can blue jays mimic other birds

While you are probably familiar with the sight of this large blue songbird, here are some facts about the Blue Jay you may not know – some of which you may find downright strange!

Yes, you read that correctly. The jays rub ants on their feathers, draining the ants of their formic acid before they gobble them up. This is known as “anting.”

Over the years, several theories have been proposed to explain this bizarre behaviour. One theory hypothesized the excreted acid served as a safeguard against parasites and bacteria, though testing the acid on bacteria cultures showed this to be unlikely. The most probable reason is simple: the ants taste better without the acid. Ornithologists tested this theory by exposing jays to ants with and without formic acid – the ants without acid were eaten immediately while the ones with it were treated to the rubbing ceremony.

Fact 2 – The pigment found in Blue Jay feathers is actually brown.

Melanin, the same pigment found in human hair and skin, is a brown pigment – and it is the pigment found in Blue Jay feathers.

Bird colouration is produced in a variety of ways, of which pigmentation is just one. The blue appearance of many blue birds is due to refraction – a light scattering phenomenon. The barb structure of Blue Jay feathers is such that, when light hits them, the blue light is refracted while the other wavelength of visible light are absorbed by the melanin, making them look blue. If you come across a Blue Jay feather, try backlighting it. Without direct light, the blue is no longer reflected and the feather will look brown. Fact 3 – Blue Jays mimic hawks.

Blue Jays can make a variety of sounds and it is common to hear them mimicking hawks, especially the Red-shouldered Hawk. Ornithologists suggest they do this for one of two reasons, or perhaps both. The first theory is the mimicry serves as a warning to other jays about any lurking hawks. The second is that jays are trying to fool other species into thinking there are hawks nearby. Fact 4 – Blue Jays collect paint chips.

Blue Jays have been known to chip at and hoard light-coloured paint, probably to stockpile a source of calcium for the spring. If Blue Jays are chipping away at the paint on your house, try providing an alternate source of calcium like crushed egg shells – this usually stops the unwanted behaviour.

Fact 5 – Blue Jays are noisier in the fall than in the spring or summer.

Many notice that Blue Jays, who are fairly quiet during the spring and summer, are noisy little neighbours during the fall. In spring and early summer, when they are nesting, jays tend to be more secretive. Come fall, when they are scavenging for food and hawks are more present, they communicate a variety of information and warnings through their calls.

Blue Jay Description • Common name: Blue Jay • Scientific name: Cyanocitta cristata • Habitat: forest edges • Lifespan: the eldest wild, banded Blue Jay was 26 years old. • Description: The Blue Jay is a large blue songbird with a perky crest. Its underside is white, and its back is blue, white and black.

Yes, you read that correctly. Before consuming the ants, the jays remove their formic acid by rubbing them against their feathers. This is known as “anting. ”.

It is commonly observed that Blue Jays, who are generally peaceful in the spring and summer, become rowdy little neighbors in the fall. When they are nesting in the spring and early summer, jays are typically more reticent. They use their calls to convey a range of messages and alerts during the fall, when they are foraging for food and hawks are more visible.

These are some facts about the Blue Jay that you might not be aware of, some of which you might find downright odd, even though you are probably familiar with seeing this large blue songbird!

Many theories have been put forth over time to try and explain this strange behavior. According to one theory, the acid excreted protected the body from bacteria and parasites, but testing the acid on bacterial cultures revealed this to be unlikely. The most likely explanation is straightforward: the ants taste better without acid. To test this theory, ornithologists exposed jays to formic acid-containing and non-containing ants; the ants with acid were consumed right away, while the ones with acid were subjected to a rubbing ceremony.

Fact 5 – Blue Jays are noisier in the fall than in the spring or summer.

Just this morning, as I was filling one of the feeders with bird seed and a blend of fruit and nuts, a blue jay landed inches from me and quickly downed several peanut halves before taking off! They usually wait until I move on to the next feeder, so that’s a first. Guess this one was extra hungry!.

Here in the northeast, our blue jays will occasionally stay and visit the feeders during mild winters. Seeing their stunning blue coloring against the white snow is really pleasant. Jays have a blue tail trimmed with white and black feathers, a blue face, a black collar, and blue wings.

I’m delighted you enjoyed this and learned some new facts about these stunning birds, torrilynn! Thank you so much for stopping by! One blue jay from last year’s crop is the bird I call my whistling jay. I can always tell when that one is coming close. It has a specialized whistle that Ive never heard before. I have no idea where he found it, but it’s intriguing how he reworked it to fit his own style.

I am so happy that you came to see me and my birds, Kathryn! Based on your delightful remarks, it seems that you are a very kind and kind person. You taught me something new: blue jays are incredibly intelligent and endearingly opportunistic birds; I never would have guessed that they would catch food in midair!

Hi KerryAnita! Im so glad you enjoyed this article. Blue Jays are amazing birds for sure. I adore their gorgeous colors and mimicry, despite the fact that they can be a little aggressive at the feeders. They have repeatedly conned me with their deft impersonations. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Your visit is very much appreciated.


Why do blue jays imitate other birds?

Ornithologists suggest they do this for one of two reasons, or perhaps both. The first theory is the mimicry serves as a warning to other jays about any lurking hawks. The second is that jays are trying to fool other species into thinking there are hawks nearby.

Can Blue Jays mimic speech?

Here, J is for Jay – a surprisingly clever corvid with the ability to mimic human voices and much more. Scroll to the end of the article to listen to the podcast. Jays are corvids – members of the crow family.

Can a Blue Jay mimic the sound of a hawk?

Blue Jays frequently mimic hawks, especially Red-shouldered Hawks.

Why do blue jays scare other birds?

Some posit that blue jays do this as an alarm call, alerting other blue jays to danger. Others believe blue jays do this to scare off other birds from food sources. If you have a bird feeder, you’ve probably noticed times when all the birds clear out, and suddenly a couple of blue jays swoop in to hog the spoils.