can you cut a bird’s nails

Do you have a pet bird, or are you thinking of getting one? Do you know everything you need to do to take care of your pet’s hygiene and upkeep? Did you know pet birds need to have their nails trimmed regularly for a variety of reasons?

Pet parents who are used to dogs and cats may not understand all the reasons why birds need regular nail trims. In the article below, we’ll give you some of the most important reasons you should pay attention to your bird’s nail health, so you can recognize your pet’s needs more easily. Read on to find out more!

Risk of Catching Nails on Items

A bird has a higher chance of snagging its nails on objects in the house or in its cage if its nails are allowed to grow too long. Additionally, the bird’s nails could get stuck or entangled in the cage’s bars.

You can lessen the chance that your pet bird will snag their toenails on objects, furniture, or clothing by giving them regular nail trims. You won’t run the risk of your house getting damaged, and your pet won’t run the risk of getting hurt.

Lack of Natural Nail Trimming

Birds use their toenails to grip onto a variety of surfaces, both rough and smooth, when they fly and perch in the wild. However, because they cannot access such a large variety of perching surfaces in captivity, birds’ nails are not exposed to the same textures.

In the wild, perching and gripping helps maintain short, neat toenails on birds. It is the responsibility of pet parents to ensure that their birds in captivity have short nails instead. Your pet can receive this essential grooming from you to help mimic their experience in the wild.

Risk of Nail Scratches

Birds who have very long toenails may risk scratching themselves. If you don’t regularly clip your bird’s nails, there’s a chance they could hurt themselves or any other birds that live in the same area.

Furthermore, birds that do not regularly trim their nails run the same risk of scratching members of their human family. It is crucial to have your bird’s nails clipped as frequently as advised by your exotic veterinarian if you do not want to run the risk of them scratching you or injuring you. In this manner, neither they nor you will be harmed by their nails.

When a bird’s toenails grow too long, they can flake, which is less of an issue than some other conditions and issues on this list. Though flaking may not be painful or result in significant blood loss as nail damage might, it is still a risk that can be easily reduced by keeping your bird’s nails short.

An excessive amount of nail flakes can make a bird’s nails more likely to catch on clothes and other objects. The bird’s nails may also break off as they flake, which increases the risk of nail infections that, if untreated, could even spread to the foot.