can love birds survive alone

DEAR JOAN: I saw a bird that seemed to be acting very protective. I thought perhaps I was too close to its nest. Then I saw a lovebird.

It seemed friendly and followed me. Can the lovebird thrive in the Mission San Jose Fremont area?

While we do have some wild parrots in the Bay Area, they’ve learned how to fend for themselves and survive by living in flocks. I’m going out on a not-very-long limb and guess that your friendly lovebird is someone’s pet, raised in captivity and completely unable to manage on its own.

Lovebirds are social birds, and are monogamous when they mate. They get their name because the mated pairs spend a good portion of their time sitting together in what can only be described as a loving, old-fashioned canoodling way.

If you can coax it in close to you and capture it, I’ll put out the alert for anyone missing a lovebird to contact me. Here’s hoping the bird has already made its way home again.

DEAR JOAN: I have had a family of scrub-jays in our tree for at least 5 years. I have faithfully put out peanuts for them. I have seen and heard their babies every year, and have watched them use my birdbath.

My problem and worry is I have not seen them for at least 3 or 4 months, and the peanuts are never eaten. The only other birds I have are a lot of hummingbirds and I did see a couple of Northern mockingbirds a few months ago.

First, take a look at any changes to your yard and the neighborhood. Has there been a lot of construction in the area? Did you or your neighbors prune or cut down any shrubs or trees? Has a cat moved into the neighborhood? Both major and subtle changes can make a difference.

Reducing the use of insecticides and pesticides can help. In trying to protect plants from insect damage, we can unintentionally close the buffet, so to speak. Scrub-jays eat a variety of foods including insects, reptiles and small mammals (rodents).

The birds like peanuts, but their favorite food by far is acorns. Looking longterm, you can plant an oak tree in your yard. The birds will enjoy the acorns and also the insects that are attracted to oaks. In the short term, pick up fallen acorns where you find them and leave them in the feeder instead of the peanuts. You also might put out a small log for the birds to use to help in cracking the acorns.

To attract other birds, put out a variety of seeds and nuts, and keep the birdbath clean and filled.

5. Lovebirds Sometimes Can Be Potty Trained

Lovebirds are excellent learners who can, in certain situations, be trained to relieve themselves on command because they are perceptive and affectionate.

“While they will still go whenever and wherever they please, lovebirds are less likely to surprise you by going potty on command,” says Scavicchio. “Lovebirds go potty every 10-15 minutes. “.

Lovebirds can be trained to relieve themselves in a cage before being released to explore their surroundings because they are eager to please. Scavicchio suggests combining a vocal cue and a hand gesture, then repeating this in the bird cage along with rewards (like treats) for the desired behavior. When you’ve got this down pat, never take the lovebird outside of its cage until you’ve asked it to “go potty.” The lovebird will learn to urinate before exiting the cage if the behavior is reinforced.

1. Lovebirds Are Great Beginner Birds

Though lovebirds are less common as avian pets than budgies (parakeets), they are still a good choice for a committed beginner or intermediate birdkeeper who can devote a substantial amount of time and care to them.

Julia Scavicchio, a longtime bird enthusiast with a 4-year-old lovebird and experience with cockatiels and parakeet care, says in an email that people looking for a pet bird should consider lovebirds because they are affectionate, gregarious, and intelligent.

According to Scavicchio, “lovebirds are more akin to the demands of having a dog than having a small pet, such as a hamster.”

The key to building a solid relationship with a lovebird is to shower your feathered friend with affection from an early age. Adult lovebirds can be tough to tame and often refuse to learn tricks, but a young lovebird will thrive on daily social interaction with its human counterpart. Begin your lovebird relationship tenderly — move slowly and speak softly — then progress to hand-taming. Hand-taming involves gently pressing a dowel or hefty wooden stick to the birds chest while offering a treat to step onto the dowel. After the lovebird becomes comfortable with this arrangement, you can substitute your finger for the dowel, thus hand-taming your lovebird for close interaction.

I haven’t seen them in at least three or four months, and the peanuts are never eaten, which is my issue and concern. The only other birds I have are numerous hummingbirds, and a few months ago, I did see a couple Northern mockingbirds.

Provide a variety of seeds and nuts, and keep the birdbath stocked and clean to draw in additional birds.

I’ll send out a notice asking anyone who finds a missing lovebird to get in touch with me if you can get it to come near you and be captured. We can only hope that the bird has returned home.

Reducing the use of insecticides and pesticides can help. Sometimes, in our haste to shield plants from insect damage, we inadvertently close the buffet. The diet of scrub-jays is diverse, consisting of insects, small mammals (rodents), and reptiles.

Lovebirds are social birds, and are monogamous when they mate. Their name originates from the fact that the mated pairs spend a significant amount of time sitting together in a manner that can only be described as affectionate and traditional canoodling.


Is it okay to have one lovebird?

Lovebirds are very social birds. Generally, it is thought that it is essential for their good health and happiness that they are kept in pairs, not single. If you have a single lovebird, you must provide the necessary social interaction that it is missing from another bird.

Can you keep a lovebird by itself?

It’s a myth that you need to keep lovebirds together. You can keep a happy healthy lovebird by itself.

Can lovebirds survive on their own?

Lovebirds Don’t Require a Partner Although these highly social birds travel in flocks in the wild and often are kept in pairs as pets, it is possible to have a single bird that will thrive. In fact, a solitary lovebird will bond deeply with a person who invests time and patience in its care and training.

Can a single lovebird be happy?

It is a widely purported myth that you should never own a solitary lovebird and that if they are not kept in pairs, they will die of depression. While it is true that they are extremely social birds who thrive on interaction and must be socially stimulated, in many cases, bird owners should keep single lovebirds.