can birds eat dried peas

More than 52 million Americans feed wild birds or other wildlife around their houses, according to Bird Watching Daily. More than 80% of about 1,300 participants surveyed by Millikin University said they fed birds in order to bring nature, beauty and bird sounds to their areas.

Birds can also be great for gardens, as they provide an insect removal service that doesn’t rely on toxic chemicals, according to the Orange County Register.

Whether you’re trying to beautify your garden or rescue a baby bird that has fallen from its nest, here’s the information you need.

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Fat balls and fat snax

Once you begin using fat balls for feeding, they will become a regular fixture at your feeding station. Birds love them and they are a good winter staple. Once more, investing in higher-quality seeds that are loaded with energy is worthwhile. Additionally, spend money on a high-quality cage feeder that can accommodate a respectable six or more fat balls. Those with two or three won’t survive for very long.

Certain fat balls come in plastic nets with the suggestion that you hang them up and let the birds eat through them. This is not recommended. Before feeding, the nets should be taken down because they pose a threat to wild birds. Better still buy them un-netted in bulk tubs.

Sunflower seeds are a good all-year round food. They are high in oil and protein and extremely nutritious. Since black sunflower seeds contain more oil than striped ones, black sunflower seeds are preferable. Although sunflower hearts appear more costly, keep in mind that birds will discard the outer shell anyhow, so you might as well spare them the hassle and mess. You can easily become the most sought-after feeding station in the neighborhood by serving up sunflower hearts. It’s common to observe that sunflower hearts are preferred over peanuts.

Little black nyger seeds are a favorite among finches and siskins, though they are sometimes mistaken for nigella seeds, which they resemble. A feeder appropriate for fine seeds is required. Nyger seeds will pour out of a standard seed feeder. From my observation, birds will initially completely disregard them for a few days, but once they develop an affinity for them, they will quickly become devoted customers.

Dried mealworms were very well-liked and are undoubtedly a favorite food of many birds, particularly robins. Instead of being placed in a feeder, they should be offered on a feeding platform or bird table. They are pricey to purchase and appear to be losing appeal. Although fresh mealworms are an excellent natural food that can be used all year round, handling and storing them is not very pleasant. Mealworms that are dead or discoloured must always be bought as dried stock from a reliable supplier.

Blackbirds are drawn to flakes of maize, which is frequently included in bird seed mixtures. Many birds enjoy porridge oats, but only ever present them in small amounts and always dry. Another good wintertime food is cooked, unsalted rice, but again, in small amounts.

What birds eat safflower seeds?

The following birds may be inclined to stick around your backyard if you make safflower seeds readily available, according to The Spruce:

  • Black-capped chickadees
  • Black-headed grosbeaks
  • Blue jays
  • Carolina chickadees
  • Downy woodpeckers
  • Evening grosbeaks
  • House finches
  • Indigo buntings
  • Mourning doves
  • Northern cardinals
  • Purple finches
  • Red-bellied woodpeckers
  • Rose-breasted grosbeaks
  • Tufted titmice
  • White-breasted nuthatches

According to The Spruce, safflower seeds won’t draw the kinds of birds you might want to keep at bay. These seeds usually pique the interest of grackles, blackbirds, and European starlings, so you can feed some of the songbirds mentioned above without encouraging these “bully birds” to clog your feeders.

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A few dos and don’ts

  • Never put out food scraps randomly. These may be harmful to wild birds and attract vermin .
  • Always give bird feeders a thorough cleaning occasionally to rid them of dangerous bacteria.
  • Make sure there’s always fresh water available for birds to drink.
  • If you want frequent avian guests in your garden, you need to be consistent with your bird feeding.
  • Feed your birds year-round, as they will eventually come to depend on you for food throughout the summer and winter.


Can wild birds eat dried beans?

Uncooked beans contain a poison called hemagglutinin which is very toxic to birds. To avoid exposure, thoroughly cook any beans that you choose to share with your bird and avoid leaving dried beans in an easily accessible location.

Are dried peas safe to eat?

Split peas are a great source of plant-based protein and a good source of B vitamins. Did you know? Split peas are just normal peas that are dried and split to speed up the cooking process! Split peas are a type of legume and can be eaten as a vegetable or protein.

Can wild birds eat dried lentils?

You should avoid seed mixtures that have split peas, beans, dried rice or lentils as only the large birds can eat them dry. They are added to some cheaper seed mixes to bulk them up. Also avoid any mixture containing green or pink lumps which are likely to be broken dog biscuits, which can only be eaten when soaked.

Do birds and squirrels eat peas?

Squirrels and chipmunks will go after practically anything in your garden, including peas.