can bird feeders get wet

One ongoing problem with maintaining a bird feeder is wet bird seed. Whether it’s a sudden thaw in the winter, a late-season tropical storm, typical spring rain or a summer downpour, it’s important to keep bird seed dry. Doing so helps keep your backyard friends healthy and happy.


Every day you gaze upon your bird feeders, taking in the sight of untamed birds chowing down, but have you ever noticed how completely disorganized the ground is beneath them?

These abandoned seeds may cause serious issues for any visiting birds. First, the seeds can attract unwanted pests and predators. The animals that eat the “grounded: bird seed” may have even more problems if it gets wet. The best course of action is to regularly remove any seed that has been discarded and to obtain wet bird seed following a rainstorm or snowmelt.

Another thing to consider is keeping your bird seed dry while it’s still in the bird feeder. Add a squirrel baffle to the top of your seed bird feeder if you are unable to choose a feeder with a wide lid. This will prevent snow or rainwater from getting into the seed supply. Additionally, most baffles are made to prevent squirrels from stealing seeds. They’ll just tumble off of the feeder.

Investing in feeders designed to drain moisture is an additional way to reduce the amount of wet bird seed in your supply. These feeders will have drain holes in their seed trays.

I’m not sure what hanging feeders are good for or bad for them, or how to best preserve them because I haven’t used them much. Any advice greatly appreciated!.

I recently set out some “buggy nibbles” (purchased from the RSPB shop) and they’re hanging from the bird table. The only issue is that it’s started to rain again, and I’m concerned that it will somehow contaminate the food.

Hello everyone, I know this is a stupid question, but last summer, I noticed that the birds stopped using my peanut feeder after a heavy downpour. they eventually went green and the whole thing was wasted.


Because bird seeds are just that—seeds—keep in mind that they can sprout if they receive enough moisture. Bird seed can also deteriorate in excessive moisture if it is not properly cared for. If your backyard friends are chowing down on moldy seeds, it’s only a matter of time until they contract a bacterial, fungal, or bird disease. Cleaning your seed feeders should be done at least once every two weeks; as the weather gets warmer, you should clean them more frequently.

To clean your seed feeders, use a mild soap and water solution and a cleaning mop to clean all of the crevices. Rinse thoroughly and dry completely before refilling the feeder with your wild bird’s favorite seed.

Bonus Tip: Use one part vinegar to four parts water for bird feeders that require a little extra care. Rinse thoroughly and dry before re-filling.


Is it OK to leave bird feeders out in the rain?

Feeding Birds During the Wet and Humid Season: There’s probably not a feeder out there that isn’t in need of a good scrubbing right about now. Rain, and even just humidity, will cause food to gum up and possibly mold, which is never healthy for birds.

What happens if my bird feeder gets wet?

CLEAN YOUR BIRD FEEDERS FREQUENTLY Since bird seeds are, well, seeds, remember that with enough moisture they can begin to sprout. If there’s too much moisture, bird seed also can spoil if not properly attended to.

Is it safe to put out bird feeders or bird baths?

However, feeding and providing water to wild birds is generally discouraged because the increased congregation of wild birds at bird feeders and bird baths may lead to fecal contamination of the local environment, which can aid in disease transmission.

Should I put water near a bird feeder?

Birds seek water to drink and bathe, so birdbaths placed near feeders will attract more birds to the area.