can i destroy a birds nest

Most people may not consider birds when they think of pest control; bird removal does, however, fall into the category of wildlife exclusion. While typically benign to homeowners, birds can be detrimental to both homes and health. Birds can be quite noisy, especially if they build a nest in or on your home. They can cause damage to your roof, car, and property. Their nests can block stove, dryer, and fan vents causing fire hazards and rendering them useless. Their nests can also clog gutters and drains, leading to standing water and potential damage to your roof. Their droppings contain uric acid which can damage the paint on your car. Bird droppings also contain pathogens that are dangerous to humans like histoplasmosis. Bird nests can also contain other pests such as mites, parasites, and ticks that can stick around long after the birds have left the nest.

Birds have been known to build their nests in some very inconvenient places in and around homes. They are often found above doors, over garages, inside sheds, and other high-traffic areas. They can also nest in places that are dangerous to the birds themselves – on top of lawnmowers, heat pumps, etc.

While the decision to remove the bird nest may seem simple, there are Federal laws regarding bird nest removal that make it illegal to remove certain species of birds or their nests. Best practice is always to check with a wildlife control company before attempting to remove any bird nests from your home. If you have verified that the species of bird invading your property is not protected and removal of the nest is legal and necessary, here are some steps to take to ensure both proper and safe removal and/or relocation.

The best way to eliminate bird nests from your property is to prevent them from building in the first place. Remove any food scraps and open trash from around your home as this invites them to feed. Make sure trash is secured tightly in containers. Place any bird feeders and birdbaths away from the home and further out in the yard. Only put out enough food for a few birds and clean up any spills regularly. Consider installing gutter guards to prevent nesting in gutters and downspouts. Vents are a common nesting place for birds so install vent covers and screens. Use perch repellents if necessary; these are rows of bird spikes installed on ledges, window sills, and around the perimeter of the roof to prevent birds from alighting on perches. You can also use visual repellents such as plastic owls, hawks, snakes, and even coyotes. If you use visual repellents, make sure to move them often as the birds will get used to them being in one place. Hang reflective bird diverters from strings on your porch also.

The best time to remove a nest is when it is still in the building stage. If you notice a bird nest already built or remove one this season, keep an eye out in the same area next season and stop it before it is fully completed.

When to Remove the Nest

After completing some of this preparatory homework, determine if a mother and her unhatched eggs are currently residing in the nest. In this case, MacMurchy recommends leaving the nest be. However, MacMurchy advises securely moving the nest if there is a significant likelihood that it and its occupant will be in immediate danger (that is, in danger from household pets and other obstructions like outdoor equipment). Additionally, MacMurchy advises verifying that an abandoned nest is truly abandoned before taking any further action if you happen to come across one during your spring cleaning. Sometimes, young birds will come back to the nest for a few days in order to get food from their parents, but after a few days, they will leave and stop coming to the nest. If so, you can safely discard the nest.

can i destroy a birds nest

While most people might not think of birds when they think of pest control, removing birds does fall under the category of excluding wildlife. Although they are usually harmless to homeowners, birds can be harmful to houses and people’s health. Birds can make a lot of noise, particularly if they nest in or on your house. They can cause damage to your roof, car, and property. Their nests can obstruct vents on stoves, dryers, and fans, creating fire hazards and making them inoperable. Additionally, their nests have the ability to clog drains and gutters, resulting in standing water and possible roof damage. Their excrement contains uric acid, which can corrode your car’s paint. Additionally, pathogens like histoplasmosis that are harmful to humans can be found in bird droppings. In addition to mites, parasites, and ticks, bird nests may harbor other pests that persist long after the birds have fled the nest.

Although removing the bird nest may seem like an easy decision, there are federal laws that prohibit removing certain bird species or their nests. The best course of action is to always consult a wildlife control business before trying to remove any bird nests from your house. Here are some actions to take to guarantee the correct and safe removal and/or relocation of the bird nest, if you have confirmed that the species of bird invading your property is not protected and that doing so is both necessary and legal.

You can remove or relocate the nest once you have positively identified the species of bird you have, verified that it is legal to do so, and ensured that the nest is inactive and free of eggs. Bird nests can serve as a haven for additional pests, and bird droppings left behind can harbor pathogens that are harmful to humans. To protect yourself, wear latex gloves, long sleeves, long pants, and a respiratory mask. Make sure the nest is clear of both birds and eggs by carefully inspecting it. Spray the nest with an antibacterial spray. When the nest is dry, take it down and discard it in an outside trash bag or a container that is tightly sealed. Dispose of it in the trash away from the home. Use an effective disinfectant to tidy the area where the nest was located. Remove and dispose of your gloves. Remove your clothing and wash them immediately in hot water. Wash your hands thoroughly.

When a nest is still in the construction stage, it is the ideal time to remove it. Keep an eye out in the same spot the following season and remove any bird nests you find before they are finished if you see one already constructed or remove one this season.

It has been observed that birds will often construct their nests in awkward locations within and near houses. They are frequently discovered inside sheds, over garages, above doors, and in other high-traffic areas. Additionally, they may build their nests in hazardous locations for the birds themselves, such as atop heat pumps and lawnmowers.

What to Know About Conservation Laws

There are laws in place to protect the nest and eggs of specific bird species, so be aware of them before attempting to remove the unwanted nest. Animal Charity of Ohio’s adoption coordinator, Jessica Jane MacMurchy, advises first consulting your local or state Department of Natural Resources. For instance, it is forbidden to tamper with any active nest from a native bird species in the United States, but if the nest has been abandoned or no eggs have yet been laid, it may be removed as needed. In fact, it is illegal to remove or relocate an active birds nest in many states, even in your own backyard.” However, this law does not protect the nests of invasive birds, such as European starlings or house sparrows.


How do I get rid of a bird’s nest?

MacMurchy suggests discarding the nest by tying it in a bag and placing it in a trash can away from household pets or animals prowling the neighborhood. If possible, add the discarded nest to a compost pile. Nesting material will naturally decompose or may even be reused by other nesting birds.

Will Mama birds return to a disturbed nest?

For the most part, a mother bird will simply keep raising her nestlings in a nest that has been slightly disturbed. Sometimes they will keep raising their babies in an artificial nest if the original has been damaged.

Can you get sick from removing a bird nest?

Nests can contain mites, parasites, ticks and other pests carried on the birds themselves, and are likely to remain long after the birds have left. It’s also probable that the nests will contain droppings, which amplifies the risk of handling.

Do birds grieve when their eggs are destroyed?

While birds may not experience emotions in the same way humans do, there is evidence to suggest that they can exhibit behaviors that indicate distress or concern when their eggs are destroyed or lost.