can geese eat bird seed

Supplementing birds’ diets can alter their behaviour in other ways, too. According to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, artificial feeding sites for waterbirds creates unnatural competition, and delay bird migration: ”Ducks and geese are far better off building their reserves by moving from location to location in search of a healthy natural diet than they are living on foods that we would never consider feeding to our children or our pets.”

(Songbird feeders are acceptable, though; according to Kress, “feeding landbirds can usually be done safely” Steer clear of areas where outdoor cats have easy access, such as those near windows. ).

Normally, birds avoid humans, but when we feed them, their fear of us can be reduced. Though, according to Kress, only geese actually attack, keeping a proper distance from waterbirds is aided by not feeding them.

Steer clear of giving the birds fresh bread and crackers as well; they are nothing more than empty calories devoid of the nutrients these creatures require to remain healthy.

An environment rich in insects can be created by adding native plants to your garden and encouraging other local parks to do the same. It makes sense that birds evolved to consume insects since they are a nutrient-dense food.

An injured goose in Centennial Park hobbled after the first snowfall of the previous winter, his hindquarters drenched in blood. I gave him some grains, and he thoroughly enjoyed eating them. After three days, the wound on his body healed and there was no longer any blood on his feathers. He spent the winter in the park, where he regularly ate the grains I poured for him. Despite the bitterly cold winter, his injured leg continued to heal over time. He was able to walk perfectly normally until he took off from the park in May of last year.

Two geese were grazing on the bank of Centennial Lake early in the spring. Regretfully, the male goose could only walk on his left leg due to his crippled right leg. His partner was devoted to him, but the male goose’s eyes were misty and dejected. When I gave the wounded goose some grains, he started to eat right away. He was still a little limping on his right leg, but two weeks later, I discovered that he could use both of his legs. Days later, the injured goose and his partner left the park, most likely to battle it out for their former nesting location—where exactly I’m not sure.

Around that same period, an orphaned gosling (which is distinguished by its long peeping sound) arrived at the park. He was lovely but a little timid initially. He made it through his first hard winter in Centennial Park thanks to the extra nutrition from the grains I fed him (last winter was the coldest in 25 years) He had already grown into a robust, independent, and amiable goose by the time he left the park in July of last year.

“Please do not feed the wildlife” is posted in the park. The local bulletin explains that wildlife’s digestive systems are not made for human consumption. I fed the geese with bird food only. The bulletin also says that birds that become reliant on food lose their ability to feed themselves and will likely multiply in areas that cannot sustain their population. According to the bulletin, this kind of overcrowding results in habitat degradation, lake pollution, and eventually sickness and famine.

But based on my experience and the research I’ve done, that isn’t the case. The number of Canada geese is not determined by the amount of food that humans can provide. When deciding whether an area is appropriate for them to engage in their daily or seasonal activities, geese consider more biologically relevant factors (Coalition to Prevent the Destruction of Canada Geese – www. canadageese. org ). My feeding experience exactly verifies that research result. Even though I fed hundreds of geese in Centennial Park over the winter and early spring of last year, there are usually very few geese there these days.


What kind of seeds do geese eat?

Grains include any small, hard grass family seeds, like oats, corn, and wheat. They provide Vitamin B, Vitamin E, and Phosphorus, if you give them whole grains. If you scatter a whole grain scratch across the yard, geese get a dual benefit of food and some foraging fun!

What is the best bird feed for geese?

The birds will eat it but it has few nutriments suitable for them. Geese eat naturally eat grass and water plants. They only need small amounts of mixed corn, floating duck pellets or uncooked plain porridge oats as extras in their diet. Suitable food is available from the ice cream van or local pet shops.

What can you not feed geese?

Bread, crackers, popcorn and other high carbohydrate foods are like junk food to birds. Birds filling up on them will not seek out other, nutritious food. This can cause the birds to become malnourished, contributing to a host of health problems for both adults and babies.