can bird droppings kill plants

Is bird poop good for plants? The easy answer is yes; it’s actually good to have some bird droppings in the garden. Keep reading for tips on how to compost bird droppings and other helpful information.

How to Compost Bird Droppings

You undoubtedly use bedding of some kind if you rear hens, pigeons, pheasants, or any other kind of bird. This bedding could be made of sawdust, dry leaves, straw, or another similar substance. Similarly, the bottom of the cage for indoor pet birds like parakeets and parrots is usually lined with newspaper.

When you’re ready to compost bird droppings, gather the droppings and the bedding, add everything to your compost bin, and stir everything together. Newspaper is included in this, though you might want to shred it into smaller pieces. Don’t worry about bird seed; it is compostable, too.

Since most bird manure is high in nitrogen, it should be added at a ratio of roughly one part bird droppings to four or five parts brown materials (including the bedding), along with sawdust, straw, or other “brown” matter.

Also, droppings often contain viable seeds. In fact, some seeds require passage through the digestive system of a bird in order to be released from germination inhibitors, which prevents them from germinating easily. As a result, birds are crucial to the distribution of plants in the wild. But occasionally, the plants that are so dispersed end up being weeds, so some observation is required.

In areas with dense bird populations, like in trees where seabirds or wading birds (herons and cormorants, in particular) establish nesting colonies and return year after year to raise their young and deposit droppings, the buildup of droppings eventually causes a severe concentration of minerals, which ultimately kills most or all of the vegetation below. It eventually even kills the trees that support the nests.

Droppings also contain microbes (bacteria, microscopic fungi, viruses, etc. ) and even parasites. Plants are not at risk (in fact, seeds that have passed through a bird’s stomach are actually sterilized, eliminating the pathogens they originally carried), but gardeners, pets, and other birds may be. Since bird poop microbes rarely survive long after they are expelled from their bird host, the risk of infection usually diminishes quickly. However, in areas where droppings accumulate, some undesirable microbes may survive while others may be able to move in. If you must gather bird droppings, whether they come from a pigeon-infested ledge, a chicken coop, or a bird cage, ), it’s better to wear a mask and gloves.

There are exceptions if droppings are typically dispersed sufficiently randomly to minimize issues with their concentration.

You frequently see the original plants under a bird feeder dying back, but this is usually due less to the presence of droppings and more to the buildup of seed hulls, some of which, like those of sunflowers, are allelopathic (toxic to other plants). Regular cleaning can help alleviate this problem. Or install a seed catcher under the feeder.

How are Bird Droppings Beneficial to Plants?

In short, bird droppings make great fertilizer. Many gardeners use bird droppings as rotted chicken manure, which boosts the soil’s nutrient content and ability to hold water.

But you can’t expect it to perform miracles by simply spreading a lot of bird droppings on the ground. In actuality, a garden full of bird droppings may harbor dangerous pathogens. Fresh bird droppings can burn delicate stems and roots because they are “hot.”

Composting bird droppings before adding them to the soil is the simplest and safest way to benefit from bird poop.


Is bird poop harmful to plants?

Believe it or not, bird poop is a great additive to any fertilizer or compost. The phosphorus in the droppings and other nutrients makes it highly beneficial to your garden, especially for green vegetables. Make sure it is covered with compost to avoid the risk of airborne contamination.

Can bird droppings be harmful?

Even when old and dry, bird droppings can be a significant source of infection. Like histoplasmosis, most cryptococcosis infections are mild and may be without symptoms. Persons with weakened immune systems, however, are more susceptible to infection.

How do you neutralize bird poop?

You can use baking soda to create your own bird poop stain cleaning solution. Take two tablespoons of baking soda and mix with dish soap. Add hot water to it. Spray this mixture on the stain, let it soak for ten minutes and then clean it.

Can birds kill plants?

You can find spikes to prevent roosting and nesting, netting for covering plants, and decoys to scare away unwanted feathered visitors. While it is true that birds can nibble fruits or dig up seeds before they sprout, birds can actually help your garden much more than they might hurt it.