can birds eat papaya seeds

The papaya (Carica papaya) is native to tropical America. Brought to this part of the world during the 16th century by the Spanish, it has since spread throughout the tropics. This spread is mainly due to humans who grow them in home gardens and farms for the fresh fruits.

Birds love the fruits, from the common Javan Myna (Acridotheres javanicus) (top left) and Yellow-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier) (top right) to not so common hornbills and barbets.

Although we know what species of birds eat the fruits, do we actually know whether these birds eat the seeds as well? And in the process help disperse the seeds? These seeds are covered with a thin layer of translucent flesh and are attached to the inner surface of the seed cavity by fleshy strands (below). Thus when a seed is removed it brings with it a few neighbouring seeds.

Mostly, the birds peck on the fruit, filling their bills with the soft flesh. The bulbuls feed singly or in a pair, taking beak-full of flesh and flying off to feed the chicks in the nest. They return every few minutes to repeat the process. If the mynas are at the fruit, the bulbuls wait patiently for their turn. The seeds are usually left alone until the birds finish eating the surrounding flesh. Then they began pecking around the area where the seeds are. Only then will a few seeds get removed and eaten. But do the seeds pass through the alimentary system unharmed to subsequently germinate?

Are Papaya Seeds Safe for Birds?

By now, everyone knows that papayas are safe for birds to eat. However, there is still disagreement regarding the safety of papaya seeds.

Let’s put that debate to rest.

Papaya seeds are just as safe as their flesh. They even frequently appear in the majority of mass-produced bird food.

The benefits of papaya seeds are enhanced once dried.

can birds eat papaya seeds

On the other hand, when papaya seeds are from raw papayas, they have a small drawback.

As I mentioned earlier, birds shouldn’t ideally eat raw papayas. The same notion stands for seeds extracted from raw papayas.

First of all, it’s probably because raw papaya seeds have a texture that will irritate your bird. Raw papaya seeds tend to have a spongy texture. They are the oysters to birds.

Papaya seeds are not only unpleasant raw, but they also contain salicylates, which thin blood and cause excessive bleeding if cut.

Make sure you only add dry papaya seeds to bird feeders because the moisture in the fresh seeds can foster the growth of microorganisms.

Papaya seeds are completely safe for birds to eat aside from that.

The papaya (Carica papaya) is native to tropical America. It was introduced to this region of the world by the Spanish in the sixteenth century, and it has since spread throughout the tropics. Humans are mostly to blame for this spread since they cultivate them for fresh fruit in farms and backyard gardens.

The seeds are coated in a thin layer of translucent flesh and are attached to the inner surface of the seed cavity by fleshy strands (see below). We know what species of birds eat the fruits, but do we really know if these birds also eat the seeds and aid in their dispersal? As a result, a few nearby seeds are removed along with a seed.

From the common Javan Myna (Acridotheres javanicus) on the top left to the Yellow-vented Bulbul (Pycnonotus goiavier) on the top right, to the less common hornbills and barbets, birds love the fruits.

The birds mostly nibble on the fruit, filling their bills with its tender flesh. When a bulbul’s beak is full of flesh, it takes off to feed the chicks in the nest. Bulbuls can feed alone or in pairs. They return every few minutes to repeat the process. The bulbuls patiently await their turn if the mynas are at the fruit. Usually, the seeds are left alone until the birds have consumed all of the surrounding flesh. After that, they started pecking at the seed-producing area. Only then will a few seeds get removed and eaten. However, do the seeds survive the digestive system’s passage and go on to germinate afterwards?

How Is Papaya Perfect for Birds?

The oh-so-many benefits of papayas make it perfect.

Vitamins E, C, and A are among the many fat-soluble antioxidants found in papayas. All three help to nourish organs in order to prevent conditions such as avian conjunctivitis and feather cysts.

Furthermore, a diet rich in antioxidants lowers the risk of cardiovascular diseases by regulating LDL cholesterol levels.

can birds eat papaya seeds

Naturally, they also strengthen the immune system, reducing the susceptibility of birds to infectious diseases.

In addition, papayas’ high fiber content and two of their proteolytic enzymes—papain and chymopapain—avoid gastrointestinal problems and inflammation.

But what if papaya seeds have the same properties? Let’s find out!


Are papaya seeds safe to eat?

Papaya seeds are edible and contain fiber, healthy fatty acids, and other beneficial compounds, including polyphenols and flavonoids. These components may provide health benefits. Papaya is a fruit beloved for both its delicious flavor and exceptional nutrient profile.

Can ducks and chickens eat papaya seeds?

On this basis, the use of seed from the ripe papaya seems to be more beneficial for the poultry, due to its higher vitamins contents.

Do squirrels like papaya?

Squirrels love to eat papaya (and cacao)