can i drink bird nest everyday

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there is a concept called ?? (jìn jì). This usually refers to food, be it for medicinal purposes or everyday consumption, that should not go together or “clash” when taken together.

After seeing so much misinformation out there about birds nests and what to (or not to) take it with, it prompted me to share more about what not to take with birds nests so you can be sure to maximise your nutrients (and money). After all, birds nests isnt exactly the cheapest thing and consuming it wrongly might lead to ineffective results.

Most people should know by now that the best time to take birds nests is either the first thing in the morning or at the last thing at night for best absorption. But do you know what not to eat birds nests with?

What are the nests made of?

Edible bird’s nest architecture is remarkably unique, akin to a hammock made of interwoven strands. They can be white, yellow, or red.

The nests are constructed of hardened saliva regurgitated by swiftlets. They also contain feathers and other debris. Edible bird’s nests are not built from twigs or other kinds of plant material, as some people mistakenly believe (4).

Edible bird’s nests are meticulously cleaned of feathers, sand grains, and other debris with tweezers before being used in cooking (4).

Nests were collected for centuries from limestone caves in Borneo, Malaysia, especially the massive Gomantong and Niah caves.

Today, edible bird’s nests are protected under the Wildlife Conservation Enactment of 1997. Only locals with permits can climb to the top of the caves twice a year, in February and July–September, to harvest. Unauthorized collectors may be fined and penalized (5).

Certain online communities characterize the harvesting of these nests as contentious. It is alleged that those involved in the enterprise bribe people in order to gain entry to the caves.

Today, the global market for edible bird’s nests is on the upswing, with most nests being farmed rather than collected from caves (6).

Chinese people have long used these nests as a component in soups. The Asian community still uses the soup as a nutritional supplement and cure today.

Since its consumption by emperors and other high officials in ancient China, the soup has served as a status symbol and medicinal tool. It is still regarded as one of the priciest soups in the world today.

It is made by infusing rock sugar into the bird’s nest through a double boiling process. The preparation process can last for hours (2).

The soup has a mild flavor and a texture that is a bit gummy, like egg whites. It is prepared as an entree or main course in some specialty Asian restaurants; it is occasionally served with noodles, seafood, or vegetables.

Both macronutrients and micronutrients are found in edible bird’s nests.

Carbohydrates, glycoproteins — molecules with protein and carbohydrate chains that support body functions — and trace elements like calcium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, and iron make up the key nutrients (7).

A multitude of bioactive substances found in edible bird nests may also have health-promoting properties.

These consist of sialic acid, glucosamine, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins (7). They also include the structural components of fat called fatty acids.

Many people believe that birds’ nests are good for human health, but there isn’t enough evidence to back these claims up.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, eating bird nests can help treat conditions like asthma, TB, and stomach issues (2)

It’s also said that edible bird’s nests might improve libido, strengthen immune function, enhance energy and metabolism, and stimulate circulation. These properties have even been researched in test-tube studies (2, 8).

Nonetheless, these findings need to be confirmed with additional evidence.

Some bioactive substances that are present in edible bird’s nests seem to have the ability to prevent the flu virus (2)

Plus, three preliminary lab studies suggest that components of edible bird’s nests may be able to destroy rapidly growing cancer cells. However, the exact components showing anti-cancer properties are unknown at this time (2).

Nonetheless, further research is needed to support these findings.

The possibility of using edible bird’s nests as a medicinal supplement to treat osteoarthritis and promote bone health is also being investigated.

Although data is scarce, animal research has observed increased bone strength after daily consumption of edible bird’s nest extract (2).

According to animal research, edible bird’s nests may have brain-protective properties (9).

Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, brain injury, and stroke are all linked to cognitive impairment, possibly due to inflammation in the brain (9).

One systematic review in animals showed that edible bird’s nests enhanced cognitive performance by lowering inflammation and oxidative stress (10).

Free radicals, which have the ability to cause disease, harm your body’s cells by changing their chemical structures. This is known as oxidative stress. It can lead to a cascade of adverse health effects.

However, more investigation is required before bird nests and better brain health are connected.

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There is a notion in Traditional Chinese Medicine known as ?? (jìn jì). This usually refers to foods that shouldn’t “clash” or go well together when consumed together, whether they are prescribed or for regular consumption.

I wanted to share more about what not to take with bird nests so you can make the most of your nutrients (and money) because I saw a lot of false information about bird nests and what to (or not to) take them with. Bird nests aren’t exactly the cheapest thing, and consuming them incorrectly could have ineffective effects.

By now, most people should be aware that taking bird nests is best done as soon as possible in the morning or as late as possible at night for optimal absorption. What, though, should not be used to consume bird nests?

Avoid Coffee and Tea

The protein and nutritional composition of bird nests are impacted by the acidity of tea. Tea’s tannins clump together with iron and protein, lowering the body’s absorption of both nutrients. Bird nests are primarily made of glycoproteins like collagen and sialic acid, which have an impact on how well your body absorbs nutrients. Therefore, if you see advertisements or brands suggesting that you pair tea with bird nests, don’t do it! If they ask you to do so, they probably don’t really know anything about bird nests.

The ideal time to enjoy your bird nests is an hour after drinking your tea or coffee.

Birds nest is rich in high-quality glycoprotein. The term “?????????” in Traditional Chinese Medicine refers to matching light food with light It is advisable to avoid serving greasy or oily food near bird nests. It will make your digestive system work harder and interfere with the assimilation of bird nests, which can lead to indigestion.

As was previously mentioned, the acidity of tea can cause indigestion and has an impact on the protein and nutritional structure of bird nests. Don’t waste any of the precious grams of bird nests by consuming them with acidic food. Some example of acidic food includes citrus fruits, plum, hawthorn.

While taking bird nests while taking medication is acceptable, it is best to space them out by one to two hours to prevent any negative reactions. Naturally, it is best to discuss it with your physician. This applies to both Chinese and Western medicines.


How often should I drink bird nest?

The best time to consume a bird’s nest drink is usually in the morning when you are still on an empty stomach. The average person should consume at least 2g – 3g of dry bird’s nest drinks daily to receive its optimal nutritional value. Any excessive consumption will be discharged by the body.

What are the side effects of birds nest drink?

Although Edible Bird’s Nest is generally safe to consume, there might be potential adverse side effects caused by allergens or poisoning. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headaches, dizziness, fever, chills, and muscle aches.

Should you drink bird nest in the morning or night?

This is to ensure that maximum amount of nutrients are absorbed into your body, hence, the best time would be either first thing in the morning or 1 hour before bedtime as the bird nests’ nutrients can be easily and fully absorbed during the muscle repair phase.

Is bird’s nest actually good for you?

Edible bird’s nests also contain a plethora of bioactive compounds that might have health-promoting effects. These include glucosamine, sialic acid, the structural components of fat called fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and the building blocks of proteins called amino acids (7).