are you an early bird

There are two kinds of people in this world: people who delight in hearing birdsong first thing in the morning, and people who groan, and wish birds had a mute button.

Early birds, also called morning larks, fall into the first category. Most early risers enjoy waking up when the day is young and tend to fade quickly in the evening hours.

Night owls, on the other hand, tend to rise late and stay up late, since they find they’re most productive during the later hours of the day.

Michelle Worley, RN, director of clinical operations at Aeroflow Sleep, explains that the term “night owl” is inspired by the actual animal. The term describes people who have more energy at night and sleep into the day, like nocturnal owls.

The term early bird, says Worley, has its origins in a 17th-century proverb. You probably know the one: The early bird gets the worm.

So, are you an early bird or a night owl? Can your preferred sleeping patterns affect your health? Read on to get the details.

As a general rule, early birds find society more accommodating than night owls do. Early risers generally have an easier time adjusting to standard daytime schedules, which can make it easier to function at workplaces that operate during the day.

In fact, according to a 2012 research review, morning people report higher levels of positive emotions. It’s worth considering, though, that happiness and other positive emotions may come more easily when your sleep pattern allows you to easily nestle into society.

The flip side: Pursuing and maintaining relationships and other social connections might become somewhat more difficult if you have a hard time staying awake past 8 or 9 p.m. — unless you seek out other morning larks, that is.

Being a night owl does have a few downsides. Since most of society is structured around a daytime schedule — like 9 to 5 workdays or daytime school and college classes — late risers might have a harder time holding a traditional job. Young night owls might even have trouble adjusting to a fixed school schedule.

A 2019 study suggested that night owls may face other disadvantages, too, including increased risk of mental health conditions and metabolic concerns.

Still, while early birds might get the worms, night owls aren’t always left bereft. A preference for the evening hours isn’t always a bad thing, in other words. Plenty of artists, writers, and creative professionals find they get their best work done as the world quietly sleeps around them.

At the end of the day, it matters most that you get the right amount of sleep to maintain good health.

Researchers from a 2020 study shared that your genetics may help explain whether you favor dawn or dusk. Circadian rhythms might also play a part in determining your sleep chronotype.

Of course, chronotype doesn’t automatically translate to sleep duration, so sleeping for a longer period of time doesn’t necessarily make you a night owl.

Experts still have plenty to learn about sleep, and that includes sleep chronotypes like morningness and eveningness.

The same 2020 study above explored whether daily smartphone use could help decipher sleep chronotypes. Researchers noted a clear divide among participants who used their phones earlier or later in the day, but many participants didn’t fall into one of the two groups.

The research review suggests that ambitious, highly motivated people are more likely to be active earlier in the day. Of course, your personality traits don’t necessarily cause your early rising. You could very well make a habit of rising early because that’s what society requires for success.

A different 2020 study pointed to an association between sleep chronotype and physical activity. Early risers tended to get more physical activity, while night owls tended to get less. Male night owls also spent more time sedentary.

Study authors didn’t come to any conclusions as to whether physical activity levels can affect your chronotype, or vice versa.

The easiest way to figure out your sleep chronotype? Put your alarm clock away and experiment with when you naturally go to bed and wake up.

You might find it takes several days for your body to settle into its preferred pattern. Eventually, though, you’ll notice you go to bed and wake up at around the same general time.

A 2012 research review suggested, though, that most people probably fall somewhere between the two chronotypes.

According to a 2021 research review on the genes that wind our body clocks, we may eventually have more control over our sleep patterns.

But for the moment, those interventions remain a distant dream, and no magic pill will make it easier for night owls to get out of bed in the morning.

Worley explains that changing your sleep pattern can make for a difficult transition, one that requires both changes in your typical sleep behaviors and patience as you make the switch.

If you want to adjust your sleep schedule, the key often lies in making changes in increments.

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1 Answer 1 Sorted by:

You are totally right. “Youre an early bird, dont you?” is incorrect.

Maybe you could start by explaining to him what the first sentence is saying in order to help him understand. This should be easy to explain.

The verb “to be” indicates that the subject of the sentence is an early riser.

Now, you could tell him what a tag question is, but I don’t think that would be very useful in this particular situation. Instead, I would advise you to clarify that the second sentence’s purpose is simply to reaffirm the first one. Your second statement could only ask, “Are you not (to be) an early bird?” in response to your first one, which asked if you are.

Another way of looking at it is to ask:

It is pretty clear from that.

Even though I know you didn’t ask how to explain it, hopefully this was helpful!

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A 2012 research review suggested, though, that most people probably fall somewhere between the two chronotypes.

Making small, gradual adjustments to your sleep schedule is often the key to success.

A different 2020 study pointed to an association between sleep chronotype and physical activity. Early risers tended to get more physical activity, while night owls tended to get less. Male night owls also spent more time sedentary.

The authors of the study did not draw any conclusions about the relationship between chronotype and physical activity levels.

According to the research review, people who are highly motivated and ambitious are more likely to be active early in the day. Of course, your early rising isn’t always the result of your personality traits. You could very well develop the habit of rising early because success in society is conditioned to do so.


What is considered an early bird?

Early birds, also called a morning lark or morningness, tend to wake up early and go to bed early, usually sleeping between the hours of 9 pm and 8 am. By now, you probably know what sleep cycle you prefer.

Are you a early bird or night owl?

If you’re an innate early bird, your circadian rhythm releases melatonin earlier than the norm, energizing you to become more active in the morning. Night owls, however, secrete melatonin much later, pushing peak activity and alertness later into the afternoon and evening.

How do you use early bird in a sentence?

He is an early bird; she is an owl. As well as saving time and hassle as you leave the last-minute rush to others, being an early bird can save cash. I’ve always been an early bird. So, just five days into the new tax year, why not be an early bird and take the plunge?

What does early bird personality mean?

Other forms: early birds. If someone calls you an early bird, it means that you tend to get up very early in the morning. It’s usually a compliment to be called an early bird. Early birds are people with a natural habit of waking early, and often also going to bed before it gets too late.