can birds eat diatomaceous earth

Diatomaceous earth (D.E.) has widespread applications for transport, filtration, pest and parasite control and cleaning up messy spills. In addition, scientists use it to purify DNA, measure nutrient content of animal feed and grow hydroponic plants. Food-grade diatomaceous earth introduces a whole host of possible benefits to the immune and digestive systems. While this material is a boon in many respects, its main ingredient, silica, can be harmful to the lungs.

D.E. is naturally occurring sedimentary rock that when crumbled and dried has a content of 80 to 90 percent silica, 2 to 4 percent alumina, and 0.2 to 0.5 percent iron oxide. The rock itself is formed from fossilized algae. Its porous surface allows for great absorption and thus acts as a good drying agent. Food-grade D.E. has been shown to be useful in this capacity as a food additive for birds, humans and livestock. Purchased separately and added to feed, D.E. use can be tailored toward the needs of each animal.

Benefits of Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth for Pest Control

Parasites are a common problem for birds. Diatomaceous earth works well to control parasites both internally and externally. At a ratio of two percent, when added to chicken feed, D E. up to 75% of any fleas, mites, bedbugs, or worms that may have entered the feed are dried out. Chickens frequently take pleasure in external diatomaceous earth baths, which help to keep their feathers and skin free of pests. As directed by a veterinarian, diatomaceous earth can be safely added to any bird food as an anti-caking and anti-parasite agent.

Although we detest them, bugs are an inevitable part of life. They infest our homes, animals, sometimes us. There are numerous ways to eradicate an infestation, but the majority use chemicals that, depending on how much is used, are lethal to all living things. Because our parrots are particularly sensitive to chemicals, it is our responsibility as their caregivers to ensure that everything we use around them is safe.

Diatoms, which are single-celled aquatic algae (phytoplankton) that are found almost everywhere there is light and water, fossilize to produce diatomaceous earth (DE). The silica, which is a naturally occurring substance that makes up 26% of the earth’s crust and 20% of the substance from which glass is made, is what makes up the cell wall of a diatom.

Diatomaceous earth is completely safe for people and pets, unless you happen to have bedbugs, fleas, or ants as companions. We do eat it since it is sufficiently safe to eat. It is frequently and safely used to prevent insects from entering grain supplies. In order to solve their flea problem, many people also use DE to dust their dogs, cats, carpets, and furniture.

Diatoms have a wide range of geometric sizes and shapes, and this, along with the makeup of their cell walls, is what gives them such potency against insect infestations. Their fossils are essentially tiny glass shards that enter the joints of the insect’s exoskeleton and literally cut away at the body as the insect moves.