can a cat catch bird flu

July 21, 2023 – An outbreak of H5N1 bird flu in household cats was recently reported by the World Health Organization, underscoring that these viruses can infect and cause illness in household pets. Thirty-four domestic cats across eight provinces in Poland tested positive for avian influenza A(H5N1) virus (“H5N1 bird flu”). Many of the infected cats showed neurological signs (e.g., paralysis, seizures) and became severely ill or died. H5N1 bird flu viruses are widespread globally among wild birds and domestic poultry and have caused sporadic infections in mammals. It is important to note that a review of the genetic sequences of the viruses found in cats in Poland does not show any reason to change CDC’s risk assessment to human health, which remains low for the general public. Further, there is no evidence of cat-to cat-transmission.

While domestic animals, including cats, rarely become infected with H5N1, it has been reported, most often after eating raw, sick, or dead infected wild birds or poultry or being in environments contaminated by them. Among the infected cats, most lived inside with partial outdoor access (e.g., via balconies or terraces); however, some were primarily outdoor cats with potential exposures to wild birds. Some infected cats were fed raw poultry or poultry parts. Of the thirty-four infected cats, eleven died from their infection and fourteen were euthanized. The source of H5N1 exposure remains unclear. Investigators have not found evidence that this virus is spreading from cat-to-cat. Also, no illness has been reported in cat owners or other people exposed to the cats.

Preliminary genetic sequencing of the viruses isolated from cats indicate these are from the H5 clade, which are similar to the viruses that have been circulating in wild birds and poultry recently in Poland. The viruses include genetic changes that previously have been associated with more severe illness and better ability to spread in mammals. However, there are no changes that would suggest these viruses could easily bind to receptors in the upper respiratory tract of humans, nor any changes that would suggest the viruses were adapted to more easily spread to people. The latter changes would be needed to infect people more easily and to spread more easily among people.

Sequencing also found that these viruses are well-matched to a candidate vaccine virus (CVV) developed by CDC in 2022. CVVs are used to produce vaccine for people, if needed. The existing 2022 CVV would provide good protection against these viruses based on genetic sequencing.

Bird flu infections among domestic animals are rare. However, if your pet is showing signs of illness suggesting bird flu virus infection and has been exposed to infected (sick or dead) wild birds/poultry or has eaten raw food containing poultry products, you should immediately contact your pet’s veterinarian or state animal health official. Additionally, monitor your own health and the health of other household members with close contact with your pet for signs of infection, including fever, cough, difficulty breathing/shortness of breath, conjunctivitis (eye tearing, redness, irritation, or discharge from eye), runny or stuffy nose, or diarrhea. It unlikely that pet owners would get sick with bird flu through direct contact with their infected pet, but it is possible.

The risk to human health from H5N1 bird flu infections in cats is thought to be low. Current H5N1 outbreaks in poultry and birds (with occasional spillovers into mammals and people) continues to be mostly an animal health issue. However, people should avoid direct and close contact with sick or dead wild birds, poultry, and sick or dead wild animals.

What are the signs of avian influenza in birds?

To stop the spread of HPAI in birds, early detection is crucial. One or more of the following symptoms may be present in infected poultry, as well as potentially pet birds:

  • Sudden death with no prior signs
  • Low energy or appetite
  • Purple discoloration or swelling of various body parts
  • Reduced egg production, or soft-shelled/misshapen eggs
  • Nasal discharge, coughing, or sneezing
  • Lack of coordination
  • Diarrhea

Besides wild birds, can other animals and people catch avian influenza?

There may be other ways the virus spreads, and eating sick or dead infected birds can infect certain mammals, such as domestic cats and dogs. However, the risk of dogs and cats contracting HPAI appears to be very low.

Although exposure to an HPAI-infected bird can infect humans, this rarely occurs and usually involves infected poultry. There is very little chance that humans will contract HPAI from infected dogs or cats.

Additionally, sequencing revealed that these viruses are closely related to a potential vaccine virus (CVV) that the CDC created in 2022. CVVs are used to produce vaccine for people, if needed. Based on genetic sequencing, the current 2022 CVV would offer good defense against these viruses.

The viruses isolated from cats have preliminary genetic sequencing that suggests they belong to the H5 2 3. 4. 4b clade, which resemble the viruses that have recently been circulating in Poland in wild birds and poultry The viruses contain genetic alterations that were previously linked to more serious disease and enhanced mammalian transmission. Nevertheless, there are no alterations that would imply these viruses could attach to human upper respiratory tract receptors with ease or that the viruses were modified to spread more readily among humans. The latter modifications would be required in order for infections to spread more quickly among individuals.

July 21, 2023 – An outbreak of H5N1 bird flu in household cats was recently reported by the World Health Organization, underscoring that these viruses can infect and cause illness in household pets. Thirty-four domestic cats across eight provinces in Poland tested positive for avian influenza A(H5N1) virus (“H5N1 bird flu”). Many of the infected cats showed neurological signs (e.g., paralysis, seizures) and became severely ill or died. H5N1 bird flu viruses are widespread globally among wild birds and domestic poultry and have caused sporadic infections in mammals. It is important to note that a review of the genetic sequences of the viruses found in cats in Poland does not show any reason to change CDC’s risk assessment to human health, which remains low for the general public. Further, there is no evidence of cat-to cat-transmission.

Bird flu infections among domestic animals are rare. Nonetheless, you should get in touch with your pet’s veterinarian or a state animal health official right away if your pet is exhibiting symptoms of a bird flu virus infection and has been exposed to infected (dead or sick) wild birds or poultry or has consumed raw food containing poultry products. Additionally, keep an eye out for any symptoms of infection, such as fever, coughing, shortness of breath, conjunctivitis (eye tearing, redness, irritation, or discharge from the eye), runny or stuffy nose, or diarrhea, in yourself and other family members who have frequent contact with your pet. Although it is unlikely, it is possible for pet owners to contract bird flu from close contact with an infected animal.

Although domestic animals—including cats—rarely contract H5N1, cases have been documented; the infection typically develops after a person consumes raw, sick, or dead infected wild birds or poultry or comes into contact with contaminated environments. The majority of the infected cats were indoors with some outdoor access (e g. , through patios or balconies); nonetheless, a few were mostly outdoor cats who might have come into contact with stray birds. Some infected cats were fed raw poultry or poultry parts. Thirteen of the thirty-four infected cats were put to sleep, and eleven of them passed away from the infection. The source of H5N1 exposure remains unclear. There is no proof that this virus is passing from cat to cat, according to investigators. Additionally, no illnesses have been reported in those who own cats or are in close proximity to them.


What are the symptoms of bird flu in cats?

When infected, cats can show a range of clinical signs including listlessness, loss of appetite, severe depression, fever, dyspnoea (difficulty breathing), neurological disease, respiratory and enteric signs, jaundice, and death. These signs are expected to develop within a few days of exposure to the virus.

How do I protect my cat from bird flu?

To decrease your cat’s potential exposure to avian influenza, keep him indoors to prevent contact with wild birds that may be infected with the virus. If your cat is sick or becomes sick within two to five days of exposure to a dead bird, take him to the veterinarian right away.

Is there a bird flu vaccine for cats?

Cats with suspected H5N1 infection should be kept in strict isolation. Owners should be advised to confine the cat to a separate room prior to bringing it to the veterinary clinic. VACCINATION AND DISEASE PREVENTION: No H5N1 vaccines are commercially available for cats.

Can the flu spread to cats?

How does influenza virus spread in cats? While cats have been reported to occasionally be infected from people with human seasonal influenza viruses, infection with avian influenza such as from infected poultry is known but is not common.