can pest control remove bird nest

Most people may not consider birds when they think of pest control; bird removal does, however, fall into the category of wildlife exclusion. While typically benign to homeowners, birds can be detrimental to both homes and health. Birds can be quite noisy, especially if they build a nest in or on your home. They can cause damage to your roof, car, and property. Their nests can block stove, dryer, and fan vents causing fire hazards and rendering them useless. Their nests can also clog gutters and drains, leading to standing water and potential damage to your roof. Their droppings contain uric acid which can damage the paint on your car. Bird droppings also contain pathogens that are dangerous to humans like histoplasmosis. Bird nests can also contain other pests such as mites, parasites, and ticks that can stick around long after the birds have left the nest.

Birds have been known to build their nests in some very inconvenient places in and around homes. They are often found above doors, over garages, inside sheds, and other high-traffic areas. They can also nest in places that are dangerous to the birds themselves – on top of lawnmowers, heat pumps, etc.

While the decision to remove the bird nest may seem simple, there are Federal laws regarding bird nest removal that make it illegal to remove certain species of birds or their nests. Best practice is always to check with a wildlife control company before attempting to remove any bird nests from your home. If you have verified that the species of bird invading your property is not protected and removal of the nest is legal and necessary, here are some steps to take to ensure both proper and safe removal and/or relocation.

The best way to eliminate bird nests from your property is to prevent them from building in the first place. Remove any food scraps and open trash from around your home as this invites them to feed. Make sure trash is secured tightly in containers. Place any bird feeders and birdbaths away from the home and further out in the yard. Only put out enough food for a few birds and clean up any spills regularly. Consider installing gutter guards to prevent nesting in gutters and downspouts. Vents are a common nesting place for birds so install vent covers and screens. Use perch repellents if necessary; these are rows of bird spikes installed on ledges, window sills, and around the perimeter of the roof to prevent birds from alighting on perches. You can also use visual repellents such as plastic owls, hawks, snakes, and even coyotes. If you use visual repellents, make sure to move them often as the birds will get used to them being in one place. Hang reflective bird diverters from strings on your porch also.

The best time to remove a nest is when it is still in the building stage. If you notice a bird nest already built or remove one this season, keep an eye out in the same area next season and stop it before it is fully completed.

The Facts About How to Get Rid of a Birds Nest

Birds construct their nests to offer a secure, comfortable area for them to lay their eggs. Many environmental factors, including the species of bird, the presence of competitors, parasites, and predators, as well as temperature and humidity, influence the locations and types of nests that they choose to build. Some birds nest on grass or even dig burrows in the ground, while others construct their nests in trees and shrubs. Some species build their nests on building roofs, walls, or ledges. Before attempting bird nest removal, there are a few things to take into consideration, regardless of where you’ve seen them or the effect they have on your property. Often, calling a professional is the best first step.

  • Ensure the Nest is Inactive. It goes without saying that the best time to remove a bird’s nest is obviously while it’s still being constructed. But it’s possible that until it’s inhabited, you won’t notice the construction. If there are already birds or eggs there, don’t try to move them. Recall that it is illegal to remove migratory birds’ nests, so you should wait until after the nesting season. Learning how to prevent birds from creating a nest in the first place is also a good idea.
  • Check for Eggs. Eggs may be visible in the nest, but the parents are nowhere to be found. This doesn’t mean the eggs have been abandoned. In actuality, a lot of birds wait to lay their eggs, and they can survive for up to two weeks after that. Alternatively, it’s possible that the adults have just momentarily left the nest to feed or assist in cooling the eggs. Human disturbances on a regular basis may cause the nest to be abandoned.
  • Wait Until After Nesting Season. While most bird species only nest once a year, some can have as many as four or five. Diverse species also spend quite different amounts of time in their nests. Raptors may remain for up to eight or ten weeks, but songbirds typically depart after two or three weeks. Knowing the specifics of each species can be quite difficult, so it’s best to leave it to the experts to decide what to do and when.

It’s time to call Terminix® Commercial if a bird has taken up residence on your property in a dangerous area, is causing damage to your house, or is preventing any space from being used. Our skilled professionals will assist in determining the best course of action, whether you require expert bird nest removal or are looking for more information about how to prevent birds from building a nest.

Experience a pest-free home. Choose Terminix.

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While most people might not think of birds when they think of pest control, removing birds does fall under the category of excluding wildlife. Although they are usually harmless to homeowners, birds can be harmful to houses and people’s health. Birds can make a lot of noise, particularly if they nest in or on your house. They can cause damage to your roof, car, and property. Their nests can obstruct vents on stoves, dryers, and fans, creating fire hazards and making them inoperable. Additionally, their nests have the ability to clog drains and gutters, resulting in standing water and possible roof damage. Their excrement contains uric acid, which can corrode your car’s paint. Additionally, pathogens like histoplasmosis that are harmful to humans can be found in bird droppings. In addition to mites, parasites, and ticks, bird nests may harbor other pests that persist long after the birds have fled the nest.

