can birds fly when molting

This audio story is brought to you by BirdNote, a partner of The National Audubon Society. BirdNote episodes air daily on public radio stations nationwide.

However, waterbirds such as ducks and loons are too heavy to fly when even a few feathers are absent. As a result, they molt all of their flight feathers at once, becoming immobile and more susceptible to predators for at least a month. They remain out of harm’s way and in or near the water during this time. Until their full suite of feathers has been completely restored.

Sounds of birds provided by Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York’s Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds BirdNote’s theme music was composed and performed by Nancy Rumbel and John Kessler. Common Raven call [137574] was recorded by Gerrit Vyn. “Sonata I” by John Cage was performed by Maro Ajemian from “Sonatas and Interludes for Prepared Piano” – El Records

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Feathers are miraculous structures. particularly the lengthy, robust feathers on a bird’s wings and tail, which enable flight. However, continuous use and exposure to the elements require replacement after approximately a year. Many birds molt a few flight feathers at a time, wait for new ones to grow in, molt a few more, and so on, but how do you replace the roughly twenty feathers in each wing that are essential to flight, without becoming earthbound? Typically, symmetrically the same feathers on both wings at the same moment Therefore, in the summer, a raven going through its molt may appear a little ragged in the same area on each wing. For ravens, a molt can take up to six months. For smaller birds, closer to two. But — crucially — they can still fly.

This is a labor-intensive procedure that could take up to eight weeks to finish. Since many of their flight feathers are lost during the physically taxing process of molting, most ducks and geese are unable to fly and become extremely reticent in order to protect themselves from predators. A customer recently told us about the ducks in his neighborhood that are racing across open fields at a high speed; because they are molting, they are more vulnerable.

Studies reveal that a steady and dependable food supply actually promotes the growth of superior quality feathers in birds. To guarantee that your birds have a dependable source of protein and fats to aid in molting, keep your feeders stocked and provide high-protein foods like mealworms, Nyjer® (thistle), peanuts, Jim’s Birdacious® Bark Butter®, and one of our No Mess Blends.


Can birds lose feathers and still fly?

Birds cannot replace every feather at once; they’d lose their ability to fly, to maintain body temperature, and more. Instead, they replace feathers in their wings and tails just a few at a time.

What do birds do when they molt?

Building lots of new feathers (as in a heavy molt) can be very stressful and taxing on a bird’s body. Some birds may become less active, more subdued, or stop laying eggs during a heavy molt. Some birds, such as canaries, may stop singing or vocalizing while molting.

How long does it take for a bird to finish molting?

How often do birds moult? Moults occur once to twice a year depending on the bird species. The most common time for a moult is mid-summer, with often a second, smaller moult in early-mid winter. Most normal moults take about 6 weeks to complete.

How can you tell if a bird is molting?

How do I tell if the bird is molting? If a bird is molting, it will have a lot of pin feathers around its head area, and it will look ragged, with a bunch of dropped feathers at the bottom of the cage.