s controls are straightforward—you just tap to flap—but the game is so challenging that even after an hour of practice, you will only be able to pass five or six gaps. Sometimes, just when you think you’ve made it through a gap, you’ll clip the pipe’s edge on the way back, and then you’re back where you started.

Flappy Bird’s graphics are extremely simple, appearing to have been taken straight from an 8-bit game console. The bird itself is adorable, and when you smack him into a pipe for the 500th time, his tiny pixelated face makes you feel even worse.

Flappy Bird’s background is uninspired and appears to have been taken from any of the innumerable adorable platformers from the early 1990s. Additionally, don’t anticipate any elaborate animation—Flappy Bird is rather jerky.

Even though Flappy Bird can make you want to throw your phone outside, it also has a way of drawing you back in with the thought that “surely I’ll get the hang of it now.” Once youve installed Flappy Bird youll wish you hadnt!.

Please note that Flappy Bird is no longer available to download from the Google Play store. Take a look at the best alternatives to Flappy Bird instead.

  • Insanely addictive gameplay
  • Simple controls
  • Unimagintative graphics
  • Some might say its too hard
  • License


  • Version


  • Latest update

    May 24, 2023

  • Platform

    AndroidOther platforms (1)

  • OS

    Android 4.1

  • Language


  • Downloads


    Last months downloads


  • Developer

    .GEARS | More Programs (6)

  • Download Options

    APK, Google Play

  • Filename



Is it still possible to download Flappy Bird?

Flappy Bird was removed from both the App Store and Google Play on February 10, 2014, with Nguyen claiming that he felt guilty over what he considered to be the game’s addictive nature and overusage.

Can I still play Flappy Bird?

It was originally released as a mobile game then discontinued by its developer, Dong Nyugen. Today, you can play this simple but addictive one-button game on the web.

Is Flappy Bird APK safe?

All in the Permissions In addition to Android’s warnings, the malicious Flappy Bird is particularly suspicious because of all the permissions it requests. In my review of the real Flappy Bird, I noted that the game got a green light from Bitdefender’s Clueful and only requested access to the Internet.