can bird flu be treated

What to do if you find a dead bird

For information about reporting dead birds in your area, get in touch with your state’s wildlife agency, veterinary diagnostic laboratory, or health department. State and local governments have different policies when it comes to collecting and testing birds. When a significant number of birds are affected, wildlife agencies frequently look into sick or dead bird incidents. Reports of this kind may aid in the early identification of diseases such as bird flu or West Nile virus. Keep your hands off the bird’s carcass (body) if local authorities order you to dispose of it. Place the body in a garbage bag and dispose of it with your regular trash after using gloves or an inside-out plastic bag. Call 1-866-536-7593 to report odd signs in birds you have observed in the wild.

In the US, poultry that has been handled and cooked correctly is safe to consume. Bird flu viruses can be eliminated by handling poultry and eggs carefully and cooking them to an internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

The U. S. Strict health and safety regulations, such as routine bird flu monitoring, apply to the poultry industry. In the US, poultry that has been handled and cooked correctly is safe to consume. Bacteria and viruses, including bird flu viruses, can be eradicated from poultry and eggs by handling them carefully and cooking them to an internal temperature of 165?F. Before consuming any poultry or poultry products (including eggs), people should handle raw poultry with hygienic practices and fully cook it. Eating uncooked or undercooked poultry can make you sick. More information is available at Chicken and Food Poisoning.

While there is no evidence that anyone has gotten bird flu after eating properly cooked poultry products, uncooked poultry and poultry products (like blood) could have been the source of a small number of bird flu virus infections in people in Southeast Asia. Visit USDA – Food Safety Education for instructions on handling poultry safely.

If you’ve had direct contact with birds infected with bird flu virus and become sick

Information [256 KB, 2 pages] about various groups of people who get sick after coming into contact with infected birds is available from the CDC.

Individuals who become ill within ten days of coming into contact with infected birds should stay home alone, away from other members of their household, and refrain from going to work or school until they have fully recovered from their illness and have been cleared of any bird flu virus infection. Notifying the local or state public health department can help with monitoring and providing advice when isolation is no longer necessary.

Close contacts (family members, etc. After being exposed to bird flu viruses, individuals should keep an eye on their health and notify their healthcare provider of any new symptoms, particularly respiratory ones, within ten days.

Visit the CDC’s What To Know About Bird Flu page for additional details on the disease and what to do if you’ve been exposed to it. gov) [154 KB, 2 Pages].

What is bird flu?

Bird flu, also known as avian flu, is a type of influenza (flu) that primarily affects wild water birds but can also infect poultry and other domesticated birds. These strains belong to influenza A type viruses.

It’s not usual, but bird flu can also infect people. A(H5N1), A(H7N9), and A(H9N2) are the most prevalent subtypes that can infect humans. The illness’s symptoms can vary from a minor case of pink eye to a serious case of the flu that causes respiratory failure or even death.

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Can bird flu be cured?

Antiviral Drugs Can Be Used to Treat Illness If you get sick after being in close contact with sick or potentially infected birds, contact your state or local health department and a health care provider right away.

How long does bird flu last?

The average incubation period of bird flu H5N1 is two to five days, though it can last up to 17 days. (3) For H7N9, the average incubation period is five days, and can last up to 10 days. (3) Both viruses have a longer incubation time than that of seasonal influenza.

What happens if you get bird flu?

Illnesses in humans from bird flu virus infections have ranged in severity from no symptoms or mild illness (e.g., eye infection, upper respiratory symptoms) to severe disease (e.g., pneumonia) that resulted in death.

What stops the bird flu?

If avian influenza is detected, farms must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. Avian influenza viruses are inactivated by heat and drying and also these viruses are very sensitive to most disinfectants and detergents.