Preventing bird nests from ever arising is the most effective method of getting rid of them from your property. Eliminate any leftover food and exposed garbage from your house, as this encourages them to eat. Make sure trash is secured tightly in containers. Any bird feeders and birdbaths should be placed farther out in the yard and away from the house. Don’t leave more food out than what a few birds will eat, and clean up spills frequently. To stop nesting in gutters and downspouts, think about installing gutter guards. Install vent covers and screens because vents are common places for birds to build their nests. If necessary, use perch repellents, which are rows of bird spikes placed on window sills, ledges, and the roof’s perimeter to keep birds from perching. Additionally, you can employ visual deterrents like plastic coyotes, owls, hawks, and snakes. If you use visual repellents, be sure to move them around a lot because the birds will grow accustomed to seeing them there. Hang reflective bird diverters from strings on your porch also.

Once the nest-building season has ended, it is ideal to remove or relocate a nest. While most birds only lay one nest a year, some species lay four or five times. The time varies with the species of bird. It is challenging to decide when it is best to remove or relocate the nest without knowing the exact species of bird. An expert can assist in identifying the species you are dealing with and in determining when it is most appropriate to remove the nest.

You can remove or relocate the nest once you have positively identified the species of bird you have, verified that it is legal to do so, and ensured that the nest is inactive and free of eggs. Bird nests can serve as a haven for additional pests, and bird droppings left behind can harbor pathogens that are harmful to humans. To protect yourself, wear latex gloves, long sleeves, long pants, and a respiratory mask. Make sure the nest is clear of both birds and eggs by carefully inspecting it. Spray the nest with an antibacterial spray. When the nest is dry, take it down and discard it in an outside trash bag or a container that is tightly sealed. Dispose of it in the trash away from the home. Use an effective disinfectant to tidy the area where the nest was located. Remove and dispose of your gloves. Remove your clothing and wash them immediately in hot water. Wash your hands thoroughly.

Whenever you remove or relocate a nest, always make sure it is no longer active. If there are birds or eggs present, never try to move or remove a nest. It is advisable to postpone any removal or relocation until after the nesting season. If there are eggs in a nest and no indications of the parents, the nest may still be occupied. The parents might have departed to give the eggs time to cool down or they might be out feeding.

The word pest is not commonly synonymous with birds, but if they’re causing damage to your roof, car, or property, you may make an exception. In fact, you may even be considering bird nest removal if you find them wreaking havoc consistently. Not only can nesting birds make quite a racket, but they can block stove, dryer and fan vents with their nesting materials, and clog gutters and drains. Plus, bird droppings contain uric acid, which can also damage car paint. So, while removing a birds nest may not be something you’ve worried about in the past, there are occasions that might necessitate a deeper look. If you’re thinking about removing a birds nest yourself, first consider that there are laws and risks that you need to be aware of.

Bird control is not as simple as just trying to figure out how to get rid of a birds nest. Many species are protected under The Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which “makes it illegal for anyone to take, possess, import, export, transport, sell, purchase, barter, or offer for sale, purchase, or barter, any migratory bird, or the parts, nests, or eggs of such a bird except under the terms of a valid permit issued pursuant to Federal regulations.” Unless you’re an expert, it’s not likely that you’ll be able to differentiate protected birds from others, so it’s always recommended that you leave any bird nest removal to professional wildlife control such as Terminix® Commercial.

Birds can carry diseases that could be harmful to humans, so professional removal is necessary in addition to adhering to rules and regulations. Microorganisms from birds can cause a range of communicable diseases and can spread through different routes. Nests are likely to remain long after the birds have left and may contain mites, parasites, ticks, and other pests carried on the birds themselves. Additionally, it’s likely that the nests will contain droppings, increasing the danger of handling


Can I remove a bird’s nest from my house?

When Is It OK to Remove Nests? Nests can be removed only after the nesting season has ended and the birds have moved on. Call a local wildlife rehabilitation center for guidance if the birds have built their nests in unsafe locations.

Is it cruel to remove a birds nest?

No matter what you do, you cannot remove the nest “humanely.” You will cause trauma to the parent birds and they will abandon the nest and the eggs. And on top of all that, in the US it is absolutely illegal to do that in any way.

What should I do if I find a bird’s nest?

If you discover a nest of any federally protected birds, it is imperative the nest remains undisturbed until the birds leave on their own. Then you may remove the inactive nest.

Will a bird come back to a disturbed nest?

Birds may leave their nest if they are scared off or if they need to feed. After they’ve been scared off, birds almost always return to their nest and resume incubating after the threat has passed.