can a rat get into a bird cage

Gary is taking a vacation. He’ll meet you here for your usual morning cup of coffee together March 17. We’ll print some old columns while he’s gone. Today’s is from Feb. 17, 1991.

A few weeks ago, we became aware of a disgusting odor emanating from my parakeet Corky’s cage, as if something had died.

Then one day while sniffing around the cage … I noticed mouse droppings mingled in with the bird’s droppings and seeds, and realized that a mouse had been getting into the cage at night, no doubt attracted by the seeds.

If it were a rat I’d be very concerned, but house mice are basically very gentle critters.

That doesn’t mean these midnight snacks aren’t potentially dangerous for Corky. They are. Birds are not very functional at night, especially in the dark, and if your parakeet gets freaked out by its secret visitor, it may bash around the cage and injure a wing in the darkness.

If you’re not up to that, try hanging the cage on a cage stand-up out of the mouse’s reach.

They have lovely tiny paws with all kinds of manual dexterity, and big ears that twitch at the slightest sound.

The coat is the most incredible soft fawn, and they are gentle, amiable creatures, as long as you remember they are still wild animals.

We have discovered they really don’t eat very much and are content to be left alone with a snack or two of human food.

We’ve never had damage or smell, and I would never trap or kill the mice because they are doing something useful.

I’m not sure what their place in the system is, but they have one, and I don’t mind if some of that place is in my home.

The relationship of a mouse or any other wild creature to a particular household (see the letter above) is obviously a very personal one.

No one person is more right, or wrong, than another when dealing with such encounters, because there is no right or wrong way.

Immediate need also dictates the particular action you feel you have to take. The place an individual animal has in the system may change from moment to moment as the system changes.

Sometimes I think she takes delight in complicating the subtle interrelationships we humans have with the world around us. (Mother Nature is such a kidder.)

Hang the cage from the ceiling. A sizable cardboard disc can be cut to fit around the chain that hangs over the cage. In this manner, the mice or rats cannot enter the cage even if they climb the chain. Purchase or make a cage skirt, which is made of material with an elastic band that fits over the outside of the cage and looks like a very big, inverted shower cap. When your bird eats, this prevents the seeds from dropping out of the cage. The rodents are attracted to the seeds. It may seem absurd, but there isn’t much more you can do once the rodent population is under control. Do not use any chemical sprays on the bird in the room. Good luck.

It’s more important, in my opinion, to keep rodents out of your house completely than to keep them away from the birdcage. They can trigger episodes of asthma and allergies and carry diseases. If your building is apart from your neighbor’s, you need to hire an exterminator and cover all of your vents and openings with fine steel mesh. If you live in the same building, you should contact the health department or your landlord must ensure that every unit is free of rodents.

Use Warfarin as a slow-acting rodenticide, and make sure the bird cannot reach it. (Decon) . If you need something quickly, use cracked corn doped with 2%E2%80%933%%20ZnP%20 to help you locate the bodies and lessen the likelihood that the animals will perish inside your walls and stink up the house. (Ask at the neighborhood farm store. It might not be legal in your state. ).

Is it possible to elevate the cage above the floor? If so, it could be worthwhile to purchase a stand or, if that is not feasible, to hang it from the ceiling. Additionally, I would purchase some mouse traps and place them nearby, particularly in the areas you believe they are entering your home through. Peanut butter is the ideal bait for a mouse trap—forget cheese.

I never had this issue with my cockatiel before, but lately there has been an influx of mice because of my dirty neighbor’s actions. My bird was going crazy last night when my mother discovered a rat hiding INSIDE the bird cage. What can I do? PLEASE HELP!!.

Your sense of urgency also determines the specific action you feel compelled to take. As the system evolves, an animal’s position within it may fluctuate moment to moment.

A mouse had been entering the cage at night, probably drawn by the seeds, I discovered one day as I was sniffing around the cage and noticed mouse droppings mixed in with the bird’s droppings and seeds.

We noticed an awful smell coming from my parakeet Corky’s cage a few weeks ago, as if something had died.

There are moments when I believe she enjoys making the complex interactions between ourselves and the environment around us seem easy. (Mother Nature is such a kidder. ).

As long as you keep in mind that they are still wild animals, they are kind, gentle beings with the most amazing soft fawn coat.


Can rats harm birds?

“Do rats kill birds and take them away with them?” Yes, they do! They will especially prey on the eggs and young.

Can birds and rats be in the same room?

Birds and rats are MORTAL enemies. In a fight between a bird and a rat – the biggest one will win and eat the other one. Never, EVER introduce them or even let them be loose in the same room together – not EVER.

What happens if a rat bites a bird?

Cats, dogs, rats, and most predatory animals carry bacteria in their saliva, including pasturella, which is deadly to birds. You need to go the vet so they can help your bird, X-ray her, and give her antibiotics and a pain reliever.

Do pet birds attract rats?

Rats are attracted to bird food, water, and even eggs. Mice and rats are not only predators of birds and eggs. It also transmits disease to both birds and humans. Rats can climb and jump to enter bird cages or even dig.