can lovebirds be kept with other birds

In most situations, a cage with a quaker and lovebird would not be considered a good idea.

Birds of larger differences in size and nature have bonded and became cage mates but it is not the norm.

They are both aggressive birds, but the quaker could cause the lovebird more harm if it wanted to.

A cage containing a lovebird and quaker would not be regarded as a good idea in most circumstances.

Although they are both aggressive birds, if the quaker wanted to, it could hurt the lovebird more.

Although it is not common, birds with greater disparities in size and nature have bonded and become cagemates.

Can a lovebird and parakeet/budgie share a cage?

It is not recommended to house a lovebird in the same cage as a budgie or another type of parakeet. Because these two bird species do not communicate in the same language, there may be major issues.

Lovebirds have created their own customs, language, and behavior codes. From the moment the eggs hatch, they are taught to the young birds. Unaware of this language, a parakeet won’t understand what the lovebird is saying. The lovebird will not react appropriately if your parakeet is attempting to participate in a ritual that your parakeet doesn’t comprehend.

When a lovebird attacks, parakeets—especially budgies—have no way to defend themselves. In addition to being smaller, their beaks have less strength and sharpness. When kept in the same cage as a lovebird, even larger parakeets, such as cockatiels, will be in danger. Any other bird species in the cage will be attacked by lovebirds as they protect their home.

If you have a lovebird and a parakeet. Make sure they are kept apart in cages far enough apart that the bars prevent them from coming into contact with one another.

What if they are both very young?

There are instances where owners of birds develop a bond between their parakeet and lovebird. Though possible, it doesn’t happen often.

This primarily occurs when these birds are paired off at a very young age. It enables the parakeet to pick up lovebird lingo, mannerisms, and behaviors. But there are many instances where the birds will never get along, so this is not a guarantee.

Therefore, even though you could try this, it is not advised.


What birds get along with lovebirds?

Aggression problems with other birds and animal species Toe biting may occur when lovebirds are socialising/housed with small birds (i.e. parrotlets, budgies, and even docile cockatiels). They should not be housed with other bird genera as they can be injured or pose a threat to other birds.

Can a lovebird live with a budgie?

No! Lovebirds can be vicious and aggressive to other birds and have been known to kill Budgies. If you are thinking of getting a Lovebird for them to be in the same room but each have their own cage, they probably won’t interact or be much company to each other either.

Can you put different bird species together?

Typically, unless you are introducing a small bird (such as a budgerigar, canary, or finch) to another (or a group) of similar small species, the two birds should not be housed together but rather should be given their own bird cages, feeding stations, perches and toys.

Why is my lovebird so aggressive?

Some birds become aggressive during their adolescence due to hormone changes. This will typically pass once the bird gets through this stage. Protecting their claimed territory, such as the birdcage or feeder, can lead to aggression. Birds that are stressed or lack mental stimulation may also act out.