can domestic birds survive in the wild

DEAR JOAN: I saw a bird that seemed to be acting very protective. I thought perhaps I was too close to its nest. Then I saw a lovebird.

It seemed friendly and followed me. Can the lovebird thrive in the Mission San Jose Fremont area?

While we do have some wild parrots in the Bay Area, they’ve learned how to fend for themselves and survive by living in flocks. I’m going out on a not-very-long limb and guess that your friendly lovebird is someone’s pet, raised in captivity and completely unable to manage on its own.

Lovebirds are social birds, and are monogamous when they mate. They get their name because the mated pairs spend a good portion of their time sitting together in what can only be described as a loving, old-fashioned canoodling way.

If you can coax it in close to you and capture it, I’ll put out the alert for anyone missing a lovebird to contact me. Here’s hoping the bird has already made its way home again.

DEAR JOAN: I have had a family of scrub-jays in our tree for at least 5 years. I have faithfully put out peanuts for them. I have seen and heard their babies every year, and have watched them use my birdbath.

My problem and worry is I have not seen them for at least 3 or 4 months, and the peanuts are never eaten. The only other birds I have are a lot of hummingbirds and I did see a couple of Northern mockingbirds a few months ago.

First, take a look at any changes to your yard and the neighborhood. Has there been a lot of construction in the area? Did you or your neighbors prune or cut down any shrubs or trees? Has a cat moved into the neighborhood? Both major and subtle changes can make a difference.

Reducing the use of insecticides and pesticides can help. In trying to protect plants from insect damage, we can unintentionally close the buffet, so to speak. Scrub-jays eat a variety of foods including insects, reptiles and small mammals (rodents).

The birds like peanuts, but their favorite food by far is acorns. Looking longterm, you can plant an oak tree in your yard. The birds will enjoy the acorns and also the insects that are attracted to oaks. In the short term, pick up fallen acorns where you find them and leave them in the feeder instead of the peanuts. You also might put out a small log for the birds to use to help in cracking the acorns.

To attract other birds, put out a variety of seeds and nuts, and keep the birdbath clean and filled.

Provide a variety of seeds and nuts, and keep the birdbath stocked and clean to draw in additional birds.

DEAR JOAN: For at least five years, I have had a family of scrub-jays in our tree. I have faithfully put out peanuts for them. Every year, I get to see and hear their babies as well as watch them use my birdbath.

I’ll send out a notice asking anyone who finds a missing lovebird to get in touch with me if you can get it to come near you and be captured. We can only hope that the bird has returned home.

First, observe any alterations to your yard and the surrounding area. A cat may have moved into the neighborhood? Has there been a lot of construction in the area? Have you or your neighbors pruned or felled any shrubs or trees? Both significant and minor changes can have an impact.

Reducing the use of insecticides and pesticides can help. Sometimes, in our haste to shield plants from insect damage, we inadvertently close the buffet. The diet of scrub-jays is diverse, consisting of insects, small mammals (rodents), and reptiles.

It is true that parrots are not domesticated and retain their wild instincts. But for your parrot to thrive in the great outdoors, it needs to find another member of its OWN SPECIES, if it’s fortunate enough to be accepted, to show it where and what kinds of food sources are available. All of the information that wild parrots need to survive is taught to them by their parents and fellow flock members, including where to find food and what to avoid, as well as how to stay warm and safe from predators. Especially if they were captive-bred, none of these traits are hardwired into them. The parrots that were captured in the wild have left their original habitat, where they may have known where to find food. They need the assistance of an experienced bird to help them find new foods that will meet their nutritional needs.

This brings us to the topic of parrots and the people who, fed up with the mess, the noise, or the financial strain, will throw their birds out the front door. If a bird has to be put to death, I would rather watch it go than what happens to those who are discarded.

I started talking to one of the adults one day as I was passing by the house. I asked her where the other dogs were and complimented her on how adorable all the puppies I had seen there were. She informed me that because she believed adult dogs to be too dangerous for her kids, she wouldn’t let them play with them. When I inquired about the location of the dogs once more, she replied, “Oh, we don’t keep them when they’re not puppies anymore.” “Where do you bring them?” I questioned her, hoping not to hear the response I was afraid of. “Hill Country. ” she said.

Since 1987, author Patty Jourgensen has worked with and taken care of rescue birds. She is an expert in avian health, behavior, and nutrition.

Just to clear things up, there isn’t a five-star dog hotel called Hill Country. It is the rural, wooded area outside the city limits of Austin where people like her frequently discard unwanted pets. “And that’s okay with you to leave an animal out there to die?” I asked, struggling to control my wrath, but she responded with a snicker and remark, “They’re wild animals.” They can fend for themselves. ” The conversation deteriorated rapidly after that point.


Can domesticated birds live in the wild?

Captive birds cannot be returned to the wild, since they do not possess the learned skills necessary to survive; nor can they be set free to fend for themselves.

Can pet birds survive outside?

Birds that are paired, nontamed or show signs of discontent indoors may benefit from life in an aviary or outdoor cage. Many pet birds, though, will enjoy spending periods of time in outdoor housing, weather permitting. You have all sorts of options when it comes to planning your bird’s outdoor domain.

Can you release a pet bird into the wild?

Don’t keep exotic birds or wild animals for pets, and never release exotic birds into the wild. Humans have kept domesticated birds for thousands of years. Pet birds can provide us with companionship, relieve stress, and even give warnings in the case of intruders, fire, or other dangerous situations.

Can you let a caged bird free?

Caged companion birds are typically not native to the areas where they reside. They cannot be released simply by opening a window and letting them fly away (which would be considered a crime of abandonment in most states).